Chapter 867: What Are You Doing?

With some emotion in his heart, Su Zhan said: “Cao Zhen died for Kendo. Although he died, he was worthy of death!

If you do it again, I believe he will make the same choice! ”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, all Deva rolled their eyes.

Do it again, he wouldn’t dare to cultivate Heaven Slashing Sword for fear of killing him!

Make the same choice?

Who really wants to die!

Of course those Deva dare not speak out.

On the surface, they all echoed Su Zhan one by one.

Xu Tianyue, the poster of the Tianshulou, smiled and said: “Su Zhan, Xiaoshu, let’s talk about this matter, let’s talk about your experience in the battlefield of gods and demons!”

“Experience in the battlefield of gods and demons…”

Qin Xiaoshu pondered for a moment, and said, “Actually, there is nothing to say. The main reason is that Su Zhan picked up the key to Emperor Fu’s inheritance, Hexagonal Talisman Jade——”

“Hexagonal Talisman!”

Xu Tianyue was taken aback: “I’ve heard of this too. Doesn’t it exist in legends?

Can this be picked up too? ”

Qin Xiaoshu was helpless: “You have to ask Su Zhan, he picked it up.”

Xu Tianyue looked at Su Zhan.

Su Zhan naturally said: “I said, I was lucky, it seems normal to pick up a hexagonal talisman, right?”


Normal, your uncle!

That’s a six-pointed talisman!

The key to the legendary Fudi inheritance!

You just picked it up like that? ? ?

Xu Tianyue slandered in his heart, but didn’t say much.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaoshu continued: “Later, we found the inheritance of Emperor Fu and met two Tianjiao from the Primordial Realm who wanted to kill us.

Of course we can only resist.

After killing the two, we entered the Fudi inheritance palace, each took a volume of the First Heavenly Dao Sutra, absorbed Fudi’s insight, and left.

But because my talent is far behind Su Zhan, he completed Insight two days sooner than me.

We have not traveled in these two days, so I don’t know what he has experienced. ”

Upon hearing this, Xu Tianyue and the crowd of Deva looked at Su Zhan expectantly.

Su Zhan pondered for a moment, and said, “Actually, there is nothing to say. After I separated from Senior Brother Eleven, I met the demon ape flying in the Blood Moon Region.

After some friendly exchanges.

I went with him to find his ancestor, I got his ancestor’s Monster core, and he got his ancestor’s inheritance.


After a pause, thinking that things like avenue jade should not be said casually, Su Zhan continued: “Then, we went to the sea to find treasures. During the period, there was a tide of sea beasts, we broke out of the siege, and then I met again. Brother eleven.

The next thing is to constantly look for new elixir, there is nothing to say. ”

“It’s that simple?”

Xu Tianyue is suspicious.

“It’s that simple.”

Su Zhan nodded.

Although a little detail is omitted.

But he didn’t lie either, these things are true.

“Well then, I must be tired in the battlefield of the gods and demons, go back and have a good rest!”

Seeing this, although Xu Tianyue was still a little unbelieving, he didn’t ask much, and said with a smile.

Su Zhan nodded. Suddenly, he remembered something, and said to Mr. Six, Zheng Li, “Sixth Junior Brother, it’s like this.

I have harvested some treasures in the battlefield of Gods and Demons. I want to sell them. Can you help me deal with them? ”

“No problem, give it to me!”

Zheng Li nodded and smiled.

But soon, seeing the first treasure that Su Zhan took out, a hint of shock appeared on his face.

It was a medium-grade Heavenly Dao sacred soldier, worth nearly tens of billions of sacred stones!

This kind of treasure is not kept for your own use, but you have to sell it.

It seems that Junior Brother Su is really short of money!

Thinking inwardly, Zheng Li continued to watch.

The second piece is still a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier.

The third one.

The fourth piece.

One minute later.

When Su Zhan piled up all the treasures, elixir, and materials that he didn’t need to use, and placed them on the ground.

Everyone present, including the original poster Xu Tianyue.

It’s all shocked!

Inside, there are actually more than ten top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers!

The other ones are all extremely rare materials, elixir!

Roughly calculating the price, this can sell one or two hundred billion sacred stones!

Mr. Six Zheng Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked in a dry voice, “Su Zhan, you, where do you come from?”

“This…I got it when the sea beast tide broke out.”

Zheng Li was taken aback, pointing to a sword among the pile of treasures and said, “Can sea beasts use swords?”

“No, I mean, when the tide of sea beasts broke out, and other people asked me to protect them, I just took some protection, um, it should be said that it was a shelter fee.”

“How much did you charge?”

“Not many, 30 billion sacred stones per person. Basically, they didn’t bring so many sacred stones, so they used treasures to pay off their debts.”

30 billion holy stones!

Not much?

So, my total net worth is only 30 billion sacred stones, right? !

Mr. Six Zheng Li was depressed for a while.

In total, my own wealth is enough to pay Su Zhan once asylum fee…

But then again.

Although those Tianjiao may not be your opponents of Brother Su, they won’t be able to pay the asylum fee-Huh?

Zheng Li just thought of this, he subconsciously sensed Su Zhan’s Realm, and suddenly said in shock: “Brother Su, you have broken into the Second Tribulation!”

With his voice.

The other Deva are also awakened one by one!

“Two Tribulations! It’s really the breath of Two Tribulations Deva!”

“I’ll just say why Brother Su always feels a little different. It turns out that he has survived the second catastrophe!”

“How is this possible! If I remember correctly, it has only been a month since Brother Su became Deva?!”

“Break through in a month… This is too exaggerated!”

“It is naturally impossible for us, but for Brother Su…

To be honest, I feel that no matter how unreasonable things happen to Brother Su, it becomes reasonable! ”

Voices sounded one after another.

Xu Tianyue, the host of the Tianshulou, also smiled, laughing: “Okay, okay!

Su Zhan, you have broken into the second calamity, our Tianshulou has one more powerful combat power!

By the way, Su Zhan.

Since you have broken into the second calamity.

Why not keep some treasures for your own use?

If you are really short of money, I can transfer some from the treasure house of Tianshulou to you!


The one hundred billion sacred stones of the Great Sword Gate are already in your Immortal Cave, you don’t have to sell them all! ”

“I stayed!”

Su Zhan flipped the palm of his hand and took out the most precious wild ancient sword and mountain and river fan in addition to the avenue jade during this harvest.

At the moment when these two treasures appeared, they sensed the ranks of their superb Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers, and Xu Tianyue, the poster of Tianshulou, and other Deva suddenly opened their eyes.

After watching for two seconds and recognizing the origin of the treasure, Xu Tianyue lost his voice: “This, this is a wild ancient sword!

It is said that the existence of Immortal in the Primordial Realm bestowed on Qin Wudao, the first arrogant of the Primordial Realm!

How could it be with you!

And this one… Shanhe fan!

Isn’t this the most famous treasure of the Zhongzhou dynasty?

Logically speaking, it should be in the hands of the Tianjiao who was secretly cultivated by the Heavenly Dynasty!

Why are you here?

Su Zhan, what have you done in the battlefield of gods and demons? ? ? ”

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