Chapter 728 Void Sword Tome, Void Sword Box!


Zhang Yaoxu was already stupid at this time.

Said for a long time.

Your kid also cultivated for eight hours a day?

Besides going out to do good deeds, do you basically not be lazy?

Isn’t you being lazy every day? ? ?

To be lazy is to be lazy, this is not the key.

The key is.

You just cultivated like this, and in less than two years have you gone from opening the veins to the great saint king? ? ?

Still reasonable?

Ask me again, right?

I am to your uncle! ! !

When I thought of the hardships and dangers I had experienced from the opening of the veins to the great saint king, a Closed Door Training is a painful practice without eating or drinking for several years, coupled with outstanding talents, and it took more than two hundred years to arrive. Great Saint King!

But this guy Su Zhan, with such a lot of ass as Heavenly Stems, took a little time to cultivate, and became a great holy king in less than two years!

Zhang Yaoxu only felt that he was aggrieved in his heart and was dying.

It seems that there has been a major blow!

“Sword Emperor senior, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Zhang Yaoxu waved his hand and sat down on the ground, looking like he was shocked and unlovable.

“Sword Emperor senior, you are…”

Su Zhan hesitated: “Want to be quiet again?”

Zhang Yaoxu: “…”

Slow for ten seconds.

Finally felt a little better, Zhang Yaoxu got up from the ground and said: “Okay, let’s continue!”

“Well, after I made breakthrough from Kaimai to Qi Sea realm——”

“Stop! Stop talking!”

Zhang Yaoxu interrupted quickly.

Su Zhan looked surprised: “It’s not the sword emperor senior, do you want to listen to my cultivation process?

I just have time now, so let’s talk about it! ”

“Don’t say it!”


Zhang Yaoxu gave Su Zhan a glance.


The first sentence made me depressed to vomit blood, you continue to say…Is you wanting my remnant soul to be unbearable and dissipate by myself?

Why also!

In less than two years, you have gone from opening the pulse cultivation to the great position, don’t you have any points in your heart?

Let’s talk about it, let’s talk about a hammer!

Feeling slanderous in his heart, Zhang Yaoxu shook his head, looking tired: “Before, I said that my remnant soul can last for a day.

Now, I’m afraid it can only last for half a day, don’t waste time.

Su Zhan, although you have comprehended my spatial kendo, what you have comprehended is the simplest, it can be said that you are just getting started.

Next, you will use space kendo to confront me with swords, and I will also pass on my lifelong kendo insights and teach you through the swords.

It depends on your personal good fortune to get some points of Insight! ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Put away the Star Epee in his hand.

One stretched out his hand.

It was like digging into the void, grabbing a long sword that was transparent and contained the power of the law of space!

It was formed by the convergence of the power of his holy origin and law.

“You get the sword first.”

Zhang Yaoxu said.

Su Zhan stabbed out with a sword.

But that sword, when it was still ten meters away from Zhang Yaoxu, it collapsed on its own.

Zhang Yaoxu said, “You just had that sword, and you were too anxious to get it done, and you were guided by the law of space.

The law of space is the most stable and the most unstable law in the world!

If your enemy also knows the laws of space, just twist the space in front of you a little bit, and your offensive will collapse!

Come again! ”

Su Zhan stopped, thoughtful.

Space kendo is not based on space, in fact, it is still based on kendo!

The power of space should be auxiliary, not overwhelming!

With a new comprehension in his heart, Su Zhan took the sword again.

Zhang Yaoxu took it again.

Sword out again.

Take it again.

Half a day later.

Seeing Su Zhan’s space Sword Qi that already had his own charm, Zhang Yaoxu showed surprise in his eyes and nodded in satisfaction.

However, he did not take this sword.

Instead, with the help of space, he hid in the past, revealing his figure in another location.

“Su Zhan, I could have practiced for a while, but there are a lot of people from outside, so they really broke the Void Sword Array and broke into this place, so they won’t practice.”

Zhang Yaoxu flipped the palm of his hand, and a jade book that looked like an emerald appeared: “Void swordsmanship, it is the essence of my life Zhang Yaoxu’s void swordsmanship. After you take it, pass it on for me from generation to generation, and let the spirit world swordsman know , Void Kendo is not weaker than any kind of kendo!”


Su Zhan took the sword canon and found that this sword canon weighs nearly a thousand catties!

Every page of the book is cast with extremely high-grade and rare materials!

These materials are probably enough to create a top-grade or even the best Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

Feeling a little surprised, Su Zhan opened the first page and looked at it, and found that it was almost the same as the Heavenly Dao Sutra first, requiring a lot of Mental Energy to read, so he put it away and waited to read it slowly after returning.

“The Void Sword Tome is the essence of my kendo, and the Void Sword Box is my weapon of attack!”

Zhang Yaoxu put the sword box on his back and waved his hand. The slender sword box about 1.5 meters long and 20 centimeters wide was suspended in front of Su Zhan’s body. Runes appeared on the surface, and they were all profound!

Su Zhan placed his hand on it curiously, and directly used the aura of the strange treasure to forcibly activate it.


In an instant, he only felt as if a super-powerful pump had been inserted into his body, drawing his holy yuan crazy!

Su Zhan’s face changed slightly when he felt that the Saint Yuan in his body had been drawn out of two-thirds within one second.

at this time.

Zhang Yaoxu was also aware of it, and laughed: “Su Zhan, you kid has made me suffocated for so long, now it’s time for you to be stunned! Hahaha!

This Void Sword Box was originally the Divine Armament. Although it was damaged, it was definitely one of the most powerful Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers!

Although your kid is talented and perverted, but in the Holy King Realm, he wants to inspire the Void Sword Box before he has cultivated the Void Sword Classic?

Isn’t this dreaming—”

Before he finished speaking, looking at the scene ahead, Zhang Yaoxu’s smile instantly solidified, his voice stopped abruptly, and the whole person was stunned!

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