Chapter 777 Return to the Tianshu Tower!

As Su Zhan’s words sounded, Xi Yunze suddenly opened his eyes, looking at that pill furnace, the whole person was a little confused!

I came back anxiously to save you, but you told me.

Fire King Qilin… already familiar?

A holy king slaughtered a seven heavenly demon…

This is so special!

Isn’t it too ridiculous? ? ?

The shock in his heart was so shocking that Xi Yunze still couldn’t believe it, and even stammered a little because he was too shocked: “Su, Su Zhan, what do you mean…

The fire king Qilin, was killed by you and made a hot pot? ”


“This, this, isn’t he ambushing you?”

Xi Yunze tried to break his head but couldn’t understand: “Why did you kill him instead?”

“Second brother, what are you talking about? Am I going to be killed by him?”

Su Zhan was a little displeased, flipped his palm, took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks, took a mouthful of Qilin meat, swallowed the gravy, and said: “King Qilin is fierce and vicious and evil.

As a kind and good young man, when he attacks me, of course I have to take a little defense.

Moreover, the meat of King Qilin… is really fragrant! ”


Xi Yunze was speechless for a while.

What do I mean by this?

What I asked is, how can you kill King Qilin, a holy king, you kid!

Even if there is that puppet, you should be able to beat him back!

What the hell is turning King Qilin directly into a hot pot? ? ?

With slander in his heart, Xi Yunze blushed and said, “I mean, how did your kid kill King Qilin?

I know that you have the strength to compare to Deva of the Five Tribulations, but even if the fire King Qilin is extremely weak, it is definitely not the Deva of the Five Tribulations that can be killed! ”


Su Zhan pondered: “Second Brother, you should have heard one sentence.

Fist is afraid of being young!

I am young and full of energy, and I don’t know how old Qilin King is!

I am a seventeen-year-old young man. It is reasonable to kill an old monster who does not know how old it is! ”


The corners of Xi Yunze’s mouth twitched.

What kind of boxing is afraid of being young and strong, and the big advantage in the cultivation world is obvious?

A holy king killed a Seven Tribulations Heavenly Demon and made it into a hot pot…

Is this reasonable?

Reasonable, your uncle!

Speaking of.

Earlier, I thought that you might be the Five Tribulations Deva late stage, but now it seems… I’m afraid Junior Brother Qin can’t beat you with the Heavenly Book, right?

Below the supreme realm, it is already invincible!

And, at the age of seventeen and a half, Deva Realm…

Fortunately, I thought that the news from the landlord of Tianshulou and Junior Brother Qin were all false…

How can anyone cultivate to the great saint king at the age of seventeen?

Even match the Five Tribulations Deva?

Later, when I saw that Junior Brother, you are so strong, I even felt that at the age of seventeen, I guessed it was that the original poster had sent the wrong message!

The stronger the strength, the more time it takes for cultivation!

It should be one hundred and seventy years old!

But now it seems that whether it is Junior Brother Qin or the original poster, they are really so honest!

Having said that, invincible under the age of seventeen.

When I was seventeen, I was still…

Xi Yunze looked at Su Zhan, who looked like Wang Qilin took for granted, suddenly felt panicked in his heart.

At the beginning, he was also a peerless genius in the Zhongzhou region, but now compared with Su Zhan, he is nothing like a fart!

Oh, forget it.

Su Zhan, this guy was originally perverted and outrageous, no matter if it was cultivation speed or strength… Basically, there was no reasonable place.

Compared with this kind of guy…

Is it too long and want to succumb to death?

Thinking of this in his mind, Xi Yunze also showed a slight smile: “Anyway, you are fine.

By the way, you just said that you were seriously injured, and now you don’t have to heal your injuries and still eat hot pot here? ”

“It’s okay, it’s almost fine to sleep for one night after eating hot pot.”

“Just one night’s sleep?”

Xi Yunze was taken aback: “Is this a serious injury?”

“It’s heavy!”

Su Zhan nodded earnestly: “Although it is a lot lighter than the worst injury I have ever suffered, this kind of injury can also be called a normal serious injury!”

“The worst injury you have ever suffered…how long did it take to heal?”


Reminiscing about it, Su Zhan said: “Three nights!

Hey, second brother, what’s wrong with you second brother? ”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xi Yunze staggering back two steps with an uncomfortable expression on his chest, and Su Zhan asked quickly.

“No, it’s okay, that is, just…”

Xi Yunze was aggrieved.

Just the chest is blocked!

It is said that one way of cultivation is heaven-defying. How difficult is it?

The road to cultivation is full of dangers. If you are not careful, you will die?

This is so special!

This kid Su Zhan has been cultivating for more than a year, and he hasn’t even suffered much injury!

This is Deva!

This is not all smooth sailing, this is just starting, the destination ran towards him!

Just f*ck is outrageous!

People are better than people, so angry–

No, Su Zhan has never been a human being!

It took a few seconds for Xi Yunze to relax, and said with exhaustion, “It’s okay, let’s eat hot pot…”

Su Zhan was eating Zhenghuan, and did not continue to entangle this, flipped his palm, and took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Xi Yunze.

Xi Yunze was a little puzzled: “Little Junior Brother, did you bring so many bowls and chopsticks when you went out?”

“Yes, I want to eat. I’m only seventeen years old. In our hometown, it’s when I am growing up!”


Xi Yunze was speechless, and silently put a piece of meat into his mouth.

After realizing that the taste was really good, his depressed mood was also dissipated a lot, and he began to eat with Su Zhan.

As for Seventeen… he is a puppet and can’t eat it, so he can only watch it from the sidelines.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to finish eating. After Su Zhan directly cleaned the pill furnace with the cleaning function attached to it, he put away the pill furnace, waved his hand, and threw the Sky Snow Wolf King out.

Back to the Tianshulou this time, the journey was so long that I was too tired to fly.

The Tianxue Wolf King’s fur is very soft, but it is suitable for sleeping.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan jumped directly on the back of the Sky Snow Wolf King and ordered: “Follow my second brother, go back to the Tianshulou and take you to see my spirit pet.”

“Yes, master!”

The Snow Wolf King obediently nodded and looked at the stranger Xi Yunze.

Xi Yunze also glanced at the Sky Snow Wolf King in a little surprise.

The Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, I didn’t expect Junior Brother Su to be able to subdue the Saint King—

I’m really dizzy.

Isn’t it normal for a guy like Junior Brother Su to subdue a Five-Tribulation Heavenly Demon?

I’m so shocked!

With scorn in his heart, Xi Yunze shook his head, and led the Heavenly Snow Wolf King toward the Tianshu Tower.

Two days later.


Three floors, the square outside the Great Hall of the Book of Heaven.

The host Xu Tianyue stood with his hands in hand, looking up at the sky.

Behind him, there are six Deva, all Mr. Tianshulou.

It is also the gentleman who stayed behind on the third floor and did not go out.

An hour ago, after receiving the news that Xi Yunze had passed back through the special treasure, these Deva were summoned by Xu Tianyue and waited here.


If only Xi Yunze came back, it was actually not a big deal.

Mainly because of Su Zhan.

Although Su Zhan has been designated as Mr. Twelve with three floors.

But most of the people in Tianshulou hadn’t seen Su Zhan. This time Xu Tianyue summoned them to introduce them.

While waiting, those Deva in the Tianshulou also chatted casually with each other.

“It doesn’t matter if the second brother came back from the desert, but why did the twelfth brother come back with him?”

“Yes, I heard that our Junior Brother is only the Saint King, Saint King Realm, why go to such a dangerous place?”

“Junior Brother Su is the No. 1 Saint King, and his talent is not comparable to those of us. Our Saint King Realm is extremely dangerous to go to the desert, which doesn’t mean he can’t go.”

“That’s true. Speaking of it, this time the Saint King is better than our Tianshulou, but the face is bright. The first Holy King is not the Wanfa gate, but our Tianshulou!”

“Several people, although Junior Brother Su is indeed very talented, it’s just…”

Mr. Seven Liu Fei, who had previously watched Su Zhan defeat Zhao Nian and become a second-story master brother, shook his head and smiled lightly:

“Don’t forget, after all, he is just a holy king.

This time I went to the desert, but I was lucky enough to ran into the second brother, otherwise…

The mere saint king wants to wander around the hinterland of the desert and then return safely. This is simply a dream! ”

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