Chapter 778: The Way to Tame the Beast, Make the Best Use of Everything! (Third more)

As soon as this statement came out, the other Deva were taken aback, and nodded immediately.

Mr. Six, Zheng Li frowned: “Junior Brother Liu, just talk about these things here.

Don’t say anything when Su Zhan comes back.

Since he can come back safely, it is the blessing of our Tianshulou.

Don’t blame these anymore.

I know that you have always been worried about the fact that Saint King Su Zhan entered the three-story building, but now that you are a brother, don’t do that. ”

“Six Brothers”

Liu Fei shook his head: “You made a mistake.

I don’t have any prejudices against Su Zhan.


Where is the Great Desert?

Even if Deva of the Four Tribulations like me is in the desert, there is still a risk of falling.

Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base is humble, this time it was lucky, what about next time?

Is he still lucky every day? ”

“All right.”

Xu Tianyue waved his hand, looked at the Sword Ray in the distant sky, and a white giant wolf, and said: “Needless to say, Su Zhan and the others are back!”

As he spoke, the other Deva also closed their mouths and looked towards the sky together.

Soon, the Sword Ray landed on the square.

“Second Brother!”

“I haven’t seen you in half a year, the second brother still has the same style!”

“Second brother is still so tall and mighty!”

“See Brother Second!”

As soon as Xi Yunze landed, those Deva walked over to salute.

The three-story building of the Tianshu Tower is said to be called at will.

But in the face of the absolute strength gap, those Deva certainly dare not have any disrespect.

All of them are very respectful.

Xi Yunze also greeted them casually. Thinking of something, he smiled at Xu Tianyue: “Owner, didn’t you always want to find a powerful Mental Energy to accompany you to play chess?

Hey, you may not believe it, Su Zhan, Mental Energy, is a little stronger than Five Tribulations Deva!

He just happened to be back, let him accompany you next time! ”

Su Zhan, who had just jumped off the Sky Snow Wolf King, smiled slightly when he heard this, “If the host is willing, I have no objection anyway.”

“You have no objection… of course you have no objection if you have won my chessboard!”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Xu Tianyue didn’t get angry and said: “I’m still going with you, your kid wants to win all my treasures, right?”

As soon as these words came out, those Deva were shocked.

Obviously I didn’t expect that Su Zhan’s chess attainments were so high that even the original poster was not an opponent!

Xi Yunze was also taken aback, but soon returned to normal.

If it’s someone else, it’s really unreasonable.

But Su Zhan…well, compared to his Saint King being able to kill the fire, Qilin King, playing chess is a fart!

“Second brother, I haven’t seen you for half a year, but brother feels that you are a lot stronger again!

It’s not far to come to the Eighth Tribulation! ”

Mr. Seven Liu Fei walked over and turned to Xi Yunze with cupped hands. He immediately glanced at the Sky Snow Wolf King. He was quite envied, jealous, and said: “Even, he helped Junior Brother Su grab a head of Five Tribulations late. The stage’s demon as a mount!

Brother is worthy of being the great sword saint of the epicenter region, the Five-Tribulation Heaven Demon, in front of the brother, there is only a shivering surrender! ”

The Tianxue Wolf King is 300 meters long and is as tall as a thirty-story building!

Such a behemoth, of course, will attract the attention of those Deva.

Before, they were still wondering how Su Zhan, a holy king, would come back riding a Five-Tribulation Heavenly Demon.

Now that Liu Fei spoke, it suddenly dawned on him.

All of them looked at Su Zhan enviously.

It’s good to have two seniors as a backer!

“Seventh Junior Brother, you made a mistake.”

Xi Yunze shook his head: “The beast…”

Thinking that Heavenly Snow Wolf King is Su Zhan’s spirit pet now, Xi Yunze paused, and changed his words: “The wolf was domesticated by Junior Brother Su himself, and it has nothing to do with me.”

“Junior Brother Su domesticated it himself?”

Liu Fei was taken aback, looked at Su Zhan, and said in disbelief: “Junior Brother Su, have you really tamed this Five Calamity Heaven Demon with the Saint King Realm?”


Su Zhan nodded: “Although my Realm is low, my animal training technique is still very strong!”

When the Sky Snow Wolf King heard this, he gave Su Zhan a bitter look.

I don’t know if your animal training is strong or not.

All I know is that I was about to be beaten to death at the time. If I didn’t surrender, I would die. What can I do? I’m very helpless!

Depressed in his heart, Tianxue Wolf King licked his front leg, and there was a bloody mouth that was crusted out by Su Zhan!

“Beast Taming is very strong?”

Liu Fei laughed dumbfounded: “Senior Brother Su, it’s okay for you to bluff others, but your brother, I am proficient in the way of taming beasts.

As far as I know, no matter how strong animal training is, it cannot domesticate Demonic Beasts that exceed its own Cultivation Base!

You are a holy king, even if you have mastered the beast taming technique, you have reached the top!

It is also absolutely impossible to tame a five-horse demon! ”

“What’s impossible?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “Besides, I don’t have to lie to you!”

“I didn’t mean that Junior Brother Su lied to me”

Thinking of something, Liu Fei shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s normal for a talented arrogant like you to be competitive, but with the Holy King Realm to tame the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon…

This kind of thing is really outrageous.

If this is true, don’t call me brother in the future, I will call you brother! ”

Su Zhan’s brows frowned slightly: “Last time I competed for the place to go to the Saint King Dabi, when Senior Brother Qin Xiaoshu asked me to go to the cloud to taste Jianxinjiu, I felt that your brain was not normal.

Today, it really proved that my feeling is not wrong.

I’ll tell you the truth if you don’t believe me.

Is it any good for me to lie to you?

Besides, I, Su Zhan, never lie. Are you questioning my good character? ”

This statement came out.

The smile on Liu Fei’s face disappeared suddenly, his face was gloomy, thinking of something, he waved his hand, and a huge black leopard Demonic Beasts with a body length of 100 meters appeared in the square.

“Senior Brother Su, I have been cultivating for more than seven thousand years!

I will tell you clearly with my seven thousand years of experience now!

It is absolutely impossible to tame the Five Tribulations Sky Demon with the Holy King Realm!

This is the common sense that a beast taming team, and even ordinary cultivators should know!

You keep saying that the Five Tribulations Wolf King is tame by you, that’s good!

My spirit shadow beast is only the Four Tribulations Sky Demon, not comparable to your Five Tribulations Wolf King.

However, since you can tame the Five Tribulations Wolf King, let alone the Four Tribulations Sky Demon, right?

In this case, please ask the brother to help the brother, let the brother also see, the mysterious beast taming method that can tame the five-journal demon with the Holy King Realm! ”

“I’m not familiar with you, why should I help you?”

“Junior Brother is scared?”

Liu Fei sneered: “If you can tame my ghost beast, Junior Brother, I will give it to you!”

“This Demonic Beasts bloodline is not good, the Four Tribulations are already at the top, what do I want it to do?”

Su Zhan thought for a while and said, “Since you are proficient in the way of taming beasts, if I win, you can take care of the spirit beast garden.

Give me the elixir needed to cultivate Demonic Beasts, take care of Demonic Beasts’ daily life, sweep the floor, and see what the door is!

Anyway, you can’t do other big things with your mind. It’s a good fit for you to come to my mountain as a handyman, so let’s make the best use of it! ”

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