Chapter 891 The Eight Tribulations of the Battle, the True Body of the Flame God!

“You! Poof!”

Yan Yutian spouted blood, and was about to be extremely angry with Yan Yu, and said angrily: “You haven’t forgotten anything, such a crucial thing!

Are you trying to kill me? ! ”


Yan Yuji also looked embarrassed.

He didn’t expect it either.

Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base actually Ascension is so fast!

It’s only about half a month, and it’s actually broken again!

This guy is a cultivation monster, right?

Depressed in his heart, Yan Yu said very much: “Dage, now that’s the end of the matter, you can give up!”

“Give up…”

Hearing these two words, Yan Yutian’s stomach was full of fire, and Yan Yu gave Yan Yu a fierce look.

If you said earlier that this guy defeated Qin Wudao in the Second Tribulation, would I still fight him?

If I didn’t fight him, I wouldn’t be seriously injured!

Naturally, there is nothing to admit defeat!

This is so special!

They all started to fight.

Come over and tell me that he can kill Deva in the Second Tribulation!

Are you kidding me? ? ?

Angrily in his heart, recalling Su Zhan’s terrifying sword, Yan Haneda reached out and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, at the beginning, he directly used all his power. If he really didn’t take Su Zhan seriously, if that sword fell, he would have died!

Judging from the power of Su Zhan’s sword.

Even if there is an increase in the power of the palace, but at most three or five swords, he will definitely die under Su Zhanjian!


Never fight with Su Zhan anymore!

With this in mind, Yan Yutian saw that Su Zhan was about to slash with another sword, and Yan Yutian couldn’t care about his face, and said in shock: “Su Zhan, I surrender!”

“Give up?”

Su Zhan frowned: “I just played a sword, and I didn’t finish a complete set of moves, so would you give up?”

Is there a combo?

This is so special!

I’m almost dead for a sword!

If I wait for you to finish a set of combos, will I be able to survive? ? ?

Yan Haneda trembled in his heart and quickly said: “You are stronger than me!

I’m not as skilled as others, so I’m willing to give up! ”

“I’m only the Cultivation Base of the Three Tribulations. You are the Cultivation Base of the Three Tribulations. With only one sword, you will surrender. Isn’t it too early?”

“No, no, no! I am indeed not your opponent!”

“In fact, human potential is unlimited.”

Su Zhan said: “It’s a pity that you gave up like this. Let me help you stimulate your life potential!”

After speaking, Su Zhan cut out with one sword!

This sword didn’t use Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship, it was just an ordinary sword!

But even so, that power is not only the Yan Yuji of the Six Tribulations Deva early stage and the seriously injured Yan Haneda can resist!

Yan Yuji’s pupils shrank, feeling that his life was threatening, he did not hesitate to leave Yan Yuda, his body flashed, and he retreated a hundred meters away.

Yan Haneda was already seriously injured and couldn’t avoid it at all. In a hurry, he shouted: “Father! Father!”


At the very moment, Yan Dynasty Emperor Yan Tianxu appeared in front of Yan Yutian, smashing the Sword Qi with a palm, his face was gloomy: “Su fellow daoist.

Tian’er has already given up, so why bother to kill him? ”

“It’s not rushing to kill, just to help him inspire and stimulate the potential of life.”

Su Zhan said in a serious way: “I heard that some geniuses are like this. Only when they are about to die can they gain the great way of enlightenment, and then break through in battle!

Then kill the opponent in one fell swoop!

Don’t stop me, let me throw a few swords at your son’s head, he might get rid of it! ”


Yan Tianxu’s mouth twitched.

I was seriously injured with a single sword. How many more swords do you have to hit my Tianer’s head?

Isn’t that special?

It’s a scoop! !

Yan Yutian was also anxious: “Su Zhan, if you want to kill me, say it directly, you don’t need to make up so much mess!

Do you think I will believe it! ”

“believe or not.”

Su Zhan looked at Yan Tianxu: “It’s okay to admit defeat, but your son just said he wants to fight me for life and death, and now he regrets it.

Naturally, there must be some compensation.

In addition to the losses caused by your Yandi domain invading the Eastern Wasteland domain…

I probably figured it out.

You need to give me a trillion sacred stones, plus Huitianyan, this matter is considered two cleansing. ”

“One trillion holy stones?

And Huitianyan? ”

Yan Tianxu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with an anguished smile: “Junior, you really dare to bid!

A superb Heavenly Dao sacred soldier, but only more than 100 billion sacred stones!

A trillion sacred stones, are you trying to empty our Yan Dynasty treasury? !

Not to mention what else is going to return to the sky!

You know, Huitianyan is the lifeblood of my Yan Dynasty!

It is the key to the solid inheritance of my royal family, how can it be given to you! ”

“If you don’t give the holy stone, you won’t give it to Huitianyan.”

Su Zhan’s face was a little unhappy: “You don’t make sense?”


Yan Tianxu sneered: “In this world, is there any more reason than a fist?

Today, I am the supreme of the Eight Tribulations, the Great Emperor of the Yan Dynasty, and those who follow me prosper against me and perish!

This is my truth! ”

“It turned out to be so, I understand.”

Su Zhan knew that it didn’t make sense to talk about it anymore. He put away the ancient sword in his hand, a little star flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and turned into a big day Star sword and fell into his hand.

He crossed the sword in front and said: “In this case, it is useless to say more, then see if your fist is bigger or mine is bigger!”

After speaking, Su Zhan Shengyuan poured the Dari Star Sword in his hand!

The sword body of the Star Sword lit up with bright stars, and a trace of Sword Qi was flying around the sword body!

Immediately, the power of the law of heaven and earth converged towards Su Zhan’s right hand, and then, as he slashed out, it exploded!


The space seems to be broken!

Sword intent forms a bright Sword Qi star dragon, roaring towards Yantian Void!

“Three Tribulations Junior, dare to challenge me!”

Yan Tianxu let out a cold snort and waved his hand, pushing Yan Yu Tian and Yan Yu Ji ten miles away to prevent them from being affected, and then he was retreated for half a step, and his body slumped.

Immediately afterwards, he punched out!

“Yanlong Fist!”

The law of fire attribute between heaven and earth was drawn by him, and driven by his punch, a flame dragon formed, melting the space!


The Yanlong collided with the Xinglong, and then dissipated at the same time!

The huge impact lifted Yan Tianxu’s body tens of meters away!

And Su Zhan also withdrew a few meters away.

Obviously, Su Zhan still has the upper hand in this fight!

“Unexpectedly, you can actually cultivate this kind of kendo for juniors!

However, since you have taken a sword to me today, you will not have the chance to go down the road in the future! ”

Yan Tianxu was knocked into the air by dozens of meters, his face became more solemn, and he let out a low growl: “Yan Emperor Divine Art! Yan God’s true body!”

As soon as the voice fell, a beam of flame was suddenly projected from the sky above!

The flame beam enveloped Yan Tianxu’s body.

One second later.

The beam of light dissipated.

Shows Yan Tianxu’s figure.

At this time, Yan Tianxu’s eyebrows were surrounded by a ball of flames, wearing a flame god clothing, a trace of flame flying around him, his eyes turned into two fireballs!

It turned into a ten-story flame god!

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