Chapter 821 Why don’t you keep it without refining? (First more)

“Master, I didn’t mean that. I really hope you can accept Su and become a disciple. His talent is far superior to mine!”

Qin Xiaoshu said helplessly.

“I have a descendant, his talent has nothing to do with me.”

Cui Tianshu remained unmoved, and said, “Well, you can rest assured that Cultivation Base, and Nine Heavens, we have to set off.”

“I will leave after nine days…Is that too late?”

“It’s too late, I’ll forget it. When we arrive, it should happen to be the night when the Deva feast ends.”

“How can that work?!”

Qin Xiaoshu is anxious: “How can I not attend the Deva Banquet for Junior Brother Su?”

“Then you are going to participate alone, without the sky thunder and bamboo leaves, how do you face your junior fellow?”

Cui Tianshu smiled and patted Qin Xiaoshu on the shoulder: “Deva is so crowded, I don’t want to show up so early.

Besides, if we let everyone know that you are my only heir.

Let alone other dangers, just in the battlefield of the gods and demons, you will be paid special attention to by the other powerhouses, especially against them.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, you should understand this truth. ”


“Well, it’s nothing.”

Cui Tianshu retracted his hand and said: “If you don’t eat that meal, it’s not that you can’t see your junior.

When the night is quiet, I will go with you to meet him.

If he is truly talented, of course I will personally give him the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Leaf.

If he has a false name, he is not qualified to enjoy this piece of Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Leaf.

Because if talents are mediocre, even if there are thunder bamboo leaves, it can only be a waste.

It’s better to leave it to you to build a treasure. ”

“Okay, but Master, my junior is exceptionally talented, more than ten times better than me, you will definitely be satisfied!”

Seeing that Cui Tianshu was determined, Qin Xiaoshu couldn’t help it. After speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to earnestly stabilize the Cultivation Base.

Seeing Qin Xiaoshu sitting down, recalling what he said, Cui Tianshu smiled dumbly.

Talent… more than ten times more than you?

At the age of 1,614, you have become the supreme, the youngest supreme in fifty thousand years!

Then Su Zhan Cultivation Base is ten times more than you… Could he still be supreme at the age of one hundred and sixty?

Not to mention the achievement of supremacy at the age of one hundred and sixty, he has now broken into Deva, and his age is far more than one hundred and sixty, right?

Little tree!

You don’t know how high your talent is!

You are too arrogant!

With some emotion in his heart, Cui Tianshu smiled and turned and walked into the hut in the lake.

at this time.

Zhongzhou domain.

Because the true dragon transformed by Su Zhan traveled around the world and frightened countless disciples, the Tianshulou had become a mess of porridge.

Deva on the three floors was alarmed and rushed out one by one.

Xu Tianyue’s face was gloomy: “Where did the real dragon come from?

Judging from the body shape, he should be still in his infancy, dare to be wild in our Tianshulou? ”

“It’s a true dragon.”

Xi Yunze’s eyes flashed, and he said in his mouth.

“Second elder brother, this real dragon may be going to destroy our Heavenly Book Tower, you should quickly subdue it!”

A Deva begged to Xi Yunze who had just rushed over.

Xi Yunze nodded, just about to take a shot.

As a result, a Deva of the Four Tribulations of the Heavenly Book Tower had already stepped forward: “Huh, a young true dragon!

Looking at the breath, it’s just a heavenly demon. Why don’t you take the second brother, just let me come! ”

After speaking, he flipped his palm, took out a long sword, and shot towards the real dragon!

However, he was only halfway through the flight.

The real dragon suddenly turned his head and breathed at him.


Between the world and the earth, the power of the wind attribute law is surging!

A super hurricane swept across the sky, blowing away the sword of the Four Calamity Deva, and blowing the whole person directly back onto the square.

Four Tribulations Deva’s hair was messy, and his clothes were torn by the rapid hurricane. She looked very embarrassed and said in embarrassment: “This, this true dragon is a bit capable, I am not an opponent…”

Xi Yunze’s face sank: “Then let me come!


That is – Su Zhan! ”

Before he could make a move, Xi Yunze was taken aback when he saw the golden light of the true dragon converge, revealing the figure of Su Zhan.

Not just him, the other Deva, the disciples on the second floor, including Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, were also stunned for an instant.

“It turns out that the real dragon was transformed by Senior Brother Su?”

“That’s not right! I just clearly felt the breath of real dragon, and the power of real dragon!”

“Even if it is transfiguration, it is impossible to transmute a breath, Longwei!”

“Could it be that Brother Su, he is actually a real dragon!”


“Not only the real dragon, Brother Su is probably the strongest bloodline among the real dragons, Tianjiao!”

“Oh my God! It turns out that Senior Brother Su is really a dragon!”

A series of exclamations sounded.

Xi Yunze looked suspiciously at Su Zhan who fell in front of him: “Junior Brother Su, you, are you really a dragon?”

“Second brother, you have committed dementia again.”

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then said speechlessly: “Do you see Monster Qi on me?”

Hearing that Su Zhan was involved in dementia again, Xi Yunze said slightly annoyed: “I don’t have it now, but it’s a big deal just now!”

“That’s because I merged with the true dragon bloodline and cultivated a secret technique for transforming dragons.”

“Fuse the blood of the true dragon, the secret technique of transforming the dragon?”

Xi Yunze was taken aback, and immediately thought of something, and asked in surprise, “How much have you refined the true dragon spirit blood?”

“It’s all refined!”

“Are you all refined?!”


Su Zhan looked inexplicable: “Why don’t I keep it for refining?

Brother Second, why do you always ask these weird questions? ”


The corners of Xi Yunze’s mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a while.

Why do you keep it… I’m asking you why you keep it?

I want to ask how you refine it!

I have been practicing hard day and night for five days, and I have just refined a drop of true dragon spirit blood.

Your Cultivation Base is much lower than mine!

Thirty drops of true dragon spirit blood are all refined?

This is so special!

Also said that I always ask weird questions…

I also want to ask you why you are always doing weird, outrageous things! ! !

With slander in his heart, Xi Yunze looked depressed and waved his hand: “Forget it, I will go back and continue to stabilize the Cultivation Base.”

Seeing Xi Yunze who just turned around and left, Su Zhan thought of something and asked, “Second brother, your true dragon spirit blood should have been refined long ago–hey?

Why are you running so fast? ”

Su Zhan hadn’t finished speaking, he was a little puzzled when he saw Xi Yunze who had suddenly increased his speed and disappeared from his field of vision.

“Su Zhan, how many drops of true dragon spirit blood have you refined?”

Xu Tianyue asked curiously.

“Thirty drops!”

Xu Tianyue was startled: “In just five days, 30 drops of true dragon spirit blood have been refined!

This is simply—”

“Owner, you made a mistake.”

Xu Tianyue’s face was distracted, and a smile appeared: “Let me just say it!

How could someone refine 30 drops of Martial Dao mythological level true dragon spirit blood in five days——”

“It’s two days.”

At this moment, Su Zhan’s words sounded again.

Xu Tianyue’s smile froze, and his voice stopped abruptly.

After being silent for two seconds, he suddenly said: “Su Zhan, I have something to do, let’s leave now!”

After speaking, turn around and run!

Su Zhan looked inexplicable and looked at the other Deva.


“Senior Brother Su, I still have a Medicine Pill to take care of, so let’s say goodbye!”

“Senior Brother Su, I still have a pet to look after, so let’s take my leave first!”

“Senior Brother Su, my dao companion needs to take care of me, let me go!”

One by one Deva hurriedly left.

After being depressed by Su Zhan last time, he almost vomited blood.

He has understood a truth.

Don’t talk too much about cultivation and refining with Su!

In that way, there will be no benefit besides being depressed and suffering from internal injuries!

“What happened to these people…? Am I scary?”

Su Zhan was a little speechless, but he didn’t care too much. He greeted the younger brothers and sisters who were frantically saluting, and returned to Koizumi Peak.

Dalei volcano still lacks the Tianlei bamboo leaves that Qin Xiaoshu promised, so it can’t be refined.

And the Demon Art…

It’s not entirely because I think the second layer looks a bit ugly with two heads and four arms.

The main reason is the lack of demonic energy and the slow growth of cultivation.

The last time the Demon Emperor Yunluo gave him the Demon Essence Stones had been used up, lacking demon energy, the cultivation of Demon God Secret Art would be very slow and waste time.

I still have to wait some time to return to the Eastern Wasteland domain and move the demon energy source mountain over, and then I will cultivate it!

However, these two types cannot be practiced temporarily, but the second layer of the Star God Body Tempering fist can be cultivated.

Moreover, it must also be cultivated!

There are also the extreme escape of wind and thunder, the seal of collapse, the holy method of the Primordial Thunder Emperor… many supernatural powers can be practiced more.

There are still many things.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Su Zhan walked into the Immortal Cave, came to the Closed Door Training field, and began a life of penance!

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