Chapter 702 Now, he is a big brother!

“I am willing to hand over the quota to Su Zhan, Senior Brother Su!”

Zhao Nian said loudly.

Seeing those people look dumbfounded, he gritted his teeth and repeated it again: “I am Zhao Nian, with low talent and terrible strength!

Far inferior to Brother Su!

That being the case, let Zhao Nian go to the Sacred King’s Grand Competition. Wouldn’t it be that we lost the face of our Tianshulou in front of the people of the world?

Therefore, I thought about it all night last night and decided to give the place to Brother Su!

Only he is qualified to represent the second floor of our Tianshu Building!

Only Brother Su has the ability to demonstrate the power of our Tianshulou in front of the people of the world! ”

With Zhao Nian’s voice landing.

The principal on the side was dumbfounded.

What’s the situation?

I’m about to announce the result. Have you given up your quota?

It’s not just him.

The holy kings who were expecting Zhao Nian to crush and defeat Su Zhan were also dumbfounded.

Didn’t I say that, Brother Zhao is going to challenge Su Zhan today?

Didn’t it mean that you want Su Zhan to walk through the back door to enter the second floor of today’s face sweeping?

What the hell is this opening up the quota? ? ?

A holy king, looking at Tian Feng.

Many people learned from Tian Feng that Zhao Nian was going to defeat Su Zhan.

Tian Feng himself was stunned, looked at Zhao Nian suspiciously, and said, “Brother Zhao, don’t you want to—”

“Ahem, Junior Brother Tian, ​​I, Zhao Nian, is actually that kind of narrow-minded person?

Let it pass by the past, and now I am sincerely letting out the quota! ”

Zhao Niansheng was afraid that Tian Feng would talk about his feast with Su Zhan, so he winked and said.

Tian Feng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

It turned out that Senior Brother Zhao was afraid that others would say that he was narrow-minded!

Use challenges to avenge private revenge!

Yes, the emperor’s Zen position still needs three pushes and three yields!

Since Brother Zhao wants to be a role model for the second-story building, of course he has to make his image more perfect!

Thinking of this, Tian Feng suddenly felt open-minded, and all doubts were solved!

Turning his mind, he smiled and said, “Brother Zhao is broad-minded, but Senior Brother Zhao, this Sage King is not your business alone!

How can you just let it go? ”

Zhao Nian glared at Tian Feng and quickly said, “Brother Su is ten times better than me!

I let the quota be for the sake of Tianshulou! ”

“Brother Zhao, you are too humble!”

Tian Feng shook his head and said: “Who doesn’t know, Brother Zhao, you reached the Realm Great Perfection at the age of only two hundred and forty-seven!

The combat power is even more comparable to Deva!

The genius is brilliant, even if you look at the entire Zhongzhou Territory Saint King, how many people can match you with Senior Brother Zhao?

This is a lot more than the number of places, it is none other than Brother Zhao you! ”

I belong to your uncle!

Zhao Nian cursed in his heart, looked at Tian Feng a little annoyed, and blinked his eyes vigorously: “I have decided! Don’t say more!”

Seeing Zhao Nian’s expression, Tian Feng began to speculate again.

Brother Zhao means…

Those words I said are not enough to give him a legitimate excuse to defeat Su Zhan?

In other words.

Need to increase efforts?

With this in mind, Tian Feng nodded towards Zhao Nian, meaning he understood it!

Zhao Nian also let out a sigh of relief and secretly said: Tian Feng, this guy, finally understands what I mean–

“Brother Zhao is a second-story senior!

Even if he takes the initiative to give up the spot!

With so many juniors and younger sisters on this two-story building, how can you be convinced?

Junior Brother Su just joined the Tianshu Tower. Since he wants to replace Senior Brother Zhao, he must fight Senior Brother Zhao. Only in this way can he convince the crowd! ”

Tian Feng’s words are sonorous and powerful, resounding in Tianfeng Square!

Those other holy kings also echoed one after another.

“Yes, Brother Zhao has been a second-floor master brother for more than 20 years. Is it comparable to a newcomer who has just started?”

“Senior Brother Zhao is oppressed! He actually doesn’t want to give up his quota at all!”

“Senior Brother Zhao said personally, how can he give up if he wants to be famous in the Sacred Kings Competition!”

“Shady! There must be shady!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Tian Fengman was proud, and cast a wink at Zhao Nian, which meant: Brother Zhao, this wave of operations is okay, right?

At this time, Zhao Nianren was all stupid. Looking at the excited juniors and sisters, he greeted the eighteenth generations of Tian Feng’s ancestors in his heart!

Tian Feng, your uncle!

You just say it yourself!

Still inciting everyone?

You fucking think that my Zhao Nian lived too long, are you going to kill me? !

Thinking of Su Zhan’s horror, Zhao Nian’s heart was about to collapse, and he almost cried!

“I think he was right.”

Su Zhan glanced at Tian Feng and nodded: “Zhao Nian, you won’t be able to convince the crowd if you don’t fight with me.

Come on, take out all of your strength, and we will fight with all our strength! ”

Heard this.

Zhao Nian shook his body, and while backing away, he shook his head: “No, no, no!

I am definitely not your opponent, Brother Su!

I give up, I am willing to give up! ”

“How can this work?”

Su Zhan was a little displeased: “You are the second-floor big brother, you should go by the big brother when you leave the War Saint King Dabi.

I don’t beat you, how can other people be convinced, although I don’t care about this, but this kind of thing, the more and more outrageous it is, it will be solved at once today!

Zhao Nian, come! ”


Zhao Nian wanted to cry without tears.

“Brother Zhao, what are you afraid of!”

Tian Feng encouraged: “In this battle, you will undoubtedly win!”

Sure to win?

I will defeat your uncle-eh?

He was scolding Tian Feng in his heart. Suddenly, thinking of something, Zhao Nian’s eyes lit up, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, he came to Tian Feng.

Without saying anything, it is a bow to Tian Feng!

“Brother Tian, ​​in terms of qualifications, I am not as good as you!

In terms of strength, I am not sure that I will defeat you!

I thought about it carefully, Brother Tian, ​​in fact, you should be our second-floor senior! ”

Zhao Nian said earnestly: “I announce that today, the second-floor master is no longer my Zhao Nian!

It’s Tian Feng, Brother Tian! ”

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Su Zhan who was a little stunned by his operation, and forced a smile: “Brother Su!

Now I am not a big brother!

Challenge him!

He is the big brother! ”


Su Zhan hesitated for a moment, and immediately realized that Zhao Nian and Tian Feng are no different to him, and nodded: “Well then!

Tian Feng, fight with me. If you win, this place belongs to you! ”

There was no response to this sentence.

At this time, Tian Feng was still in a daze, and his whole person was in a trance, feeling like he was dreaming.

I originally thought that when Zhao Nian broke through Deva, he would naturally be a second-story master, but in the end he didn’t have to wait. Zhao Nian took the initiative to give it to him?

Moreover, it is still at this critical time!

Today, but the day when the entire Tianshulou is paying attention!

If you show off your figure today and climb to the top of the two-story building, it would be equivalent to the second-story building of Liwei. After that, who dares to refuse?

On the clouds, the gentlemen on the three-story building will look at them one by one!

Moreover, if you participate in the Saint Kings Competition, if you become the top ten Saint Kings, you don’t know how much benefit will be!

Breaking into Deva in thirty years, no need to worry!

Such a good day, such a good opportunity… Zhao Nian, he gave it to me?

Is his brain broken? ? ?

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