Chapter 779: It’s Fun! (First more)


Liu Fei was furious, but he thought that Su Zhan’s identity was very special, and his relationship with the host and the second senior brother Xi Yunze was very unusual. He still suppressed his anger abruptly, and coldly said: “If you really have a Saint King realm to tame the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon The taming method of the beast.

What if I, Liu Fei, give you a life-long pet?

But since I have to pay a price for losing, what about you losing? ”

“This Heavenly Snow Wolf King is yours.”

Su Zhan pointed at the Heavenly Snow Wolf King.


Liu Fei looked surprised.

“Of course it is true.”

“Okay, it’s a deal!”

Liu Fei laughed, and walked to the Lingying Beast whose head was a leopard, and patted the lowered head of the Lingying Beast. The king is tame, I am afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the monster race!”

“Master, rest assured, the beast taming method is nothing more than oppressing my spirit and soul, but Realm is so different, he doesn’t have any oppressive power on me at all!”

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Lingying Beast, sending out a weak spiritual message.

“Old Qi, are you a bit unkind?”

Mr. Six Zheng Li frowned: “Let’s not say whether Su Zhan can tame the Five Jade Heavenly Demon, what do you mean by letting him tame a Demonic Beasts that you have already tamed?

Although I have never been in contact with the way of taming animals, I also know that the demonic beasts that have been mastered are more than ten times more tame than wild demonic beasts!

Not to mention, the master of this phantom beast is still old Qi you, the Four Tribulations Deva who is proficient in animal training! ”

“Brother Six, you have figured it out, but I don’t want him to be tamed, but he himself says he has this ability!”

Liu Fei’s tone was also somewhat rude: “Also, I can be regarded as his senior, but this kid is too arrogant and doesn’t know how to respect the teacher.

Of course, if he can really tame the Nether Shadow Beast, then just be the frog at the bottom of my well and sit and watch the sky.

But if we can’t… so full of nonsense, we are the Heavenly Book Tower who are impolite—”

“All right.”

Before Liu Fei finished speaking, Xu Tianyue glanced at him coldly: “It’s enough!”

Although the Deva of the Tianshulou is known as a senior brother, in fact, there is no affection between the senior brothers at all.

Of course, the atmosphere at this moment was a little colder.

Compared to the others, Xi Yunze was not worried at all, and even laughed: “Seventh Junior Brother, do you want to be a handyman for Junior Su?”

“Second brother joked.”

When Xi Yunze said the same, Liu Fei was also a little surprised.

Could it be that Su Zhan really has any special methods?

Otherwise, the second brother would not be so demeaned, would it?

Thinking of this, Liu Fei also became a little uneasy for a while, and stared at Su Zhan who was walking towards the Spirit Shadow Beast.

Several other Deva also watched with curiosity.

Although they felt that it was impossible for Su Zhan to tame the Four Tribulations Sky Demon Spirit Shadow Beast.

But I am also curious about the follow-up development of things.

“Su Zhan”

Xu Tianyue, the poster of the Tianshulou, said: “Do you really know how to train animals or fake?

This day, the Snow Wolf King has reached the late stage of the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon, which is very rare.

If you are not sure, forget it!

Don’t be impulsive. ”

“Original, I really will.”

Su Zhan is confident: “My animal training technique is very powerful!”


Xu Tianyue was still a little suspicious.

Su Zhan didn’t say anything more, and walked directly to the spirit shadow beast, without saying anything, activated the beast tamer aura, and made two gestures in the air with his fingers.

Several golden runes were played!

Those are all beast runes.

However, even though those runes hit the forehead of the Lingying Beast, the Lingying Beast did not react at all.

Moreover, the gaze looking at Su Zhan was very strange.

It’s like looking at a fool.

Next to him, Liu Fei, who had been watching closely, felt a little uneasy, and laughed loudly: “Junior Brother Su, is this your animal training technique?

If I’m not mistaken, your few beast-taming runes will domesticate some holy Demonic Beasts when you reach the sky?

That’s it?

Still want to tame my ghost beast?

Hahahaha, it’s so funny! ”

The other Deva, who had originally looked forward to it, also looked at each other, and they were a little speechless.

They also have spiritual pets. Of course, it can be seen that Su Zhan’s beast taming rune is very low-level, and it is not worth mentioning in front of the sky demon!

Mr. Six Zheng Li shook his head helplessly.

Junior Brother Su is still too young and energetic, now it’s fine. I’m afraid this matter will be a joke for a long time on the three-story building…

Xi Yunze looked at Su Zhan in surprise.

At Su Zhan’s age, only this level of animal training level is normal.

But the problem is.

He is Su Zhan!

During this period of time, he was shocked and numb by Su Zhan, and suddenly saw that there was something normal about Su Zhan…

On the contrary, Xi Yunze looked shocked, feeling very unreasonable.

Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, patted his forehead with a headache: “Su Zhan, what are you doing?

Hurry up and apologize to you Senior Brother Seven, forget the Snow Wolf King this day, you won’t come easily! ”

“This can’t work!”

Before Su Zhan could answer, Liu Fei shook his head quickly: “A gentleman can’t chase after a word!

If you say it, how can you just forget it? ”

Xu Tianyue’s face sank: “Lao Qi, you have been a master for more than a thousand years, how can you compete with a junior junior who has just started?

Can’t you look like a brother?

Okay, I’m in charge of this matter, Su Zhan, you give up! ”

“Why should I give up?”

Su Zhan said in amazement, “I just tried it out. The conventional animal training method is useless. I still have an ultimate animal training method!”

The ultimate beast taming method!

Xu Tianyue was dumbfounded by this name: “Do you still have the ultimate animal training method?

what is that? ”

“It’s my own creation! So far, the success rate of my ultimate animal training method is 100%!”

“Oh? It’s so amazing… Then you try it!”

Xu Tianyue nodded and became suspicious.

The others had already had little interest, but when Su Zhan said this, they all regained their interest.

Su Zhan took a few steps forward again, walked less than fifty meters in front of the giant spirit shadow beast, and said directly: “I want to tame you now, are you not?”


Get out!

Otherwise I will eat you! ”

Lingying Beast glanced at Su Zhan below, hummed a breath in his nose, and did not have a good air channel in his mouth.

Liu Fei laughed: “So this is Junior Brother Su’s ultimate animal training method?

Say hello to Demonic Beasts and ask him if he is convinced?

It’s really special, hahaha—what is he doing! Is he crazy! ”

Before he finished speaking, Liu Fei was shocked when he saw Su Zhan directly exploding into the power of the Saint Yuan and rushed towards the spirit shadow beast.

The other Deva also didn’t expect, all of them opened their eyes wide.

“Junior Brother Su, what is this doing?”

“He actually took the initiative to attack the Lingying Beast! Is he tired of living!”

“Although the spirit shadow beast is very intelligent and knows that Junior Brother Su can’t be hurt by it, but once it is provoked, it may be impulsive!”

“It’s over! The Spirit Shadow Beast was angry and opened its mouth wide. If that bite is taken off, I’m afraid – damn it!”

The Deva on the third floor of the Tianshu Building was very nervous, and suddenly saw the scene in front of him, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Even, subconsciously burst out a foul language!

I saw the front!

That huge spirit shadow beast was actually blown out by Su Zhan!

The body is still in the air!

A few huge blood-stained teeth flew out!


The huge body of the Lingying Beast fell on the ground of the square.

Before he could recover, Su Zhan’s body appeared above him instantly, a punch without saying anything!


The head of the Lingying Beast was directly smashed into the Baishi Square by this fist!

Countless gravel splashes!

Blood gushes from the cracks in the ground of the square!

“Are you convinced?”


Lingying Beast was beaten with gold stars in its eyes, and its brain buzzed. It just opened its mouth, wanting to answer.

As a result, it was another punch.

“You are not convinced!”

“Serve! I took it! Don’t beat me!”

This time, the Lingying Beast reacted extremely quickly and cried out in horror.

“The Four Tribulations Sky Demon, with its own Sky Demon arrogant bones, how can it be so easy to surrender?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “You are obviously pretending to surrender!”

After speaking, another punch fell!


The spirit shadow beast’s entire head was smashed into the ground, and it let out a miserable howl.

The next moment, Su Zhan pulled his body out of the ground, grabbed his tail, and smashed it fiercely!

The huge body of the Lingying Beast flew out, smashing a small building a few miles away!

Before he crawled out of the ruins, another powerful force crashed down!

Smash his body that had just struggled back to the ground!

Under Su Zhan’s arrogant power and extremely fast speed, a Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon had no resistance at all, and could only be beaten!

It was another punch!

Seeing that the spirit shadow beast was bleeding out of his head, most of his teeth were missing, and he was dying, Su Zhan asked again: “Are you not convinced?”

“I take it, I really take it! Master, don’t beat me, please…”

The Spirit Shadow Beast, which had been very prestigious before, was already hiding in the ruins and shivering, with its tail clipped, and it was terrified.

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan nodded, grabbed the spirit shadow beast’s tail, flicked it hard, and threw it in front of Liu Fei, who was already looking stupid at this time.

“Liu Fei, I have tamed this spirit shadow beast, and you can go back to pack up and go to my Xiaoquan Peak as a handyman now.

Of course, if you feel that this is not enough, you can also find the first five heaven demon to come over.

Or, you can try my ultimate beast taming method as Demonic Beasts.

My ultimate taming method is not only for taming the beast, do you want to try it, it’s fun! ”

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