Chapter 866 Go all the way!

This statement came out.

Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately he shook his body and waved his hand: “Go away, you are an old pervert!”


The old man of the God Ape Clan was a little embarrassed, and said quickly: “Don’t get me wrong, Su Xiaoyou, I just want to check out Su Xiaoyou’s talent!”

Exploring talent?

Why do these old things have nothing to do day by day, so they want to explore my talent?

What’s so good about this? ? ?

Su Zhan was speechless and said impatiently: “Okay!

Ten billion times, you can check if you want, or leave if you don’t. ”

“Ten billion sacred stones once?”

The old ape of the sacred ape clan was also shocked, and looked at Yang Yin.

Yang Yin spread out his hands, looking like I can’t manage.

“Good! Ten billion is ten billion!”

The old ape of the sacred ape clan was really unbearable, gritted his teeth.

Su Zhan was also a little stunned: “Sacred Ape Clan… so rich?”

Yang Yin smiled and said: “The blood moon domain twelve true spirit family, the god ape family ranks fourth, and has more than ten large sacred stone veins!

Of course they are rich! ”

“So it’s like this”

Su Zhan understood, and looked at the old man of the magic ape: “Pay the money first.”

The old man of the god ape flipped his hand and took out a frosty scimitar and said: “Little friend Su, I don’t carry so many holy stones with me, but this cold moon knife is a high-quality middle-grade Heavenly Dao holy soldier!

Enough to sell the price of more than 10 billion sacred stones!

Even if it is 10 billion! ”

Su Zhan opened the refining halo, and the light in his eyes flickered, and he looked at the Cold Moon Knife carefully and confirmed that it was indeed as the old ape said, the tens of billions of sacred stone, and then put it away.

He stretched out his hand: “Check it out!”

“Brother Ape, do you really want to investigate Su Zhan’s talent?”

Yang Yin smiled and said: “I heard that your gods and apes don’t have a good heart when they are old, or forget it?”

“Ten billion sacred stones have been paid, how can it be forgotten!”

The old man shook his head again and again: “What’s more, I don’t believe him, he is as ridiculous as Feitian said!

Feitian must have made a mistake!

definitely is!

There won’t be such a person in the world! ”

While talking, the old man of God Ape placed his hand on Su Zhan’s hand.

A mysterious power entered Su Zhan’s body and probed.

He just started investigating, his face changed!

It’s actually true!

A special divine body that contains many powers of the Sun, Moon and Star!

There really is such a divine body!

This isn’t a big deal… Divine Veins, Divine Bone!


There is no trace of Impurities in his body!

Perfect body!

Bloodline… the bloodline of our sacred ape clan, the true dragon bloodline, and one that contains extremely strong demon energy…that is the bloodline of the demon god!

That’s it.

But his bone age…


What Feitian said is true!

This Su Zhan, he is really only seventeen years old! ! !

Seventeen years old, the Second Tribulation Deva!

Can be slashed!

In this world, when will there be such a perversion! ! !

The old man was short of breath, and his hands trembled.

Immediately afterwards, he rolled his eyes, unexpectedly because he was so excited that he fainted to the ground!

“Grandpa Four!”

Sarutobi Heavenly Horse rushed over!

“Little Ape, Brother Ape is okay, he is just too excited, his qi and blood are rushing to his brain, you take him back to have a good rest!”

Yang Yin sighed: “I told you not to check, what else do you check if your heart is not good, and you are not afraid of belching directly?”

Su Zhan looked blank, and immediately said, “You all saw it!

He did it himself, but I did not push it!

I won’t pay! ”

Hearing this, the eyes of the awake old man who had just woke up again rolled his eyes and fainted again.


Waited for a while.

When the space channel of the battlefield of the gods and demons was completely closed, Yang Yin also took the eight Tianjiao who had returned from the battlefield of the gods and demons back to the Zhongzhou region.

There are two more.

Stayed on the battlefield of Gods and Demons forever.

In this regard, everyone is not too sad.

Cultivation together, it is heaven-defying.

Life and death cannot be controlled.

One day later.

Back to the Zhongzhou domain.

Su Zhan bids farewell to Yangyin, and returns to Zhongzhou Territory with Qin Xiaoshu.

Another day passed.

He returned to the Tianshu Tower and came to the third floor.

In the three-story square, there are already a lot of three-story Deva standing and waiting.

With more than ten thousand miles away from the Tianshu Tower, Qin Xiaoshu sent back through the identity token. Therefore, Su Zhan was not too surprised.

However, one of these people seems to be missing?

Su Zhan looked at Xu Tianyue, who was just about to speak, with some doubts: “Owner, how about the second brother?”

“Junior Brother Xi…”

Xu Tianyue’s expression was a little weird: “Junior Brother Xi, he went to the Jujianmen to eat.”

“Go to the Great Sword Gate for dinner?”

Su Zhan looked blank: “Are we in the Tianshulou building without food?”

Qin Xiaoshu was also puzzled.

Xu Tianyue continued: “Su Zhan, Cao Zhen, the master of the giant sword gate… is dead!

Brother Xi, he went to the funeral meal on behalf of our Tianshulou. ”

“Cao Zhen is dead?”

Su Zhan was stunned: “He was fine at my Deva banquet last time, why did he suddenly die?”

This statement came out.

Those Deva looked at Su Zhan with weird faces.

You shit taught him your sky-slashing swordsmanship.

How did he die, don’t you have any points in your heart?

In my heart, those Deva also opened their mouths one by one.

“Blew himself to death!”

“I heard it was Qi Deviation when it was cultivation Sword Technique!”

“It’s not Qi Deviation, but the cultivation has just been successful, and it exploded the first time I used it!”

“I have also heard about it. It is said that that day, there was a loud noise over the Great Sword Gate!

Then the master Cao Zhen… is gone! ”

“It’s really miserable! The corpse is not intact, so I can only set up a burial mound for him!”

“Cao Zhen deserves it!

The landlord told him not to practice, he just wants to practice… Isn’t this special? ”

Listening to those voices, Su Zhan suddenly realized.

There was a moment of silence.

He also sighed.

Cao Zhen, although you are dead, you have lived forever in the history of Swordsmanship!

You are also the first person to explode and die in cultivation swordsmanship!

I will remember you!

Go with peace of mind!

Cao Zhen, go all the way well.

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