Chapter 840 Beat and cry him first, then grab his things! (The fourth chapter asks for a silver ticket)

This statement came out.

Those Tianjiao were all taken aback, then smiled and looked at Su Zhan, wanting to see how embarrassed Su Zhan looked.

However, to their surprise, Su Zhan didn’t look too embarrassed.

Instead, he looked at Mu Xiao and said in amazement: “There are regulations on the battlefield of the gods and demons, can’t Deva go?”

“Of course not.”

Mu Xiao smiled and said: “It’s just this junior, you’re devastated Deva, why are you going to the battlefield of gods and demons?”

“What does it have to do with you?”

Su Zhan said coldly: “I’m not familiar with you, don’t get close to it.”

The set is close?

My dignified Seven Tribulation Supreme, the strongest person under 3000 years of age in the Central Region, is close to your little Tribulation Deva?

The smile on Mu Xiao’s face was a little frozen, and he said lightly: “This junior, I just persuade you.

The battlefield of gods and demons is very dangerous, not a place where people like you can go.

Of course you insist on going to die, it has nothing to do with me. ”

“It has nothing to do with you. You still talk so much nonsense?

Is there something wrong with your brain? ”


Mu Xiao raised his brows, and a trace of anger appeared in his eyes: “Don’t you know, what is meant by respect for senior?”

“If you are senior, why would you stand here with me?”

Su Zhan pointed at Yang Yin: “Instead, standing in the place of Yang senior?”


Mu Xiao was anxious, but he really didn’t know how to refute for a while.

“What are you?”

Su Zhan curled his lips: “I don’t know what to say and dare to come out ashamed.

If I were you, I would punch a hole on the spot and bury my head in it.

Maybe you can save a little bit less. ”

“You are presumptuous!”

Mu Xiao was finally angered, and the terrifying coercion of the Seven Tribulations Deva broke out in an instant.

However, just as he walked towards Su Zhan, he was pulled back by an invisible force.

“Okay, don’t make a noise.”

Yang Yin waved his hand, and Chao Mu Xiao said, “This is Su Zhan, a man in the Zhongzhou region in recent months.

Su Zhan, Mu Xiao is a Tianjiao who was secretly cultivated by the Heavenly Dynasty to participate in this battle of Gods and Demons.

He already has seven calamities. If he enters the battlefield of gods and demons, his performance will be great, and he may be able to help you. ”

“Su Zhan?”

Mu Xiao was taken aback, and immediately reacted: “It turned out to be you. I also heard your name when I Closed Door Training.

The first holy king, one step for ten thousand years of luck, ten steps to break the ladder of luck! ”

As he said, Mu Xiao lifted his chin and said: “Unexpectedly, you also broke into Deva.

But if you are a newcomer to Deva, going to places like the battlefield of gods and demons is no different from dying.

The strange beast inside, Ghost can kill you!

Of course, if you now apologize to me like I am wrong.

For the sake of Tianjiao who belonged to the Zhongzhou Territory, in the battlefield of Gods and Demons, I can’t take care of you a little bit. ”


Su Zhan rolled his eyes, spit out two words, and didn’t bother to deal with Mu Xiao anymore.

The battlefield of gods and demons is originally a random teleportation. It is hard to say whether it can be encountered or not, but also take care of…

What about fools?


What do I want you to take care of?

You don’t want to rub my good luck by my side, do you?

Fools just listen to you!

With scorn in his heart, Su Zhan turned his head, as if he didn’t want to communicate with Mu Xiao anymore.

Mu Xiao’s forehead bounced with blue veins, but there was really nothing to do with Su Zhan for a while, after all, he couldn’t do it in front of Yang Yin.

For a moment, he stood there with an ugly face.

“Brother Mu, in the battlefield of the gods and demons, I hope to take care of my little brother!”

“Senior Brother Mu is so strong, the pressure of the Seven Tribulations Deva just made my legs tremble!”

“Brother Mu, the little girl Mu Qianqian has a similar surname to Senior Brother Mu, and I hope Senior Brother Mu will take care of it!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Su Zhan didn’t take Mu Xiao’s care seriously, others didn’t think so.

Even though the gods and demons might not see each other in the battlefield, but Mu Xiao is so arrogant, they naturally want to make friends.

As for Su Zhan…

In fact, they also want to make friends.

After all, Su Zhan is the number one holy king, and they have also heard about nine steps and ninety thousand years of luck.

Just helpless.

Su Zhan is now on the opposite side of Mu Xiao.

And if they can only choose one side, for them, of course, it is to choose Mu Xiao, who has both talent and strong strength, and may help them in the battlefield of Gods and Demons.

Listening to the flattery of those people, Mu Xiao was also triumphant, glancing at Su Zan from time to time, looking arrogant and provocative.

To this.

Of course Su Zhan ignored it.

“Well, now that everyone is here, then we won’t waste time.”

As he said, Yang Yin waved his hand and a giant ship with a length of one thousand meters appeared in the sky. He leaped onto the giant ship and said, “Come on all of you!

At the speed of this ship, it only takes about three days to reach the battlefield of gods and demons in the endless sea! ”

“Yes, senior!”

Every Tianjiao boarded the ship.

Su Zhan and Qin Xiaoshu also followed them.


After everyone boarded the giant ship, countless runes appeared on the surface of the giant ship, and those runes flashed!

The next moment, the speed of the giant ship suddenly increased, and it shot towards the distance!

Three days later.

Endless seas.

A large island about four to five hundred miles long.

There are spirit trees growing on the island, and occasionally very beautiful spirit birds fly by.

But the ferocious Demonic Beasts are not one.

Not only on the island.

There are no Demonic Beasts in the ferocious sea within a thousand miles of this island.

Even, all Demonic Beasts will deliberately avoid this island.

There is no other reason.

Just because this island is the entrance to the battlefield of gods and demons.

Sheltered by a large ethnic group all year round.

And today, there are many powerful Deva stationed on the island.

The Demonic Beasts who had been nesting nearby in the past 100,000 years were so scared that they dragged their families away and hurriedly left, for fear of losing their lives for one second at night!

At this time, on the island.

Somewhere under a huge tree more than 30 meters high.

Two very strong humanoid creatures, one old and one young, are gnawing on the special spirit coconut fruit on this tree.

“Four grandfather, this battlefield of gods and demons is so terrible, just when I was looked at by that person, I felt scared!”

The sturdy young man who was more than two meters tall and muscularly ate the coconut fruit while muttering: “I knew this, I wouldn’t be here. It’s too dangerous!”

“The one who just passed by was Qin Wudao, the heir of the eternal swordsmanship of the ancient times.

The number one arrogant of the Primordial Realm, of course you are not his opponent. ”

The old man smiled and said, “But don’t be discouraged, our monster race has a much longer life than them!

Just like your fourth grandfather, I am now more than 20,000 years old!

The Martial Dao myth of their human race, except for the immortal of the ancient realm, who can survive me?

It’s not a good thing to be great for a while, but it’s really great to live in the end! ”

“Grandpa Four is mighty!”

The young man named Yuan Feitian scratched his head: “What can be done is the future, now I can’t beat Qin Wudao!

How can this be neat? ”

“It’s okay.”

The old man chuckled: “The battlefield of the gods and demons is a million li, how can such a coincidence be encountered?

Besides, if you see him and run away, if you don’t fight with him, he won’t make any mistakes with you! ”

“Yes, run when you see him, anyway, I run fast!”

The sacred ape clan teenager grinned, and suddenly remembered something, and said: “Four grandfather, do I have to run when I see anyone?”

“of course not!”

The old man proudly said: “You are the strongest and purest genius of our mountain gods and apes for 100,000 years!

Except for a few people, you saw the others, just a violent beating!

these people……

The first is Qin Wudao, Taigu Eternal Kendo is too heaven-defying, you must not be able to beat it.

Secondly, it is Mu Xiao from the Central State Region. This person was secretly cultivated by the heavenly dynasty, and it took me a lot of work to get this person’s information.

He is cultivating to destroy swordsmanship, and he is also a secret disciple of the Great Emperor Zhongzhou, not to be underestimated!

There is also Lin Xuan, although he is only the Six Tribulations Supreme, but I don’t know if he has cultivated the Sword Technique of Tianba Hengkong, if he has cultivated, he will also be a strong enemy of you!

As for the others… Although the Yandi Region is only a small and medium-sized region, it is said that there is an unparalleled Tianjiao in the Yandi Region, Yan Haneda!

The Cultivation Base has reached the Seven Tribulations, and at the same time, the Emperor Yan’s magical skill is extremely powerful, and there has been a record of defeating the Seven Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

However, Yan Haneda can’t come, I have already received an invitation from Yan Emperor Domain.

It was said that she had found some flame goddess, and she should choose a suitable date to get married within these few months, so she could only send other people over.

This is good news for you.

Oh, right.

More than a month ago, the agent in the Zhongzhou region returned news about one person.

That person’s name was Su Zhan, and he was also the number one holy king in nearly a hundred years.

It is said that when he climbed the Heavenly Luck Ladder of Shengwang Mountain, he robbed Shengwang Mountain for 90,000 years and added his luck in one step!

The tenth step is to break the ladder of luck!

This person’s talent is a real evildoer, but he is still only a holy king. It is not a concern now, but you should pay attention to it in advance.

Maybe in three to five hundred years, Su Zhan will become your rival! ”

“Su Zhan…I remember it!”

Sarutobu nodded earnestly.

Suddenly, when he sensed something, he looked back and saw that a huge ship was coming here quickly!

“It’s the battleship of the Zhongzhou Territory! There is the flag of the Zhongzhou Territory above!”


The old man’s eyes flashed with golden light, he saw the people who landed in the distance, and he was a little surprised: “Lin Xuan didn’t come?

On the contrary, the guy named Su Zhan is here, which is a bit strange! ”

“Lin Xuan didn’t come?”

Yuan Feitian smiled: “That’s great, I have one less rival!

As for Su Zhan… isn’t he the Saint King?

Why is it here? ”

“It seems to be a breakthrough to Deva.

However, Deva dared to come to the battlefield of the gods and demons… this person is really bold! ”

A light flashed in the eyes of the old man of the sacred ape tribe: “I have seen people in the Zhongzhou region, except for that Mu Xiao, no one is threatening you.

Remember, the one wearing a red and gold brocade and holding a folding fan is Mu Xiao!

See this person in the battlefield of gods and demons, you can try it out, and run away when you find that you lose! ”

Yuan Feitian smiled: “What if you meet other people in Zhongzhou Territory?”

“You can just hit it!”

The old man also smiled and said, “Among those people, it is estimated that only Qin Xiaoshu can beat you.

The others are vulnerable!

Especially the kid surnamed Su!

Although it’s just a catastrophe Cultivation Base, this guy is a recent figure in the Zhongzhou region, the first holy king!

Good things on him are indispensable, just hit him hard when you see him!

understand? ”

“Understand! I remember it!”

Yuan Feitian patted his chest and said, “Flee when you encounter Qin Wudao!

When you encounter Mu Xiao, you will find that you can’t escape!

Encountered Su Zhan…

Then I’ll beat and cry him first!

Rob him again!

Hehehe! ”

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