Chapter 865 Your hand, can you let me touch it? (First more)

“What, what?!”

Qin Xiaoshu was so stupid that he thought he had heard it wrong: “What did you say Su Zhan?”

“It seems that Eleven Brother, you are too old, deaf and faint.”

Su Zhan felt helpless, raised his voice, and repeated: “I said, I killed the Water Dragon King!”

“How can this be!”

Qin Xiaoshu suddenly said in shock: “That is the pinnacle of the Seven Tribulations!!!”

“Although it is the peak of the Seven Tribulations, he is Demonic Beasts!”

Su Zhan took it for granted: “Demonic Beasts has no human wisdom. With my wisdom, it is not very reasonable and logical to kill a stupid Demonic Beasts?”


Qin Xiaoshu was suspicious: “Su Zhan, how did you kill the Water Dragon King?”

“Well, it’s a long story…”

Su Zhan groaned for a moment, and said, “The Water Dragon King’s defense is too strong. Even me, it took a long time to break his defense, and then use the Void Sword Box to kill!”

“Long time… how long is it?”

“five minutes.”


Qin Xiaoshu was dumbfounded, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Five minutes…long?

I’ve been your uncle for a long time!


In the past, one tribulation and six tribulations were abnormal enough!

Now it’s a catastrophe… Hey, it’s already a catastrophe!

This f*ck, it’s been less than a month since your kid broke into Deva, right?

Broken a catastrophe in a month?

You fucking hang up, right? ? ?

But then again.

The Second Tribulation can kill the peak of the Seven Tribulations.

This f*ck.

If I really accompany him to practice boxing for three days and three nights, can I still live? !

Qin Xiaoshu’s body trembled, and he glanced at Su Zhan with a bitter look.

Although you know that your kid is abnormal, can you converge a little bit next time!

Moreover, I just said that I was frightened by the Water Dragon King.

You fucking tell me you killed him in five minutes!

This is so special!

You do it like this, brother, I have no face!

Feeling depressed, Qin Xiaoshu didn’t want to talk about this topic with Su Zhan anymore.

He was afraid that if he continued to talk, he would vomit blood in depression!

“Brother Eleven, what’s wrong with you?”

At this time, noticing that Qin Xiaoshu’s face was wrong, Su Zhan also asked.

Qin Xiaoshu shook his head: “No, nothing, Su Zhan, where are you going next?”

“I don’t know, just walk around!”

“In that case, you might as well follow me!”

Qin Xiaoshu said: “Master has prepared a lot for this battlefield of gods and demons. I know where many elixir and spirit fruits grow, we can go together!”


Su beheaded nodded.

Next, the two went together.

Two hours later.

They came outside a huge cave.

Qin Xiaoshu cautiously said: “Su Zhan, this is where the high rank demon Spiritual herbs grow, but there is a very strong Demonic Beasts inside, so let me arrange the formation first.

Then draw him out and kill it with the power of formation! ”


Su Zhan responded.

After waiting for a while, Qin Xiaoshu arranged the formation.

Su Zhan also rushed into the cave and led out the powerful Demonic Beasts from Qin Xiaoshu’s mouth as planned.


There was a rumbling in the cave.

In Qin Xiaoshu’s bewildered gaze, Su Zhan dragged a huge corpse of Demonic Beasts out.

“Brother Eleven, the Demonic Beasts you are talking about are very powerful, isn’t it the Six Tribulations Supreme Celestial Demon?”


The corners of Qin Xiaoshu’s mouth twitched.

Six Tribulations Supreme?

This f*ck, when can a Deva of the Second Tribulation be able to say “Six Tribulation Supreme”?


This kid can kill the Seven Tribulations Supreme, so to speak, there is really no way to refute…

I am really confused.

Forget me this junior is almost invincible in the battlefield of gods and demons!

Qin Xiaoshu was depressed: “Su Zhan, you…you are so fierce!

Let’s go, let’s go in and pick up the elixir! ”

With that said, Qin Xiaoshu removed the formation and went into it to pick up the elixir.

The next few days.

Su Zhan and Qin Xiaoshu ran around.

Qin Xiaoshu provided the elixir of growth, or where there might be treasures, Su Zhan drew his sword directly.

In front of Heaven Swordsmanship.

In this battlefield of gods and demons.

No matter how fierce the Demonic Beasts were at the beginning, they would instantly turn into an egg, turning their heads and running away.

Or… become a corpse.

In this way, after a few more days, the passage of the battlefield of the gods and demons was about to be closed, and Su Zhan’s storage ring was also full, and Qin Xiaoshu walked out of the battlefield of the gods and demons together.

As he appeared on the island outside the battlefield of Gods and Demons.

Every Tianjiao looked at him in awe, and some Tianjiao even talked to their parents about Su Zhan in fear.

After hearing those words, those strong men who had already eight calamities or even nine calamities changed their expressions one by one, looking at Su Zhan in disbelief.

Regarding this, Su Zhan didn’t pay much attention to it.

Go straight to the area where the Zhongzhou domain is located.

“Brother Su!”

Mu Xiao was the first to stand up and salute.

“Hello Brother Su!”

“Long live Brother Su… one hundred thousand live!”

“Brother Su is mighty!”

A Tianjiao in the Central State Region is a salute.

Su Zhan also greeted them with a smile.

“Su Zhan, how did you gain from this trip?”

Yang Yin asked with a smile.


Su Zhan thought for a while: “It’s only a few hundred billion!”


Yang Yin’s smile stiffened, and everyone was a little stupid: “You said hundreds of billions of sacred stones???”

“if not?”

Su Zhan looked at Xiang Yang Yin with a foolish look: “I’m all Deva, it’s impossible to say Spirit Stones, right?”

“Hundreds of billions of sacred stones!”

Yang Yin was stunned and said, “Su Zhan, did you dug a whole sacred stone vein to come back??”


Su Zhan shook his head: “I mainly earned it by wisdom!”

“Earned by wisdom?”


“How do you earn, can you teach me?”


Su Zhan hesitated.

Mu Xiao smiled bitterly: “Yang senior, Brother Su has collected 30 billion yuan in protection fees from each of us, do you think he can make hundreds of billions of dollars?”

“What protection fee!”

Su Zhan was unhappy: “It sounds like I am a bad person. I am… asylum fee, don’t you understand?”


Mu Xiao nodded quickly.

But in my heart is slander: I changed a word for this special, is there any difference?

“Asylum fee, what asylum fee?”

Yang Yin was still full of doubts. Suddenly, he realized that Su Zhan had already broken through to the second calamity. He felt that Su Zhan’s one calamity was the enemy of six calamities, and he suddenly realized that.

This guy Su Zhan… robbed others of the sacred stone in the battlefield of Gods and Demons, right?

Yang Yin murmured in his heart, still a little puzzled, when he just wanted to ask carefully, he suddenly felt instinctive and looked to the side.

Su Zhan looked in that direction in the same way.

In that direction.

The old sacred ape of the sacred ape tribe, while listening to what the ape Feitian said, while staring at Su Zhan, his eyes were full of incredible shock!

Just as Su Zhan was at a loss.

The old ape actually ran over!

An excited face cut towards Su: “Little Friend Su, your hand… can you let me touch it?”

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