Chapter 729 Little Void, Slash to the Supreme, Great Void, Slash the Myth!

I saw it.

In front of Su Zhan, the Void Sword Box shined brightly, and the surrounding space buzzed!

A Sword Ray burst out of that bright light!

Wherever it went!

The space is distorted!


The Sword Ray is so fast, so fast that you can’t tell what kind of sword it is!

One second later.

Sword Ray made a big circle and returned to the Void Sword Box!


Su Zhan exhaled, feeling a little tired.

Just now, although relying on the Abnormal Treasure Aura, forcibly ignoring any restrictions aroused the Void Sword Box.

But it also almost drained all his Saint Yuan!

In other words, this thing really matches people, and it is estimated that it can be used once!

However, with the speed, destructive power, and power of the Void Sword Ray, I am afraid that Deva, the peak of the Five Tribulations, can already be killed!

Six Tribulations Supreme…

Before fighting, Su Zhan didn’t know what was going on.

“Sword Emperor senior, you just said something, I just used all my mind to urge the Void Sword Box, I didn’t hear clearly, can you talk about it?”

Su Zhan thought of something and asked.

He is telling the truth.

The Void Sword Classic is simply the most difficult treasure he has ever seen since he started cultivation!

Even with the aura of the strange treasure, he still dare not have any distractions, so that he can barely arouse!


Zhang Yaoxu looked at the Void Sword Box, then at Su Zhan, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Void sword box.

It was made by the hands of Ou Yezi, the first master crafting master and his Void Sword Emperor more than 100,000 years ago.

The refining is complete, Ou Yezi said personally.

There are three restrictions on the use of the Void Sword Box.

First, Cultivation Base must at least reach Deva!

Second, it is necessary to cultivate the Void Sword Canon to inspire the special rune of the Void Sword Box, thereby inspiring the entire Void Sword Box!

Third, if it is transferred to others, the other person must practice for more than three years and completely erase all traces of the previous owner before it can be used!

But now.

Three restrictions.

Su Zhan didn’t reach one of them!

This directly inspired the Void Sword Box!

Zhang Yaoxu only felt his brain buzzing.

Suddenly want to dig Ou Yezi out of the ground, let him see for himself, those fart restrictions he said, restrict fart? ? ?

His heart was so shocked that Zhang Yaoxu couldn’t say a word for a while.

Seeing Zhang Yaoxu’s appearance, although Su Zhan was puzzled, he didn’t think too much, flipped his palm, and a large amount of Medicine Pill replenishing Saint Yuan appeared, raising his hand to swallow it.

Zhang Yaoxu, who was still a little bewildered, saw this scene, his face turned pale in fright, and he quickly grabbed Su Zhan: “What are you doing!

You are so talented and have a great future!

Why can’t you think of it, swallowing so many Medicine Pills at once? ! ”

Hearing what Zhang Yaoxu said, Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then his face was full of displeased: “Who is looking for death?

Sword Emperor senior, even if you die, I won’t die.

Oh, forget, you are dead. ”

“You kid!”

Zhang Yaoxu was a little annoyed, but when he thought that Su Zhan was the perfect heir he had waited for hundreds of thousands of years, he abruptly endured it, and said, “You swallow so many Medicine Pills in one breath. It can’t be transformed, it can only burst the holy vein!

You are not looking for death! ”

“Senior, you misunderstood.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “That is for you, I am a young man, in good health, I can’t survive.”

After speaking, Su Zhan swallowed directly without waiting for Zhang Yaoxu’s response.


Zhang Yaoxu was surprised.

But at this time, there was no other way, so I had to look at Su Zhan nervously.

I’m afraid that this heaven-defying heir that I finally found will be gone.

As a result, ten seconds later, I saw that Su Zhan’s aura that had fallen due to the exhaustion of Saint Yuan really began to recover.

Moreover, it returned to its peak after three minutes!

Zhang Yaoxu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, was shocked again!

Looking at Su Zhan with his eyes wide open, Zhang Yaoxu only felt that all his previous cognitions of the cultivators had been broken in Su Zhan!

Su Zhan is not like a person restricted by the rules of this world at all!

In less than two years of cultivation to the great position, the Holy King Realm inspires the Void Sword Box, and can refine so many Medicine Pills at will…everything!

It is completely impossible for other people!

at this moment.

Zhang Yaoxu even wondered whether this world was created by a supreme true god and formulated the laws of heaven and earth!

And Su Zhan is the incarnation of that supreme true god!

Therefore, it can be so heaven-defying, so perverted!

But… the more Su Zhan changes, the more heaven-defying, the better!

Thinking of expecting Su Zhan to help revenge, Zhang Yaoxu let out a long breath and smiled: “Good boy!

God let me Zhang Yaoxu meet you, it is not thin to me!

Since you didn’t hear what you said just now, I’ll say it again. ”

After a pause, Zhang Yaoxu said: “The Void Sword Box was originally the Divine Armament, but because of the battle against Yunluo, it was damaged, and now it has fallen into the highest grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier.

But when you cultivate the Void Sword Tome, practice the Void Sword Box with the Blood Essence sacrifice, and truly become the master of the Void Sword Box, with your strength Ascension, the Void Sword Box will have the opportunity to be re-transformed into the handed down Divine Armament in the future!

In the Void Sword Box, there are a total of 72 Void Swords!

Unleash thirty-six handles at a time to form a small void sword formation!

Release seventy-two handles at once to form a large void sword formation!

The Little Void Sword Array Slash to the Supreme!

The myth of the Great Void Sword Array!

However, the Void Sword Box must be used in conjunction with the Void Sword Tome, otherwise, even if you can stimulate it, it will not be able to exert its power at all! ”

“It turned out to be so, I know.”

Su Zhan nodded, and put the Void Sword Box into the ring of the sky.

Neither the Void Sword Box nor the Void Sword Tome could be used immediately by him in a short time.

After going back, I will go to Insight slowly.

“By the way, Su Zhan”

At this moment, thinking of something, Void Sword Emperor Zhang Yaoxu curiously asked: “Did you also cultivate the Sword Technique of the Void Sword Emperor?”

Su Zhan nodded: “Yes, not only that, I also met the little sister of the Wusheng Sword Emperor, and promised her to help her beat the Wusheng Sword Emperor.”

“Sister Wusheng Sword Emperor?”

Zhang Yaoxu was taken aback, and then smiled: “Millions of years have passed, and the Wusheng Sword Emperor is afraid that there will be no more bones left, so he slapped him!

That little junior is also interesting.

But speaking of it, your kid is really lucky!

Unborn Sword Emperor, Yunluo Demon Emperor, and me, the chance of the three supreme myths, you, a little saint king, unexpectedly met!

It’s my inheritance. I’m afraid this is the so-called interface son of luck! ”

“I’m not.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

If there is a son of luck in the spirit world, it must be Su Zhaoyue.

As for him…

I’m sorry, he was on the hook.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan smiled slightly, and then, remembering the purpose of his trip, he asked: “Void Sword Emperor senior, there is one more thing I want you to help.

Do you know the whereabouts of Void Meteorite? ”

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