Chapter 772: The True Dragon Falls!

“Ignorance, my body of Void and Meteorite can control the power of Void, how can you just a few Flying Swords-Void Sword!”

Before I finished speaking, sensing the power of the four Flying Swords to freely shuttle through the space, the Void Real Dragon was shocked and roared in disbelief: “Space Sword, handed down Divine Armament Void Sword Box!

You are the descendant of the Void Sword Emperor!

How can this be! ! ! ”

In the last sentence, the Void True Dragon is already a little desperate.

The Void Sword Emperor, that was the existence of an era of glory!

I have lived with the Primordial Domain for hundreds of thousands of years, and now I don’t know if there is still alive old immortal, the super powerhouse of the original dragon clan king of the blood moon domain!

That is the horrible existence that can kill the Martial Dao myth, the Nine Tribulations Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm!

Even in his heyday, he did not dare to compare himself with the Void Sword Emperor.

But now, he is extremely weak, his defenses are destroyed by himself, facing the faster Void Sword… he can’t escape!

I didn’t expect that my own dignified real dragon would actually die in the hands of a holy king… This is too ridiculous!

Void True Dragon sighed in his heart.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Four Sword Ray flashes.

They fell on his dragon head, dragon neck, dragon spine, dragon tail, four positions!

Sword Ray is prosperous, passing through his body!


Four Sword Rays only took less than two seconds to return to the Void Sword Box!

Su Zhan also took out a Medicine Pill and swallowed it, quickly refining and recovering with the power of the refining aura.


At this time, the three-meter-long real void dragon also fell from the air to the ground.

Su Zhan stepped lightly, straddling dozens of miles, and came to the real dragon. After thinking about it, he said, “If you are willing to surrender to me, tell me all your secrets.

I can make your remnant soul not die. ”

Still alive?

The Void True Dragon’s heart moved slightly, but immediately, he thought that he was a true dragon, and he had shocked the world at the beginning.

Su Zhan was just a small saint king of the human race, and he couldn’t hold back his face for a while.

“Little human race, also want me to surrender?

You know that I was the true dragon of the Nine Tribulations, and I fought with the Thunder Dragon for the existence of the emperor of the monster race in the Central Region!

Want me to surrender and dream! ! !

But if you surrender to me—”

“The true dragons are really very backbone!”

Before the Void True Dragon could speak, Su Zhan’s gaze was already condensed, and the seal of collapse was smashed out!

The Void True Dragon, which was already dying, was suddenly hit by this seal of collapse.

It’s like the last straw that overwhelms the camel.

The tough dragon soul burst out!

Void Zhenlong’s head weakly fell to the ground.

The only consciousness came out through the slowly closed eyes.

That is stunned, regretful, resentful!

Originally, although the Void True Dragon wanted to live, he couldn’t hold back his face.

I was just about to swear a few words first, and then establish a relationship with Su Zhan as a teacher and a friend.

In the end, he never expected it!

This kid Su Zhan is different from everyone else!

Before he finished speaking, he hit the killer directly!

This is so special!

Still very spine…I’m spine, your sister!

I just want to pretend to be forceful and leave a real dragon’s majesty face, who knows you will do it directly!

I’m a real dragon!

The real dragon that once dominated the monster race in the Central Region! !

I don’t know how many people dream of wanting to have the remnant soul of such a super strong man to help!

Did you just beat me to death like that? ? ?

Are you short-minded, you!

Damn, I knew that your kid was such a stunned boy, I won’t pretend, I just surrendered and survived, and there may be no chance of revenge in the future!


The Void True Dragon’s heart was extremely depressed, and he could still survive for about ten seconds of consciousness.

The next second, completely dissipated!

“True dragon, treat us ordinary people like ants, and eat me when we meet!

Even when death is approaching, I have to surrender to him!

Such creatures are so unreasonable!

Fortunately, if I beat him to death, he will have to be reasonable in the future…”

Taking a breath, Su cut his mouth and muttered to himself.

When Xi Yunze, who had just walked over, heard Su Zhan’s words, he was a little stupid.

Others don’t make sense.

You fucking beat others to death, so that they can’t be unreasonable?

Don’t say it, it sounds so reasonable!

But I always feel a little weird…

Xi Yunze was still trying to figure out the deep meaning of Su Zhan’s seemingly superficial words.

The body of the three-meter real dragon that had lost its dragon soul suddenly buzzed!

Golden light shot out one after another!

After the golden light dissipated.

The body of the real dragon is gone.

Only a drop of golden dragon blood was left floating in the air half a meter high.

In the middle of the dragon’s blood, there is also a golden keel, about one meter long.

Beside the dragon blood area, a piece of light golden substance that is constantly flowing, like a liquid, flows slowly in the air.

The space where the material touched, gave birth to the slightest spatial ripples!

Void meteorite!

Su Zhan’s eyes lit up, and he did not hesitate to stretch out his hand to take the cloud of void meteorite.

The refining aura is on, and Spiritual Qi’s eyes are excited!

Divine light flickered in his eyes, and looking at this group of Void Meteorite Gold, Su Zhan also showed a hint of shock: “Void Meteorite Gold, like gold but not gold, but like a congregation of energy… it’s so strange.

Moreover, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that this group of void meteorites and real dragons have been fused for thousands of years, and it actually carries a trace of real dragon power!

If this is used to refine Da Lei Volcano, or re-forge Da Ri Star Sword… it will definitely be more effective! ”

After checking the Void Meteorite Gold, Su Zhan was very satisfied and took out an expensive jade box.

Putting the Void Meteorite Gold into it, and affixed it with several sealing charms, and after confirming that there would be no mistakes in the Void Meteorite Gold, he received the Cave Sky Ring.

Then, his gaze turned to dragon blood and dragon bones.

This is not an ordinary dragon blood keel, but one of the few true dragon spirit blood and spirit bones on that true dragon, which is better than ordinary dragon blood and keel bones!

Moreover, this is a true dragon of Nine Tribulations that was once compared to the Martial Dao myth!

In the Tiannan region, Su Zhan had also refined dragon blood.

But now, he can clearly feel that these dragon blood in front, a drop of it, contains more power than the dragon blood he refined before!

It seems that the true dragon that accidentally left dragon blood in the Tiannan Mountains should not be an adult true dragon.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan’s eyes flashed over those dragon blood.

After thinking about it, he said, “Second brother, there are 37 drops of true dragon spirit blood, and a true dragon spirit bone.

I have a secret method that just needs real dragon spirit blood. I will take nineteen drops of spirit blood. You take the remaining eighteen drops.

As for the true dragon spirit bone, it may be cut into two pieces. ”

“This battle can slay the real dragon in the void. It’s your credit to Junior Brother.”

Xi Yunze shook his head: “Moreover, the true dragon spirit blood…

In fact, if there are too many, I can’t refining, unless I can integrate the power of the true dragon bloodline, but I am not a monster, and if I force the integration, accidents may happen.

For me, the true dragon spirit blood can at best strengthen my holy veins so that my holy veins contain the power of true dragons.

Since you have a special secret method that can be used, those thirty-seven drops of true dragon spirit blood… I will take seven drops!

The rest is for you!

As for the true dragon spirit bone…”

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