Chapter 773 (Big chapter)

Xi Yunze paused, then smiled suddenly and patted Su Zhan on the shoulder: “Little Junior Brother, let me lend you my share.

When will your kid become the most powerful myth of Zhongzhou Territory… Hey!

Help you brother, I will steal the strongest sword technique Sword Technique of the Supreme Heavenly Sect and the Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty, cough, snatch it… this is not right.

I borrowed it… I borrowed it to show you brother.

Maybe you, brother, I will be able to get insights from those Sword Techniques by then, and become a powerful existence like the Inanimate Sword Emperor!

Hahaha! ”


Su Zhan thought for a while and nodded: “Okay, I will strive to cultivate faster, and hope that this time next year, brother, you can fulfill your long-cherished wish!”

next year?

Xi Yunze was taken aback, and immediately became a little speechless.

My younger brother, I really dare to say!

In one year, from the Holy King Realm to be able to match the Martial Dao myth?

This is too ridiculous!

If so.

Don’t call me brother.

I want to call you brother!

One year… Junior Brother is too simple, thinking too simple.

With slander in his heart, Xi Yunze didn’t have the confidence to attack Su Zhan, and smiled slightly: “Okay, brother, I’m waiting for you!”

Put away the true dragon spirit blood and true dragon spirit bones in a good jade box, and seal them with a magic talisman to prevent the dragon energy from leaking. Su Zhan asked, “Second brother, how are your injuries?”

“The injury, the injury is okay…”

When Xi Yunze heard this, he suddenly felt lost: “It’s just a great loss of vitality. It is estimated that it will take a hundred years to make up for it…”

Great loss of vitality…

Su Zhan thought of something, flipped his palm, and a small jade bottle appeared.

In the bottle is the spirit blood given to him by Toothless, and there are about two-thirds of it.

“Second brother, open your mouth.”

“What are you doing?”

Xi Yunze looked confused, but still opened his mouth.

Su Zhan opened the bottle cap, Sheng Yuanshe took a drop of toothless spirit blood and shot it into Xi Yunze’s mouth.

“Little Junior Brother, what are you giving me — wrong!

My injury, loss of vitality… unexpectedly recovered so quickly!

What exactly is this! ”

Perceiving the heaven-defying effect of toothless spirit blood, Xi Yunze was shocked and lost his voice.

“It’s the spiritual blood of one of my apprentices. His physique is very special. The spiritual blood contains the power of heaven-defying recovery. Brother Brother, please refine it as soon as possible!”

“Spirit blood… this kind of recovery power is probably the same as the spiritual blood recovery power of the five-light peacock in the legendary time law!”

Xi Yunze’s eyes were full of surprise, and immediately began to refine it with all his strength.

Toothless spirit blood is something that is very easy to refine.

Not to mention that Xi Yunze is the Supreme Deva of the Seven Tribulations.

It only took about three minutes before that drop of toothless spirit blood was completely refined by him.

“Second brother, how do you feel?”

“Probably recovered one-tenth of the loss of vitality, and the injury has also healed a lot!”

“One-tenth… Sure enough, Toothless’s Cultivation Base is too low. Although the spiritual blood is mysterious, the effect for the high-rank Deva is already weakened a lot.”

Su Zhan was not too surprised either, if toothless spirit blood could exert the heaven-defying effect of a drop of spirit blood directly full state indiscriminately on all Realm cultivation practitioners.

It is estimated that the demon emperors of the demon world, the demon emperors of the demon clan, and even the Martial Dao myth of the human clan, will rob his head for the spiritual blood in his hand.

This is obviously impossible.

Sheng Yuan surged, and Su Zhan took out nine drops of spiritual blood again, suspended in front of Xi Yunze.

Xi Yunze also didn’t refuse, and took a big mouth, swallowing nine drops of spiritual blood together.

Immediately sat down and began to meditate.

After half an hour.


Xi Yunze exhaled and opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of surprises: “Little Junior Brother, my injury is completely healed and my vitality is restored!

I’m back to the top again! ”

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan smiled.

If there is no toothless spirit blood in his hand, he will not let Xi Yunze fight the loss of vitality to suppress the real dragon in the void.

“Little Junior Brother.”

Xi Yunze said: “What you want has been obtained, where are you going to go next?”

“Go back to the Tianshulou first! I have too much debris on my body, and I want to deal with it first, and then go to the Taishang Tianzong.”

“Why are you going to Taishang Tianzong?”

“Borrowing the Divine Sea of ​​Climbing Heaven, break into the Deva Realm.”

Su Zhan had planned everything a long time ago, and at this time he said without hesitation: “The Taoist Lin Qi of the Supreme Heavenly Sect said in person that he would like to borrow the Heavenly Climbing Shenhai from them once for me.

Moreover, he owed me 30 billion sacred stones.

After so long, I must be close.

Just solve it together. ”

“Maybe he can take out the 30 billion sacred stones, but he promises to use Dengtian Shenhai…”

Xi Yunze frowned slightly: “Climbing the Heavenly Sea is the Sacred Land in the Deva Realm where Zhongzhou Territory and Zhongzhou Tianminghuang Mountain are side by side!

The mysterious power contained in it is the dream of every cultivator who wants to break into the Deva realm.

This is also something that Taishang Tianzong never borrowed, even if it was Lin Qi, he did not have the qualification to lend you.

Moreover, maybe it will make the powerhouse of the Supreme Heavenly Sect disadvantage you…”

“The Supreme Heavenly Sect has existed for hundreds of thousands of years in the Central Region. This kind of Sect, shouldn’t it be so insidious?”

“That’s not good.”

Xi Yunze shook his head: “But based on my understanding of the two Martial Dao myths of the Supreme Heavenly Sect.

After knowing your talent, the chance that they want to accept you as a descendant is definitely countless times higher than the chance of killing you!

You can try your luck, but before going to the Supreme Heavenly Sect, you need to spread the news.

Everyone knows that you are going to the Supreme Heavenly Sect, and the Supreme Heavenly Sect cannot kill you.

This kind of mass, which is the backbone of the human race in the Central State, can not leave the stain of killing an innocent human race arrogant.

Moreover, you are only the Holy King at present, far from threatening their status.

It is even unclear whether the two Martial Dao myths will be alarmed.

It should still be safe.

If you want to go, I will be with you too. ”

“Okay, I’ll trouble the second brother then.”

Su beheaded nodded.

“By the way, Brother 2”

Su cut something, flipped his palm, two blank Jade Slip appeared, he stuck his forehead, holy thoughts poured into it.

Two minutes later, those two scrolls were handed to Xi Yunze by Jade Slip, whose holy thoughts had been inscribed with a large number of mysterious words.

“This is the previous part of the Insight in the Void Sword Tome, and there is also a rubbing Jade Slip of the Secret Volume of the Two Instruments Swordsmanship.

Although these replicas do not have the mysterious power of the Secret Scroll of the Two Instruments Swordsmanship and the Real Void Sword Classic, they are still sufficient for the other Sword Techniques and Insight Swordsmanships used as quotations. ”

“The Void Sword Classic, the Secret Book of the Swordsmanship of the Two Instruments!”

Xi Yunze was startled, and immediately shook his head again and again: “I can accept the Jade Slip of Liangyi Swordsmanship, but the Void Sword Classic…

This is the inheritance of the Void Sword Emperor, it’s your chance for Junior Brother!

Although I am obsessed with kendo, I am not ready to snatch my younger brother’s chance! ”

“What chance is not?”

Su Zhan smiled and shook his head: “The Void Sword Emperor originally wanted me to help him develop spatial swordsmanship. Brother, you have a high talent for swordsmanship. If you can insight into some spatial swordsmanship, there are only benefits and no harm.

Besides, this is not the main body of the Void Sword Classic, so please accept it, Brother Second!

After all, if you hadn’t suppressed the real dragon in the void, I really couldn’t do anything with him alone! ”


Xi Yunze hesitated for a moment, and then he smiled freely: “If you accept it, you will accept it. You are my brother, brother’s stuff, what can’t the brother accept?

Hahaha! ”

After receiving the two volumes of Jade Slip, and briefly chatting with Su Zan about how he obtained the inheritance of the Void Sword Emperor, the two also flew out of the Meteorite Mountain Range.

And this time.

Five hundred miles away, on that mountain peak.

The gazes of King Xuan Snake and King Qilin were also suddenly projected on the two small black spots flying out of the Meteoron Mountain Range.

Murderous intent and greed appeared in his eyes.

“It’s two human races. It seems that the real dragon has been killed by them!”

“I didn’t expect that they could actually kill that real dragon!”

Xuan Snake King is very regretful: “It seems that we escaped too early, the real dragon is not as terrible as we imagined!

Now those benefits were taken away by the two human races Xi Yunze and Su Zhan! ”

“What to take?

It’s just for them to keep it temporarily! ”

Fire King Qilin sneered when he saw this scene.

“The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind!

Whether it is the real dragon or the two human races Xi Yunze and Su Zhan!

All their treasures, all opportunities, even their own flesh and blood!


All of them! ”

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