Chapter 701 Brother Zhao is invincible!

“Hey, let me say, why bother with someone who has just entered the Heavenly Book Tower?”

“Yes, yes, what a big brother, who is expected to become the arrogant of the top ten sage kings in the Zhongzhou region!

He challenged that Su Zhan, didn’t he lower his worth? ”

“What do you know! Su Zhan arrogant and domineering, in the climb to the sky, once relied on his relationship with the three-story Mr. Eleven, humiliating Senior Brother Zhao!

Of course Brother Zhao will be ashamed! ”

“How dare he humiliate the big brother when he’s just getting started?

This is too arrogant! ”

“Young and energetic, and soon, he will pay the price for his arrogance!”

“Senior Brother Zhao, what a person, will surely crush Su Zhan with an invincible posture!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Compared to Su Zhan, who had only heard the name, and most people had never seen it, the second-floor Saint King would of course be biased towards the second-floor master brother Zhao Nian who had already known them.

At this time, I learned that Su Zhan, a newcomer who had just entered the book building through the back door due to his relationship, dared to insult Zhao Nian, and was filled with righteous indignation.

After all, this is the Tianshulou!

They first joined through their own efforts, because their talents are outstanding!

Su Zhan walked through the back door, and he had no talent and strength. In their opinion, it was a shame to the Tianshulou!

Not far in front of the more than two hundred holy kings, Xu Tianyue, the owner of Tianshulou, Mr. Eleven Qin Xiaoshu, Mr. Six Zheng Li, and a skinny Mr. Tianshulou sat on a huge white cloud near Dengtian Peak. Also looking at Dengtianfeng Square.

The Saint King Grand Competition is to show the strength of the Saint King level of one’s own power to other forces in the Central State Region.

In fact, it means to compare the outstanding offspring of the major forces and compare their potential.

For the average cultivator, the holy realm is as difficult as climbing to the sky, let alone Deva.

But for these big forces in the Central Region, their own excellent Saint King will basically be a sure thing in the future to become Deva.

More, it depends on who has more potential and goes further on the Deva road!

“Owner, it seems that our secret Twelve Mr., who is not released to the public on the third floor, is not very popular on the second floor!”

The skinny Deva saw the situation of Dengtianfeng Square, and vaguely heard those words, smiled and walked towards Xu Tian.

Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, said: “This is normal. Most people need to pass an assessment to join the Tianshulou, and Su Zhan didn’t come in the assessment.

Those guys didn’t know the gap between Su Zhan and them, and felt injustice in their hearts. ”

“Old Seven”

Mr. Six Zheng Li smiled and said: “I know what you want to say. It took a lot of effort when you entered the three-story building. Suddenly, there was a twelve gentleman. It was a bit sudden.

However, since the original poster made such a decision, it naturally makes sense. ”

“I know, so I’m more curious.”

Mr. Seven Liu Fei also smiled: “What kind of genius is it that can make the original poster such an exception?

It’s a pity that the second brother is not there, otherwise we can see if our twelve brothers have kendo talents, maybe we can follow him to practice swords? ”

“The second child’s business is almost finished, and it is estimated that I will be back soon.”

Xu Tianyue’s eyes narrowed slightly, falling on the young figure, and smiling slightly: “Well, what kind of genius Su Zhan is, this time the Saint King will know better than you.

Now that he is here, let’s not talk nonsense, let’s watch! ”


The skinny Mr. Seven Liu Fei nodded, and did not continue to speak.

But at this time, as Su Zhan landed on Dengtianfeng Square, everyone’s eyes suddenly gathered.

“He is Su Zhan! He entered the three-story building that day, and I saw him with my own eyes!”

“Although he is not a three-story man, he has a three-story token, which is very strange!”

“Could it be that he has something to do with the original poster?”

“It doesn’t matter if it has anything to do! When Senior Brother Zhao comes, challenge and defeat him with an invincible posture, he will have no place to show himself!”

“Hey, don’t tell me, Su Zhan still looks pretty good-looking, one of my young girls’ heart has moved a little!”

“Yang Tingting, Su Zhan may not be very strong, but he is not blind!

You are almost a thousand years old and still a girl! ”

“Huh! I have a life span of 5,000 years, and now it is equivalent to less than 20 years old for a mortal! I am not a girl, who is?”

“Okay, stop arguing! Brother Zhao is here!”

Not long after Su Zhan arrived at Dengtianfeng Square, Zhao Nian followed him!

The eyes that originally gathered on Su Zhan suddenly looked towards Zhao Nian.

It was different from the heroic and arrogant big brother they expected.

Today, Zhao Nian looked very decadent. Seeing Su Zhan, he didn’t even dare to look at him.

Then, a cupped hands towards Su Zhanyao: “Master Su, Brother Su, hello!”

“you’re good too.”

Su Zhan nodded, saying hello.

With the two greetings.

Those holy kings who had already calmed down suddenly boiled again!

“Senior Brother Zhao actually called Na Su Zhan as Senior Brother? Could it be that Su Zhan is really so powerful?”

“You know what Mao, this is self-humility, do you understand self-humility?”

“Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Zhao is still so humble!”

“Compared with Senior Brother Zhao, Su Zhan actually accepted Senior Brother Zhao’s sound calmly. It’s simply too arrogant!”

For a time, the sentiment was exciting.

Zhao Nian turned black when he heard those words.

I humble your uncle!

So, who is Brother Su, who am I?

Can I compare with him?

No, I can’t let these people go on talking nonsense. Later, I might be accused of somehow by Brother Su… Then something big will happen!

With this in mind, Zhao Nian glanced anxiously at the principal who was in charge of this challenge.

The principal also immediately understood, and said: “Well, now that everyone has arrived, the battle for the place to go to Zhongzhou City to participate in the Saint King Competition has officially begun!

The rules are very simple. As a second-story master, Zhao Nian is tentatively scheduled for this place. If anyone wants to fight for it, he will challenge him!

Okay, let’s start now! ”

After finishing speaking, the main subject glanced over the holy kings. As expected, no one answered. He didn’t bother to wait any longer. After only five or six seconds, he announced, “Okay!”

Since there is no one to challenge, then I declare that the candidate for this Saint King Competition is—”

“and many more!”

Just when Su Zhangang was about to speak, Zhao Nian took the lead: “I have something to say!”

As Zhao Nian spoke.

The saint kings below suddenly became excited one by one.

“Come here! Brother Zhao is going to challenge Su Zhan!”

“I look forward to the appearance of Senior Brother Zhao defeating Su Zhan!”

“Brother Zhao is invincible!”

Every saint king was excited, and many female saint kings cheered for Zhao Nian.

Zhao Nian is two hundred and forty-seven years old, half-step Deva, so talented, of course many women like him on the second floor.

Tian Feng also smiled.

When Zhao Nian adopts his strategy and is valued by the three-story building, he will certainly not forget Tian Feng when he enters the three-story building in the future!

Just when everyone was looking forward to Zhao Nian’s next challenge words, Zhao Nian spoke again.

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