Chapter 700 The Battle of Ascending Heaven Peak!

Su Zhan is back?

Zhao Nian was startled, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing that thunder and lightning burst at the terrifying speed below the Yuan Dan realm that even the afterimage could not be seen, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Anyway, he was dealt with by Su Zhan.

It’s better than being beaten to death by this reckless puppet!

With a sigh in his heart, Zhao Nian anxiously waited for Su Zhan’s arrival.

At the speed of the wind and thunder.

Su Zhan also returned to Koizumi Peak soon.

Looking at Zhao Nian, he was surprised: “Zhao Nian, why don’t you stay at Daquan Peak, why run into Immortal Cave?”

“Brother Su!”

Recklessly, Zhao Nian rushed to Su Zhan, knelt on his knees, and cried with his nose and tears: “Junior Brother I was wrong!

Junior brother, I’m young and vigorous and ignorant!

I also hope that Brother Su, your sir, has a large number, and I will spare my brother once!

I really know I was wrong, beg Brother Su to spare me once! ”

Zhao Nian’s forehead was against the ground.

The whole body was trembling.

After knowing how terrible Su Zhan was, he had no other thoughts except fear!

“What the hell is this?”

Su Zhan looked at Xiaobai and Shiqi, a little confused.

Although he asked Xiaobai to go to Zhao Nian Immortal Cave to make trouble.

But he didn’t let it catch Zhao Nian back?

Thinking of this, Xiao Bai still furiously pointed at Zhao Nian with his paw, and said in an aura: “Master!

You don’t know!

How bad is this Zhao Year!

I went to his Lingquan to take a bath. On the surface, he was serving me with delicious food and drink!

But later, he deliberately talked about it, and made out that my master was you!

He actually brought me here and let me occupy your Immortal Cave, master!

Isn’t he going to kill me?

He clearly wants me Xiaobai to become Xiaobai hot pot!

Damn it too!

It’s so evil!

Too vicious!

As long as the owner agrees, Xiaobai will make you a Zhao Nian hot pot today! ”

“It must be ugly, I have no appetite.”

Su Zhan smiled and immediately looked at Zhao Nian who was kneeling at his feet and shivering: “Zhao Nian, you are so courageous!

Actually dared to hit me on Lingquan’s idea.

It seems that you are not a good person!

You are not a good person, but I am.

In this case, I am afraid I have no other way to go except to walk for the sky…”

“Su, Brother Su, please spare your life! Brother Su, please spare your life!”

Upon hearing Su Zhan’s words, Zhao Nian suddenly felt horrified in his heart!

Shocked and exclaimed: “Junior Brother, I’m just confused for a while!

My nature is not bad, I still have salvation, there is salvation!

Brother, please look at the Tianshu Tower, look at Mr. Eleven, look at the face of the host, please spare my life, please spare my life! ”

Zhao Nian was hoarse.

He is really scared now!

If it was someone else, he might be scrupulous about something and would not dare to kill him.

But who is Su Zhan?

Mr. Eleven befriended him!

The Two Jietian Demon is his spiritual pet!

A puppet stronger than the Two Jietian Demon recognizes him as the master!

If it depends on the background… Then what is the terrifying level of Su Zhan’s background?

The myth is passed down in person, but that’s all!

If it depends on strength… Then what terrible point is Su Zhan’s strength?

I am afraid that with one hand, I can crush myself to death!

Whatever it is.


Su Zhan was not something he could afford to Zhao Nian!

Even, not the people their entire Zhao family can afford!

Moreover, judging from the speed of escape shown by Su Zhan just now, I am afraid that Su Zhan’s strength could easily kill Deva!

The more I think about it, the more frightened, the more frightened!

Zhao Nian wanted to give himself a big ear scrape.

This is so special!

Isn’t it good to be your second-story master?

Why provoke Su Zhan to him!

Just when Zhao Nian was extremely frightened and extremely regretful, Su Zhan also spoke up: “Well, you haven’t done anything that is too damaging.

However, due to your mistake, my spirit pet Xiaobai and Puppet Seventeen were shocked. Tell me, what should I do? ”

Did I scare them?

I was so scared to death by them, okay!

Depressed in his heart, Zhao Nian’s mind turned sharply, and he quickly said: “Lingquan!

My spirit spring will become the Immortal Cave for the Little White Demon King from now on! ”

“It’s just that it’s not enough.”

Su Zhan looked at Zhao Nian who repeatedly begged for mercy, and remembered that he had to refine the Dalei Volcano, which was still tens of billions of sacred stones. He moved in his heart and said, “In this way, you can compensate me for thirty to four billion sacred stones!”

Three or four billion sacred stones?

Zhao Nian was shocked that his jaw was about to fall, and he cried and said, “Senior Brother Su, it’s not that the younger brother won’t give it!”

Even if you sell Junior Brother, Junior Brother can’t get so many sacred stones! ”

“Then how much can you take out?”

Su Zhan was not surprised either.

A holy king in the year of Zhao, it is a strange thing to be able to produce 30 billion holy stones!

He just said casually, first put a lot of pressure on Zhao Nian, so as to force him to more easily accept the compensation he really wants.

In Su Zhan’s hometown, this is called window hole theory.

It probably means that if you want to open a window in a person’s house, you just say that others will definitely not agree.

But if you tell him first, make a big hole in his roof.

He definitely disagrees.

Then, if you open a window to him, it will be easier for him to accept it.

“Two billion!”

Zhao Nian cried and said, “If I go to find the main points of the family, I can make up two billion sacred stones at most!

There is really no more!

Brother Su, I’m just a holy king, I really can only put out so much! ”

Two billion……

A little bit less.

Su Zhan frowned slightly. Seeing Zhao Nian crying so miserably, he didn’t feel like he was lying. After thinking about it, he nodded: “Then two billion. To others, I still don’t know what to do with you!”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Zhao Nian cried and said, “Brother Su, you are such a good person…”

“Well, you said I’m a good person, why should I cry?”

Su Zhan was unhappy: “Am I terrible?”

“No, no, no!”

Zhao Nian was shocked and quickly said: “Brother Su, you are amiable. I was moved by your kindness, Brother Su, so I couldn’t help crying…uuuuu…

Brother Su is so kind…uuuuuu! ”

“Well, it’s more than two hundred years old, how come you are still like a child”

Seeing Zhao Nian realizing his mistakes so sincerely, I was even moved to tears by myself!

Su Zhan’s attitude towards him was also a little gentler, showing a kind smile and said: “Go back quickly, gather two billion sacred stones and send it over.

Otherwise, I will kill you. ”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Zhao Nian got up from the ground in a panic and left in embarrassment.

“Senior brother farewell, junior brother farewell!”

Seeing Zhao Nian leave, Su Zhan retracted his gaze and glanced at Xiaobai and Shiqi: “What are you doing in a daze?

Do what you should do. ”

“Yes, master!”

Xiao Bai and Shi Shi, who were stunned by Su Zhan’s flip operation, responded quickly.

Seventeen continued to cultivate the Heavenly Puppet Golden Body Jue.

And Xiao Bai flew towards Daquan Peak.

Su Zhan also returned to Immortal Cave and began to think about Dalei Volcano.

The second day.

Tianshu Tower, two floors, ascend Tianfeng Square.

More than two hundred holy kings gathered on the second floor!

They are all looking forward to the center of Dengtianfeng Square, which is used as a challenge area.

In these few days, thanks to Tian Feng’s promotion.

The whole two-story building knows it.

Today, their big brother Zhao Nian, with an invincible posture, defeated Su Zhan who relied on the relationship and walked through the back door to join the Tianshulou!

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