Chapter 820 No matter how talented he is, I won’t accept him as a disciple! (Fourth)

“Supreme! I, Qin Xiaoshu, is also supreme!”

Qin Xiaoshu clenched his fist slightly, felt that much stronger power than before, and smiled on his face.

“Little tree, although you have become the supreme, but this time the trip to the battlefield of the gods and demons still cannot be careless.”

The white-bearded old man Cui Tianshu said indifferently: “Three big domains, twenty middle and small domains, such a vast area, there will always be some geniuses better than you.

It’s okay to say the blood moon domain.

Because the Yaozu has a long life cycle, its growth rate is slower.

Those under the age of three thousand years old are estimated to be the supreme six calamities at most.

With some talents and supernatural powers, barely reluctantly, it counts as half a seven calamity.

Taikoo domain is different.

You also know that a few years ago, I went to Taikoo Territory in exchange for your breakthrough Supreme Medicine Pill.

I also went to see Tianjiao in the ancient realm, the strength of the younger generation in the ancient realm was much stronger than I expected.

The most outstanding among them is Qin Wushen, the descendant of Swire Eternal Kendo!

This year is only more than two thousand four hundred years old, but it is already Deva of the Seven Tribulations.

Even Lin Xuan of Tianzong is incomparable!

In the Zhongzhou region, we can only see whether the Tianjiao secretly cultivated by the Tian Dynasty for this trip to the battlefield of the gods and demons can contend.

If not, that guy will probably be invincible on the battlefield of gods and demons! ”

“Seven Tribulations Deva, Primordial Eternal Kendo!”

Qin Xiaoshu’s heart was shocked, and he gave a wry smile: “I’ve heard his name a long time ago, and I guess I can’t beat it.

Don’t talk about him, even the monster races in the Blood Moon Region rely on their talents and supernatural powers, I guess they are not opponents…”

“I told you not to be careless, not to make you humble yourself!”

Cui Tianshu shook his head: “They are strong, but are you necessarily weak?

Moreover, being a teacher also has some means to make you stronger!

Take out your bible book! ”

“Yes, Master!”

Although Qin Xiaoshu was puzzled and didn’t know why Cui Tianshu wanted to do this, he still took out the heavenly book.

As a result, as soon as he took it out, he saw that a volume of heavenly books appeared in Cui Tianshu’s hands!

“Master, you also have—”

“The real name of this celestial book is called the psychic celestial book, and it is divided into the first volume and the second volume.”

Cui Tianshu said indifferently: “I have already got the scroll early, and I also know that the scroll is in the Tianshulou.

However, even if I did not meet the corresponding person by chance, even if I demolished the Tianshulou, the next scroll will not appear in the world.

That’s why I let you go to the Tianshulou.

In fact, it also proved that I was right, you and the book of heaven are indeed destined.

A volume of psychic heavenly book is the best Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier.

The two volumes are combined into one, and it is a god handed down! ”

“Handed down a fetish!”

Qin Xiaoshu was shocked as he watched the two volumes of heavenly books merge into one between the two, and cupped hands said: “The disciple is supreme, you can’t use such a treasure!

Let’s use it for Master! ”

“You fellow, thought I deliberately asked you to fetch the heavenly book for me?”

Cui Tianshu smiled: “I Cui Tianshu still need to use these conspiracy methods?”

“No, I didn’t mean that, I meant—”

“Well, no need to say more.”

Cui Tianshu flicked his finger.

A rune was printed on the complete psychic heavenly book.

And hit it at Qin Xiaoshu: “I have sealed the breath and power of the psychic heavenly book.

In this way, even if you use the heavenly scriptures, others will not be able to realize that this is a god handed down.

Moreover, it will not hinder you.

After all, even if it is not sealed, with your Realm, it is not bad to be able to exert one-tenth of the power of the psychic book!

Of course, although part of it has been sealed by me, this volume of heavenly book is still much stronger than you before, enough to protect your life!

Moreover, as your strength grows, the seal will be broken layer by layer, so take it away! ”

“Many, thank you Master!”

Qin Xiaoshu put away the heavenly book, and knelt down on one knee in gratitude.

“My Cui family has only one descendant, and I have no heirs. If you don’t give these things, you can’t give them to others.”

Cui Tianshu’s face was calm, and with a wave of his sleeves, he threw out three more treasures.

“This time Tian Dan, as long as there is a breath, he can be saved.”

“This too imaginary speed talisman can greatly increase your speed to escape the crisis in the battlefield of gods and demons.”

“This substitute death talisman is used to break through the ancient eternal kendo.

If you are locked in by Qin Wushen’s kendo aura, you can use this death talisman to replace you once, and then escape the battle with the super fast talisman. ”

Qin Xiaoshu didn’t decline either, accepting them one by one, and said seriously: “The disciples will live up to the master’s expectations and get the opportunity above the Deva of the Nine Tribulations in the battlefield of Gods and Demons!”

“The chance is second, the most important thing is to come back alive.”

Cui Tianshu said, remembering something, and said with a smile: “Speaking of which, Tianshulou recently issued an invitation letter to host a Deva banquet.

It seems that your junior surnamed Su should have made a breakthrough to Deva smoothly. ”

“Su Zhan has made his breakthrough to Deva?”

Qin Xiaoshu was taken aback, and then smiled: “Master, as I said, my junior brother is exceptionally talented, and there will definitely be no problems.

By the way, Master, you said before that when he breaks through Deva, you will meet him and personally give him the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Leaf.

So are we going to leave now? ”

“Not urgent.”

Cui Tianshu shook his head: “You just made a breakthrough, and it will take a while to stabilize the Cultivation Base. It’s not too late to wait until the Deva Banquet.”


Qin Xiaoshu was a little bit lost: “Well then, I will stabilize Realm here first, and then, give Junior Brother Su a surprise!

He certainly couldn’t think of it, his eleventh brother, I also broke through to the supreme! ”

As he said, something suddenly came to mind.

Qin Xiaoshu approached Cui Tianshu and asked cautiously: “Master, if my junior is truly talented, would you consider accepting another disciple?”


“But he is very talented, kendo, physical body, Mental Energy—”

“Is he talented in runes?”


Qin Xiaoshu scratched his head: “I don’t know, I haven’t seen him use talisman.”

“That’s not high.”

Cui Tianshu said: “This is also normal, no one is perfect.

Since he has been so perverted in other aspects.

Then he must be very inferior in some respects.

Obviously, his talent for runes is probably very unbearable! ”

“This…not necessarily?”

Qin Xiaoshu hesitated: “I think Junior Brother Su is very talented in everything, and he is very abnormal!”

“Don’t be silly, I have lived for more than ten thousand years, and I know the world better than you.”

Cui Tianshu shook his head slightly: “There won’t be such a person in this world.

All-rounder… All the talents are mediocre.

Very talented in all aspects…

This is simply impossible.


After a pause, Cui Tianshu glanced at Qin Xiaoshu, then smiled and continued: “Xiaoshu, you also know.

Our line has always been single pass.

Only pass one person.

Now, I have accepted you as a disciple.

No matter how talented Su Zhan is, I, Cui Tianshu, wouldn’t have any idea of ​​accepting him as a disciple.

You can rest assured! ”

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