Chapter 839: Can Deva Come? (Third update, big chapter)

Two days later.

Su Zhan walked out of Immortal Cave.

In two days, he had already started the Yan Shen Jue.

The mental energy limit can be turned into a hundred!

Of course, this is only a theoretical limit.

Generally speaking, manipulating a Heavenly Dao treasure requires a lot of mental energy.

He used to control at most three pieces, but now, at most there are around five or six pieces.

But this is not the point.

The focus is on Mental Energy’s Ascension, the increase in alchemy and the increase in the five senses, Spiritual Sense!

His senses will be more keen, and his mental energy secret techniques such as the Emperor Lei, the seal of collapse, and the soul-slashing sword will be more lethal!

Right now, it is an important Cultivation Technique that can be cultivated.

An introduction to the second level of Yan Shen Jue.

Entrance to the second layer of the Star God Body Tempering boxing.

An entry to the fifth floor of the Qian Tianyang Shen Zhen tactic.

Xiaocheng of the collapse of the seal.

The wind and thunder are extremely small.

An introduction to Taikoo Lei Di’s manifestation of the saints.

Nine changes of true spirits cultivation into true dragon changes.

Many magical powers.

Only the second level of Demon God Jue has not been cultivated.

Demon God Technique cultivation relies too much on demonic energy.

Only after the battlefield of the gods and demons is over, return to the Eastern Wasteland domain and move the mountain of demon energy source to begin.

The only pity is that the 100 billion sacred stones that the master of the Great Sword Gate purchased from Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship has not yet been delivered.

However, the appointment was made within ten days, and the time has not yet arrived, and it is not easy to urge it.

I can only leave Seventeen in Immortal Cave, and then help receive the 100 billion sacred stones.

With these in mind.

Su Zhan released Seventeen from the cave sky, explained some things to him, and asked him to take a good look at his family.

Su Zhan’s body surface suddenly “crackled” small electric arcs appeared.

The next moment.

He disappeared into Immortal Cave as if he had evaporated.

And the sky.

In the clouds.

A flash of lightning flashed past!

The speed is extremely fast.

It didn’t take long to arrive at the square next to the exit of the three-story building.

Showing the figure of Su Zhan.

on the square.

Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, Mr. Xi Yunze, Mr. Eleven Qin Xiaoshu, and many Deva are waiting.

As for Cui Tianshu.

I said goodbye yesterday.

He also didn’t want to show up in front of the world.

One person continues to wander the world.

“Su Zhan is here.”

The second Mr. Xi Yunze was the first to spot Su Zhan’s trail and said.

Others also looked at Su Zhan one after another.

“Lord, brother two, brother six, brother eleven.”

Su Zhan gave his cupped hands a salute and only called three gentlemen with good impressions as seniors.

As for the others, he smiled and nodded, even if he had said hello.

Those people also responded quickly, not daring to show any unhappiness.

The sixth brother Zheng Li also called out “Senior Brother Su”.

Su Zhan glanced at him weirdly: “You call me brother, I also call you brother.

Then who of us is the younger brother? ”

“Naturally it’s me!”

Zheng Li said earnestly: “Brother Su has the supreme combat power. According to the rules of the Tianshulou, I will of course call it Senior Brother!”

“That… well, Sixth Junior Brother.”

Although Su Zhan felt a little awkward, he didn’t care too much.

“Su Zhan, Xiaoshu.”

Xu Tianyue walked over, flipped his palm, took out two volumes of Jade Slip, and said solemnly: “These are the data I have tried my best for more than half a month and used several methods to collect the information!

It’s all about the battlefield of gods and demons, as well as the powerhouses of Tianjiao who need special attention in the major domains!

You must look carefully on your way, and there must be no omissions! ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Qin Xiaoshu also responded quickly and took over Jade Slip.

“Little Junior Brother, this trip to the battlefield of Gods and Demons is extremely dangerous. Senior Brother, I have nothing to give away…”

Xi Yunze flipped his palm and took out a sword talisman: “This is a sword talisman I made in ten days, and it contains my full strength and one sword power!

Although you may not be able to exert all your power at present, as long as you use it properly, you still have the opportunity to slay the existence of the Seven Tribulations with this sword talisman!

The battlefield of gods and demons has gone through millions of years!

Among them, many strange beasts and even scary Ghosts that are not available to the outside world have been derived!

You must collect this sword talisman, don’t use it if it is not a last resort! ”

“Thank you Brother Second.”

Su Zhan put away the sword talisman and thanked him earnestly.

Qin Xiaoshu curled his lips and said, “Second brother, you are partial! Why don’t you give me away?”

“You are different from the younger brother, the younger brother is newly promoted to Deva, you are already supreme.

Besides, you are still in control of the heavenly books, you are much safer than the younger brother. ”

Xi Yunze smiled.

“All right.”

Xu Tianyue stretched out two hands and patted Su Zhan and Qin Xiaoshu on the shoulders: “Remember, this trip to the battlefield of the gods and demons.

Anything can be thrown away!


Never lose your life!

The most important thing is to come back alive! ”



Su Zhan and Qin Xiaoshu nodded.

Next, I chatted a few more words.

Su Zhan rode Xiaobai and Qin Xiaoshu towards the capital of the Zhongzhou Celestial Dynasty, that is, the Celestial City!

On the way, he also looked at Jade Slip.

Yandi domain, Yan Haneda.

He is more than 2,800 years old. He achieved the supreme two hundred years ago, and the Yandi magical skill is invincible in the supreme.

Taikoo realm, Qin Wudao.

Aged more than 2,400 years old, he achieved Seven Tribulations Supreme Seventy-three years ago, Swire Eternal Kendo is incomparably domineering!

He once slashed the Seven Swordsmen Heavenly Demon 16 years ago!

Blood Moon domain, Xiaotian ape.

He is more than two thousand five hundred years old. He became the supreme one hundred and twenty years ago. His bloodline is the true spirit of the mountains and gods.

He defeated a late stage demon of the Six Tribulations Supreme on the day he became the Supreme!

The information of a strong Tianjiao appeared, and Su Zhan also wrote down one by one.

One day later, they arrived in Tiancheng.

Celestial City is somewhat similar to Zhongzhou City, which is also suspended in the sky.

However, its area is of course much smaller than Zhongzhou City.

Just came to the city gate ferry and reported his identity.

Su Zhan and Qin Xiaoshu were taken respectfully by those guards to a floating high-altitude square in the city.

The square is very empty, and besides them, there are already eight people in the central area.

Except for Yang Yin, Su Zhan didn’t know anyone.

“Su fellow daoist.”

Yang Yin said hello with a smile.

“Yang senior.”

Su Zhan also smiled slightly and walked to the side of those people.

The seven geniuses of the Central State Region also cast their gazes one by one, and began to look at Su Zhan.

“Su fellow daoist…Is he Su Zhan?”

“I’ve heard of this person’s name. He is the first holy king in this century. I didn’t expect to breakthrough Deva so soon!”

“No! He just killed Deva, why did he come here?”

“He is a newcomer to Deva, is he going to die in the battlefield of gods and demons?”

Doubtful murmurs sounded.

Yang Yin glanced at those people and said, “This time my Tianzong Lin Xuan was unable to come because I needed a secret method of Closed Door Training Cultivation on this trip to the battlefield of Gods and Demons.

This one was replaced by Su Zhan.

As for Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base…

Just take care of yourself.

Since he is willing to participate, what does it matter to you? ”

As soon as these words came out, those people immediately closed their mouths, not daring to talk nonsense.

Su Zhan also glanced at those people curiously.

It was discovered that among these seven people, five of them had reached the supreme.

The other two were also the pinnacles of the Five Tribulations, half-step supreme.

“Look, someone is coming again!

That person’s momentum is so strong! ”

At this moment, a Tianjiao exclaimed.

Others also looked over there.

It was a man with a white Phoenix on his feet, dressed in a white snow robe, with a handsome face and a folding fan in his hand.

When he came to the square, the white Phoenix under his feet suddenly dissipated into countless light spots, and his body fell on the square.

Toward those Tianjiao cupped hands, smiled and said: “In Xiamu Xiao, it was sent by the Heavenly Dynasty.

Cultivation Base has reached Seven Tribulations, if you don’t mind.

You can call me ‘Brother Mu’. ”

Many Tianjiao froze for a moment, and found that they had never heard the name Mu Xiao, and they looked at each other for a while.

However, when Namu Xiao broke out the coercion of the Seven Tribulations Deva.

These arrogances all changed their faces and saluted one after another.

“I have seen Brother Mu!”

“Senior Brother Mu is really a god and man!”

“Senior Brother Mu is less than three thousand years old, he has already reached seven calamities!

This kind of talent, no one in Zhongzhou domain can compare! ”

A sound of flattery sounded.

Yang Yin also opened his mouth and said: “Are you the strongest arrogant that the Heavenly Kingdom has secretly cultivated for many years?

Well, the seven calamities of less than three thousand years old are indeed good.

Well, don’t stand there stupidly, come here!

Let’s get ready to go! ”

“Yes, please follow the instructions of Yang senior.”

Mu Xiao came over.

Su Zhan, who hadn’t saluted him intentionally or unintentionally, stopped for a while on Senior Brother Mu, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, and said with a smile: “Yang senior.

Can Deva come to participate in the battle of the gods and demons? ”

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