Chapter 841 This is very reasonable! (The first larger chapter)

“Crying is not enough, it’s better to kill!”

The old man of the sacred ape tribe said.

“Killed to death… But since I was a child, grandpa, didn’t you teach me not to be a murderer?”

Yuan Feitian said in confusion: “I have no grievances or grudges against him. Even if I want to rob him, I can’t kill him, right?”

“The others don’t care, but this Su Zhan’s talent and luck is too abnormal!

It’s best to solve it while he hasn’t grown up yet! ”

The old man said: “He is a human race, we are a monster race.

I told you not to kill indiscriminately, referring to the same race.

Different races, different positions, it doesn’t matter whether you want to kill indiscriminately or not! ”

“Oh, I see!”

Sarufeitian nodded: “Then I will see the situation at that time!

If he really doesn’t know what is good or bad, and is unwilling to surrender to me, then I will have to kill him! ”

“Little god, you still have a long way to go if you want to become the emperor of the monster race!”

The old man of the sacred ape clan sighed.

Yuan Feitian lacks the brutality and cruelty of the monster race, but is a bit naive. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Of course, a wise emperor must be decisive, but he also needs to be kind.

There is no doubt that Yuanfeitian’s talents will be able to carry the brilliance of the sacred apes in the future.

But this xinxing… still needs to be tempered!

With this in mind, the old man waved his hand and called the other nine bloodmoon monster races not far away, and after instructing them some people in the battlefield of the gods and demons who were absolutely incapable of being enemies, the old man was also Sit down and rest.

The ten monster races in the Blood Moon Region also looked around curiously, looking at those human races.

A few licked their lips, looking hungry and thirsty.

And this time.

Su Zhan also looked at the people around him.

“That’s Qin Wudao.”

Qin Xiaoshu pointed to the distance, a handsome man dressed in white, carrying a long sword, and with long hair reaching his waist said, “I can’t be wrong with his portrait.

His primordial eternal kendo contains three eternal laws of destruction and chaos, space!

Once the true meaning of kendo locks on the enemy, it is impossible to dodge this sword!

This is also the first kendo that is still circulating in the spirit world today!

Of course, it is said that Li Chunshan, the sword god, contains the law of time, the hour star kendo is stronger!

However, Li Chunshan Shenlong saw the head but not the end, and he had never made a few moves in the spirit world.

Never fought with Taikoo Eternal Kendo.

Therefore, I don’t know if these words are rumors. ”

“Swordsmanship that contains the laws of destruction, the laws of chaos, and the laws of space?”

Su Zhan looked at Qin Wudao, his eyes gleaming slightly.

If you can get the Swordsmanship of the Immortal Eternal, absorb the essence of it and integrate them into the swordsmanship of Zhantian, then his swordsmanship will definitely be stronger!


When Su Zhan looked at Qin Wudao, Qin Wudao felt a little bit, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Su Zhan.

After discovering that Su Zhan was just a devastation Deva, he closed his eyes dullly.

A catastrophe Deva is not even qualified to cause him to give birth to a trace of mood swings.

Not to mention reprimanding, or provocative eyes.

In his opinion, the two are not at the same level at all.

“Su Zhan, have you seen that strong boy like a cow?”

Qin Xiaoshu pointed to another place: “That’s the flying monkey.

The blood moon domain, although it is respected by the real dragon clan.

But the True Dragon tribe is extremely rare.

Therefore, the mountain sacred ape clan also has a position not to lose too much of the true dragon in the blood moon domain.

The mountain god ape is known for its terrifying power that can squeeze the space. The mountain god ape is a genius of the mountain god ape family.

His physical strength might even be able to smash the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier! ”

True spirit, mountain god ape?

Su Zhan looked at Yuan Feitian.

If you remember correctly, there is a divine ape change among the nine true spirit changes!

This Yuan Feitian… is also a good thing!

In the distance, Yuan Feitian suddenly unconsciously shook his son and sneezed.

“Huh? What’s the situation?

Could it be that my handsome appearance attracted those female arrogances who kept thinking about me and made me sneeze?

It must be so! ”

Yuan Feitian touched his head: “No way, it’s not my fault to be handsome, then my parents should be blamed!”

After sighing, Yuan Feitian continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Su Zhan also retracted his gaze.

Waited for another two full days.

Over this island, there were finally some spatial fluctuations.

Yang Yin immediately noticed, and said, “The entrance to the battlefield of Gods and Demons is about to open!”

As he said, he waved his sleeves and ten peculiar tokens hovered in front of him: “This is the order of the gods and demons.

Wait, only with this order can you pass through the gate of space and reach the battlefield of gods and demons!

The battlefield of gods and demons is not a region of the spirit world, but a Minor World about a million miles in size.

Although it is the Minor World, it is compared to the entire spiritual world.

For individuals, it is absolutely vast!

In addition, the gravity inside exceeds the spiritual world, and the speed will be suppressed a bit.

And this space gate will only last for ten days, so you must not lose this order!

Otherwise, there will be no gods and demons to guide the position of the light gate, and the complex situation in the battlefield of the gods and demons, all kinds of poisonous fog, illusion…

If you are lost or not fast enough, there is no time to come out within ten days.

Then you can only wait until the next one hundred thousand years, and future generations will bring back your bones!

do you understand? ”


All the Tianjiao nodded, all reaching out to take a piece of God and Demon Order to start.

At this time, those spatial ripples were getting bigger and bigger, and a 100-meter-high light gate appeared to the sky!

“The battlefield of gods and demons is open! Go!”

As soon as this light gate appeared, someone couldn’t wait to fly into it.

After him, all Deva rushed into the light gate.

“Junior Brother Su.”

Su Zhan just wanted to enter the light gate, but Qin Xiaoshu stopped him and stuffed a round jade pendant into the palm of his hand.

Then, he actually held his hand!

It’s not over yet, it’s even five fingers clasped!

Qin Xiaoshu…doesn’t like men?

Su Zhan’s heart trembled, the goose bumps were all up, and the mark on the meteor dragon thunder flame on his left hand suddenly lit up!

Just when he was about to punch Qin Xiaoshu ten miles away.

Qin Xiaoshu hurriedly said, “Junior Brother Su, don’t get me wrong!

This is the concentric admiration given to me by Master!

You also know that after entering the battlefield of Gods and Demons, they will be teleported randomly.

But this concentric wear can keep us from being separated!

The two act together, so there is a support!

And look at those people, many of them actually have similar methods! ”

Qin Xiaoshu pointed to those Tianjiao who used some strange treasures to enter the Light Gate together.

“It turned out to be so.”

The meteor dragon Lei Yanshan in Su Zhan’s left hand began to dim again.

After thinking about it, I felt that there was no harm in walking with Qin Xiaoshu.

And Qin Xiaoshu is Cui Tianshu’s apprentice, maybe he knows a lot of treasure places,

So he agreed.

Adventure halo, open!

Turn off other auras, leaving the aura of adventure that maximizes the effect.

Su Zhan also followed Qin Xiaoshu into the Light Gate.

The sky was spinning around.

An endless darkness.

Ten seconds passed.

A gleam of light flooded Su Zhan’s vision.

He realized that he had come to a sea area.

This sea area is a bit like an endless sea, but it is not.

In the sea, there are large tracts of land, and islands are even rarer.

At this moment, he is located on a small island beach.



He was looking around, and suddenly felt something strange under his feet. He moved his feet and saw that it was a hexagonal snowflake-shaped jade treasure.

There is no energy, nor can it be poured into the holy yuan.

He glanced at it and put it away.

At this time, Qin Xiaoshu had just recovered from the teleported dizziness.

With a palm, he took out a map and said, “Junior Brother Su.

The battlefield of the gods and demons is very vast, as big as a million miles!

There are also many fierce and unusual sea beasts in this sea, and even some Ghosts wandering around!

Be careful! ”


Su Zhan nodded and said, “Brother Eleven, where are we going?”

“Don’t worry, since I dare to bring you here, there must be a good place to go!”

Qin Xiaoshu smiled and said: “Before this time, Master once wrote a volume about the seventh-generation Sect Leader of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

Give me the “Fu Di” Jade Slip who has used the magic of magic to the extreme!

Fudi Xiao Cheng fell on the battlefield of gods and demons millions of years ago, and no one has found his legacy!

Master, gave me some information about the place where Fudi’s inheritance is likely to be located, and we can go and look for it!

But speaking of it… even if you find it, how to get in will be a hassle! ”

“Can I get in if I find it?”

Su Zhan was puzzled.

Qin Xiaoshu said: “Where is the inheritance of Emperor Fu so easy to enter?

Although Master gave me some cracking methods, I don’t know if it will work.

Speaking of which, if we had the legendary Fudi token, the hexagonal snowflake talisman would be great!

It is said that a person with a hexagonal snowflake talisman will be directed to it as long as he approaches a certain distance from the Fudi inheritance!

And you can enter it without hindrance and gain inheritance!

Of course, this is just a legend, it is hard to say whether it is true or not, maybe there is no hexagonal snowflake talisman in this battlefield of gods and demons! ”

“Hexagonal Snowflake Talisman?”

Hearing this name, Su Zhan moved in his heart, flipped his palm, and took out the jade hexagonal snowflake that he had just picked up.

“Brother Eleven, can you see if this is it?”


Qin Xiaoshu’s eyes suddenly widened!

Carefully took the piece of Fuyu, he looked at it carefully for several minutes before he was pleasantly surprised: “Yes, it’s true!

That’s right!

It contains the breath of Fudi!

It is the key that can lead to the inheritance of Fudi and unlock the inheritance of Fudi in the legend!

Junior brother, how can you have such a treasure? ! ”

After the surprise, Qin Xiaoshu also looked at Su Zhan with a full face of doubt.

I don’t know why Su Zhan has such a token of Emperor Fu.


Su Zhan also smiled when he saw Qin Xiaoshu’s appearance: “I thought I had picked up something broken at first.

It turned out to be a good thing! ”

“You said, this, this is what you picked up, picked up?”

Qin Xiaoshu was a little confused: “How is this possible!

Many people have searched for this hexagonal talisman, but they have not found it. How could you find it?

Where did you pick it up? ? ? ”

“It’s here!

It just fell, and I felt something awkward.

I raised my foot and saw that this six-pointed jade talisman was under my feet, of course I picked it up and put it away! ”

Su Zhan looked like it was taken for granted, and in the eyes of Qin Xiaoshu’s stupid people, he continued: “Elder Brother, why are you doing this?

I am a person with a little luck better than others, and occasionally pick up things that others can’t.

It is very reasonable and logical.

Is this also a problem? ”

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