Chapter 889: Arrived in the Imperial City! (First more)

“Yes, Master!”

The young man knew he could not persuade Zhang Tianfeng to change his mind, so he had to respectfully respond.

However, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Actually, I’m not worried that my master can’t beat Su Zhan.


Su Zhan’s potential is too great.

Moreover, is it possible for such a person to die so easily?

If the enmity is formed, and Su Zhan runs away again, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles in the future!

Thinking of this in his heart, the young man was also helpless, and followed Zhang Tianfeng to leave here.

Two days later.

Su Zhan arrived at the outskirts of Yandiyu’s imperial city.

Looking at the majestic city in front of him, he patted Xiaobai and motioned Xiaobai to stop in the mountains and forests below.

After falling into the forest, Su Zhan brought Xiaobai into the cave and looked at Su Zhaoyue. After hesitating, he opened his mouth and said: “Your Cultivation Base is too low. If the truth doesn’t make sense, I and Emperor Yan Dynasty may be a little bit younger. friction.

I may not have enough energy to look after you by then…”

“I know.”

Su Zhaoyue nodded: “Am I waiting for you here?”

“No, you should enter my cave too!”

Su Zhan said: “Relax your mind and let you come out of the cave after I confirm your safety.”



Su Zhan Shengyuan surged, and Su Zhaoyue, who had no resistance at all, entered the cave of the puppet emperor’s ring.

Afterwards, he walked towards the imperial city.

When passing through the city gate, he didn’t use any special means, just reported his name, recorded it, and entered.

“It seems that the news of the Huo family has not been passed on. Otherwise, the Yan Dynasty issued a wanted decree, and those people should not have no response when they heard my name.”

Entering the imperial city, Su murmured in his mouth and headed towards the imperial palace.

Soon, he came to the front gate of the palace.

Deva’s momentum erupted directly.

“What does senior do?”

The leader of the gate guard sensed Su Zhan’s Deva Realm and asked respectfully.

“I want to see your emperor.”

“Senior wants to see your Majesty?”

The guard hesitated for a moment: “Please also report the name of the senior, who is here, wait a moment here, and I will report to your majesty for the senior!”

“Su Zhan, as for the purpose of coming, I want to discuss with him about the Eastern Wasteland domain.”

“Okay, senior please wait here for a while!”

The guard retreated respectfully.

Su Zhan also waited in place.

Actually, if you can.

He has always liked reasoning.

If it can be solved verbally, then there is no need to do it.

This is also the reason why he didn’t go directly to the palace.

Of course, if the truth doesn’t make sense, then he will have to fight with his weak power!

at this time.

Inside the Great Hall of the Yan Dynasty Palace.

The Great Emperor Yan Tianxu was sitting on the dragon chair and smiled and said to a young man in Jin Yi: “How?

Is it okay to recover from the injury? ”

Yan Yu at the bottom quickly cupped hands and said: “Father cares more!

The injuries suffered by the children in the battlefield of the gods and demons have been basically healed after this period of recuperation! ”

“Healed well!”

Opposite Yan Yu, a handsome young man in dragon robe smiled and said, “It just so happens, you Dage, I will get married soon.

You are healed, then I will accompany you Dage and I will go to Goddess Peak to pick up relatives! ”


Yan Yuji looked at Yan Yutian with a smile on his face: “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen the flame goddess who can control the different fires in the world!

This time, you must take a good look, if you are worthy of my Dage! ”

“Hey! More than worthy!”

Yan Haneda smiled: “The goddess can control the world’s different fires, and my extremely fire Dao body is just perfect!

If you can dual cultivation with her, I have a hunch.

Within three years.

My Yan Haneda will be dead!

In three hundred years, I can be called the Martial Dao myth! ”


Yan Tianxu, the great emperor of the Yan Dynasty, heard this with a gleeful expression: “My Tianer is the first arrogant of the spirit world!

Now with the goddess again!

Complementing each other, the Taoist body is bound to go further!

Three hundred years later… My Yandi domain will also be born the myth of Martial Dao!

At that time, it will become the real big territory second only to the Zhongzhou region, the ancient region, and the blood moon region! !


Need for sound transmission? ”

While talking, suddenly saw a golden light flying from outside, Yan Tianxu was full of surprise, and took the golden talisman into his hand: “It’s actually the Huo Family Voice Transmission?

The distance between Huo’s house and us…There are nineteen inn stations along the way, which means that nineteen superb sound transmission talisman must be consumed!

What is it that is so urgent? ”

Yan Tianxu frowned slightly, and put the golden charm on his forehead.

When he sensed the information contained in the magic talisman, his face immediately changed.

In the end, when the talisman was taken off, all the smiles on Yan Tianxu’s face disappeared, and his face was full of anger instead: “Bastard!

Actually dare to ruin my good deeds! ! ”

“Father, what’s the matter?”

Yan Haneda asked curiously.

“Tian’er, Goddess…”

Yan Tianxu said solemnly: “The goddess was robbed!”


Yan Haneda was startled, and immediately became very angry: “Do the Huo family eat shit?!

Six supreme, more than 30 Deva!

They can’t even stand the goddess in this temple!

If I knew this, I should have taken the goddess away forcibly! ! ”

“Now it’s too late to say this!”

Yan Tianxu said: “This message from the Huo Family is very hasty and seems to have panicked!

It didn’t explain how that guy took the goddess away.

I just keep emphasizing that that person is a Devil, with a devilish energy and terrible strength!

In addition, that person’s name is Su Zhan, and it is not clear about the relationship between him and the goddess! ”

“Su Zhan!”

Yan Haneda gritted his teeth: “This person actually snatched someone and grabbed my Yan Haneda’s head!

Father, please make an order and want this person!

And, this person will be punishable by the Nine Clan! ”

Yan Tianxu nodded: “Okay, I immediately—”

“Father, never!”

Hearing the words Su Zhan, Yan Yuji’s pupils suddenly shrank, and quickly said, “Su Zhan is not an ordinary person!

The son-chen came here today, he had just recovered from his injury, and wanted to report this person’s affairs!

Father, Dage!

Su Zhan is the first arrogant man in the battlefield of Gods and Demons this time!

Qin Wudao is not his opponent!

Moreover, this person also cultivated several Dao, physical power, kendo, are extremely strong!

Possess the strength to slay the seven calamities! ”

“Better than Qin Wudao?”

Yan Haneda was taken aback, then coldly said, “So what!

The world always compares me Yan Haneda to Qin Wudao. If it is talent, maybe he is qualified to compare with me.

But when it comes to strength…

My Jihuo Dao body plus the power of the Yandi Divine Jue can be compared to him?

Su Zhan can defeat Qin Wudao, but he may not be able to defeat me!


The vengeance of the wife is not shared!

I want him to die! ! ”

Yan Haneda just finished speaking, a guard hurriedly appeared at the door, walked into the Great Hall, kneeled on the ground and reported: “Your Majesty!

There is a Deva outside the palace, named Su Zhan, who says he wants to see you in person!

Discuss things about the Eastern Wasteland domain! ”

“Su Zhan?”

Yan Tian was stunned for a while.

Before he could react, Yan Haneda’s eyes lit up, both annoyed and a little excited: “Su Zhan?

He dare to come to my Yan Dynasty imperial palace?

Very good!

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!

Since this person is going to die by himself!

Then I will fulfill him!

Yan Yuji, you are afraid of Su Zhan, that is because you only have the Six Tribulations Supreme in the early stage, and the Cultivation Base is low!

But to me, Su Zhan is nothing terrible at all!

Wait a minute, open your eyes and watch!

Take a closer look at you, Dage, how I defeated Na Su Zhan!

Speaking of, Qin Wudao is not his opponent. If I defeat him, wouldn’t it be possible to use him as a stepping stone to establish my name as the number one arrogant of Yan Haneda’s spirit world?

It really kills two birds with one stone, hahaha! ”

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