Chapter 890 One Sword! (Second more)

“Dage, no!”

“Step aside!”

Yan Yutian glared at Yan Yuji: “Are you helping me or Nasu!”

Yan Yu was very helpless. Knowing that he could not persuade Yan Yutian, he had to say to Yan Tianxu, Emperor Yan Dynasty: “Father!

Su Zhan’s talent, the strength is all over Qin Wudao, he is the number one arrogant of the Zhongzhou region!

Moreover, if I guessed correctly, his relationship with Taishang Tianzong retired elder Yang Yin is extraordinary!

This person can’t be killed! ”

Yan Tianxu said with a solemn face: “You mean, he has a special identity, we can’t move him?”

“Even if he is a direct disciple of the Supreme Supreme Master of Tianzong!”

Yan Haneda said: “The vengeance of a wife is not shared!

He and I are both peers. We challenged him fairly, and he couldn’t blame others when he died!

Moreover, our Yandi Region had always offered treasures to Zhongzhou Region, and the Emperor Zhongzhou was our patron!

Zhongzhou area, it is not what Tianzong has the final say!

It’s the Emperor Zhongzhou! ”

“If it’s a fair challenge, then the Zhongzhou domain really can’t blame us, it’s just”

Yan Yu hesitated, and gritted his teeth: “Dage, you really don’t have to be Su Zhan’s opponent!

He defeated Qin Wudao! ”

“Beat Qin Wudao…”

Yan Haneda coldly said, “Is he much better than Qin Wudao?”


Yan Yuji recalled for a while, shook his head and said: “It’s not too strong either. At first, he didn’t use that sword technique, and he even fell into a disadvantage. However, after using that sword, he quickly defeated Qin Wudao!”

“Oh, that is to say, he also took out his hole cards to narrowly defeat Qin Wudao!”

Yan Yutian sneered: “If this is the case, what fear do I have?

No matter how strong he is, it is limited to the scope of the Seven Tribulations!

My Yan Haneda is also the Seven Tribulations, of course don’t be afraid of him! ”


Yan Yuji was still very worried: “Why not?

Dage, please hold off for a while and let me negotiate with him. If it doesn’t work, you can fight him again! ”



But you must let him hand over my flame goddess!

And, kneel down and apologize to me!

Otherwise, I can’t spare him! ”

Yan Tianxu frowned slightly: “Tian’er, since this Su Zhan is also the Tianjiao of Zhongzhou Region, don’t make it so stiff.

Let him hand over the goddess, that’s all.

Declare him to see you! ”

The last sentence was addressed to the guard.

The guard also quickly retreated.

Yan Haneda was full of displeasure, but when he saw Yan Tianxu had already spoken, he didn’t say much.

Soon, Su Zhan was taken to the Great Hall by guards.

“Su fellow daoist.”

As soon as he arrived, Yan Yuji quickly flipped his palm, took out a storage bag and handed it to Su Zhan: “This is the 30 billion sacred stones that I owed back, and I hope that fellow daoist Su will sort it out!”


Su Zhan took the storage bag, surveyed it roughly, and when he felt it was almost the same, he put it away and handed the IOU to Yan Yuji.

“Su fellow daoist, this is me Dage, Yan Haneda, this is our father!”

Yan Yuji introduced.


Su Zhan nodded, his eyes staying on Yan Yutian’s body for a while.

However, seeing Yan Yuji’s attitude so good, he didn’t turn his face right away.

After all, he already knows now that most of the responsibility for Su Zhaoyue’s affairs lies with the Huo Family Patriarch.

Before he saw Yan Haneda’s attitude, he didn’t necessarily regard him as an unshakable enemy.

“Are you Su Zhan?”

Emperor Yan Dynasty’s gaze fell on Su Zhan: “You are obviously from the Zhongzhou region, why do you want to tell me about the Eastern Wasteland region?”

“I am from Eastern Wasteland.”


Yan Tianxu raised his brows: “Unexpectedly, in the Eastern Wasteland region, you can actually be a genius like you.

Come on, do you want me to let go of the Eastern Wasteland domain? ”

“In addition to evacuating the Eastern Wasteland domain, all damages caused by your Yandi domain in the Eastern Wasteland domain also need compensation.”


Yan Tianxu frowned and said solemnly: “Su Zhan, I can talk to you calmly about evacuating the Eastern Wasteland domain. I have already given you a face!

I also hope that you don’t have to make an inch! ”

Su Zhan looked at Yan Tianxu with a look of surprise: “I have to keep an inch?

It’s obviously that you Yandiyu did something wrong, so why are you still taking it for granted?

If you make a mistake, you must correct it, and you must pay if you damage other people’s things. Don’t you understand the truth that a child understands? ”


Yan Tianxu was angry.

Yan Yu saw the situation very much, fearing that the conflict would intensify, and quickly changed the subject: “Su fellow daoist, let’s not talk about it in advance, let’s talk about another thing first!

That flame goddess is my wife, Dage Yan Haneda’s unaccompanied wife. Can you give me back Dage first? ”

“Flame Goddess?”

Speaking of this, Su Zhan’s eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at Yan Haneda: “There may be some things you don’t know, but now I have made it clear to you.

Su Zhaoyue, she is my person.

The Patriarch of the Huo family coerced her into being a flame goddess, marrying you, you may not know it at first.

Now that you know, this marriage contract will be annulled, understand? ”

“your people?”

Yan Haneda angrily said: “The goddess is clearly my wife who Yan Haneda has not passed through!

What’s more, I have an extremely fire physique, and a goddess has a special fire physique!

We are a match made in heaven!

Su Zhan, hand over the goddess as soon as possible, otherwise! ”


“Otherwise I will fight you to the death!”

“Are you going to fight me to the death?”

“Why? Don’t you dare?”

Yan Haneda sneered: “I heard that you defeated Qin Wudao?

In that case, do you have the guts to fight with me?

If I win, the goddess belongs to me.

If you win, it’s yours, how? ”

“Su Zhaoyue is not something that can be used as a bargaining chip.”

Su Zhan nodded and said, “But I promised your challenge.”

“Well, in that case, you just follow me!”

Yan Haneda finished speaking, tapped his toes and left the Great Hall directly to the huge square outside the Great Hall.

Su Zhan followed closely behind.

“Father, can you stop Dage—”

“Need not.”

Yan Tianxu glanced at Yan Yu and interrupted directly: “That Su Zhan is surly and arrogant, and is very hostile to us.

That being the case, it’s better to let Tian’er take this challenge and kill this person!

A one-on-one fair challenge, he can only blame himself for his inferior skills if he loses, and the Heavenly Sect also has reason to trouble us for him! ”

“But, Su Zhan is really strong!”

“rest assured.”

Yan Tianxu smiled: “If it were in other places, I might be a little worried.

You can face off in the dragon square in front of the Great Hall.

Tian’er can get the power of formation in our dragon pattern square, plus his own power, in the Seven Tribulations Deva, he should be invincible!

Well, needless to say, let me see how Su Zhan was defeated by Tian’er! ”

After speaking, the flame of Yantian Void body flashed, and the whole person disappeared in the Great Hall.

on the square.

Yan Haneda and Su Zhan stood still one mile away.

“Su Zhan, between you and me, you don’t have to keep your hands!”

Feeling the increase in power coming from the square below his feet, Yan Haneda was confident and sneered: “Today, we will both win and lose, and we will also decide to live and die!”


Su Zhan’s face was calm and nodded.

After that, he looked at the flames floating on Yan Haneda’s body.


A beam of flame suddenly appeared behind Yan Haneda!

That beam of light is thousands of meters high and soars into the sky!

At the same time, a god-tier prestige is released!

That is the vision of Jihuo Dao Body!

Then, behind Yan Haneda, there was another fireball like the sun!

That fireball is his law of heaven, containing the power of three laws: the law of fire, the law of destruction, and the law of hurricanes!


Flames burned on Yan Yutian’s body, and his body slowly floated from the ground into the air, his eyes turned into two fireballs, like a god of fire descending into the world!

“Su Zhan, how is my Extreme Fire Dao Body?”

“Not so.”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he also inspired the divine body!

Golden sun, cold moon, night Star!

Three visions of heaven and earth appeared in the sky!

In the sea of ​​chaos and fog, the power of Five Elements rotates endlessly.

The signs of Innate Avenue are ups and downs!

Not only was the vision of heaven and earth completely crushed Yan Haneda, the divine might was far greater than that of Yan Haneda!

Yan Hantian’s face changed slightly, and immediately, he sensed Su Zhan’s Realm, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: “Three Tribulations Deva!

It turns out that there is only a trivial Cultivation Base!

I thought how strong it was! ”

“Three Tribulations Cultivation Base, it’s enough to deal with you!”

Su Zhan flipped the palm of his hand and the Wild Ancient Sword appeared in his hand. As the holy yuan in his body revolved, the surrounding heaven and the earth made waves of rumbling!

The law of heaven and earth rushed toward his arm!

“Your Sword Technique can actually pull the laws of heaven and earth into the body?”

Yan Haneda was a little surprised, but quickly dismissed it and said, “No matter how amazing your Sword Technique is, it is vulnerable to the absolute gap in Cultivation Base!

The Yandi Divine Art, the sea of ​​flames, swallowed him for me! ”


Red flames appeared around Yan Haneda.

Those flames turned into ten, ten into one hundred… In the end they turned into a large sea of ​​turbulent flames like sea water, sweeping towards Su Zhan!

Wherever the sea of ​​fire passed, even the space was burned abruptly!

“This Su Zhan turned out to be just the Three Tribulation Realm?

I just didn’t pay attention. ”

Yan Dynasty Emperor Yan Tianxu smiled blankly: “Ji’er, you said this kid is a realm, can he really defeat Qin Wudao?”

“Three Tribulations?”

Yan Yu thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank: “No!”

Just when he noticed something was wrong and wanted to stop the fight.

It’s too late.

Su Zhan’s sword has already been cut out!


In front of that sword, the raging sea of ​​flames in Yan Haneda was directly annihilated!

Space tremor!

Yan Haneda’s body was directly blown away by Sword Qi for more than ten miles!

Break a stone pillar carved with dragon patterns on the square!


When Yan Tianxu was still stunned, he realized that the wrong Yan Yuji had already reacted, rushed to the pile of rubble, and dug up Yan Yutian: “Dage! Dage, are you all right!”

The blood rushed from Yan Yutian’s mouth, and the whole person was stunned by Su Zhan’s sword.

After two seconds, he clutched his chest, his fingers trembled, pointed at Su Zhan, and said in disbelief towards Yan Yu: “Are you sure, this guy is really not much better than Qin Wudao?

Qin Wudao can really fight this guy, but he is only slightly defeated? ? ? ”


Yan Yu scratched the back of his head extremely.

“I forgot to tell you that when he defeated Qin Wudao, there was only Deva’s Cultivation Base…”

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