Chapter 893 The power of the dragon veins, the holy yuan is exhausted!

“For a kind and good person like me, it’s reasonable for someone to give me some of the best Heavenly Dao soldiers, right?

What’s all the fuss about, do you think I’m as poor as you? ”

Su Zhan curled his lips, urging the Yan Shen Jue to the extreme, and the power of the Wild Ancient Sword was even stronger!


That sword slashed on the true sun mirror!

Yan Tianxu was so angry that he was cut by Su, and he took this sword again, his feet softened, and he almost knelt down by this sword!

“Verbose presumptuous!!!”

Yan Tian was anxious, and roared, an extremely powerful force erupted from him, abruptly slamming the ancient giant sword into flight!

A giant flame dragon appeared behind him!

That is his law of heaven!

Yanlong Tianxiang!

After sensing Su Zhan’s terrifying strength, he finally decided to take out all his hole cards!

“The widow is the great emperor of the Yan Dynasty, with his own dynasty luck and luck, I am invincible in the palace!”

Yan Tianxu roared.

This palace also began to tremble!

In the ground, the sound of dragon roar faintly sounded, seeming to be responding to him!

A ray of golden light emerged from the ground, along his feet, merged into his body!

And the aura of Yantian Deficiency, under the perfusion of this power, has become stronger and stronger!

“Father, he has used the power of the underground dragon veins!”

Yan Yu said in shock: “It is said that that is the root of our Yan family’s longevity!

The power of the dragon veins cannot be easily used! ”

“Now that the emperor is about to lose, why can’t he use it easily!”

Yan Haneda grinned: “As long as you can kill Na Su Zhan, all costs are worth it!”

In the distance, those generals and ministers also changed their expressions.

“Who is that person, can actually force your majesty to this point!”

“Three Tribulations Deva can have such a terrifying strength, it is incredible!”

“Huh! If it weren’t in the palace, regardless of Deva, Daddy shot tens of thousands of slaying crossbow arrows, he would have to shoot him as a hedgehog!”

“Although the God Killing Crossbow Arrow is tyrannical, for such a strong… it is really bad to say whether it will work!”

“Although the kid is very strong, since your Majesty has already mobilized the power of the dragon veins, there is no suspense in this battle!”

“Your Majesty was originally the Cultivation Base of the middle stage of the Eight Tribulations Supreme. With the increase in the power of the dragon veins, the strength can reach the peak of the Eight Tribulations, and that guy will undoubtedly die!”

“Okay, let’s prepare, wait for your majesty to show off his power and congratulate that person when he bombards him!”

Voices sounded one after another.

After seeing Yan Tianxu using the power of the dragon veins, everyone felt that Su Zhan would die.

At this time, feeling his own powerful strength, Yan Tianxu also greatly increased his confidence, and his body was surging, and he directly slapped Su Zhan’s meteor dragon Leiyan Mountain and the mountains and rivers!

Two treasures hovered beside Su Zhan. Su Zhan looked at Yan Tianxu, who had retracted the flame bracelet and the true sun mirror: “Your strength… the peak of the Eight Tribulations Supreme?”

“Under the blessing of the power of the dragon veins, my Yantian Void can be said to be invincible under the myth!”

Yan Tianxu sneered: “Su Zhan, you don’t have to fight Magic Treasures anymore!

You use the kendo that you are best at, and I use the fist and palm skills that I am best at, let’s decide the outcome! ”

After speaking, Yan Tianxu pressed towards Su Zhan Xukong!

Above the sky, the flames gathered into a huge palm and fell down!

Fire Cloud God Palm!

But the power is much stronger than Yan Yu!

Su Zhan put away the treasure, without saying anything, punched out with his left hand!

A punch like a Galaxy Cluster soars to the sky!

Shattered the giant palm.

“Yanlong Faxiang, suppress the heavens and the earth!”

Yan Tianxu chanted, and the Yan Dragon roared behind him, and suddenly, within a radius of fifty miles, a little flying star was ignited!

A fiery repressive force is coming!

Feeling that the force of suppression restricted the use of own strength, Su Zhan also did not hesitate to release the law of own heaven!

The law of kendo!

The law of destruction!

The Law of Chaos!

The law of space!

A law of heaven appeared behind him.

When a total of forty-two laws of heaven emerged.

The whole palace is silent!

Everyone looked at those laws in a daze.

Some people even rubbed their eyes desperately, thinking they were mistaken!

“Four, forty-two laws of heaven!”

“Didn’t it mean that Deva’s law of heaven can only have one?”

“What kind of monster is this?!”

“Not only does it have forty-two laws of heaven, but it also contains three eternal laws!”

“My God! The spirit world has recovered from the Spiritual Qi, and it has been more than two million years for mortals to go to cultivation, but there has never been such an outrageous existence!”

“I am so stupid!!”

The ministers and generals were shocked.

Not to mention them, Yan Tianxu is also dumbfounded.

After rubbing his eyes, he was sure that he had made no mistake.

His voice was a little dry and dumb: “Su, Su Zhan, you, where do you come from so many ways???”

“Of course it is my painstaking practice day after day and year after year!”

Su Zhan looked at Yan Tianxu like a fool: “Why do you even ask such simple questions?

Do you have a problem with your head? ”


Yantian deficiency and shortness of breath.

Oh shit!

Come by practicing hard day after day?

How can you cultivate so many phenomena through penance?

Hard work for your uncle!

Depressed in his heart, Yan Tianxu’s determination to kill Su Zhan became firmer.

This child’s talent is so abnormal, we must not stay!

Thinking like this, he slammed at Su Zhan again!

Su Zhan also cut off with a single sword.

However, Su Zhan was slightly at a disadvantage because Yan Tianxu had a dragon vein power increase, but it was similar.

After fighting a few more times, he found that he couldn’t quickly defeat Su Zhanhou.

Yan Tianxu said coldly: “Su Zhan, you are indeed very strong, even if I use the power of the dragon veins, I can only have the upper hand!

But, after all, you are just a Three Tribulations Deva!

First Stage robbery, a realm!

The number of Saint Yuan in your body is still less than one-tenth of mine!

When your holy yuan is exhausted, it is when you die! ”

Su Zhan shook his head: “You can’t consume me.”

“Huh, let’s just wait and see!”

Yan Tianxu sneered.

The two fight again!

Palaces collapsed everywhere, and palace walls shattered!

It has been playing for half an hour.

Su Zhan Shengyuan was on the verge of exhaustion, and his breath began to decline.

Noting this, the ministers and generals of the Yan Dynasty cheered.

“Long live your majesty!”

“The boy Sheng Yuan surnamed Su is on the verge of exhaustion, and can only last for three minutes at most!”

“In three minutes, he will definitely die!”

A group of determined voices sounded.

Yan Haneda was very excited: “Father is mighty! Kill him! Then punish his nine clans!!

Let him rob my goddess, he damn it! ! ! ”

Yan Yu also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although he felt that Su Zhan had a special status, he couldn’t kill him.

But anyway.

Su beheaded to death is better than Yantianxu death.

After all, Yan Tianxu is his father.

With emotion and reason, he hopes Yan Tianxu wins.

At this time, Yan Tianxu was also very proud: “Su Zhan, can’t hold it anymore, right?

I said long ago, it’s impossible for you, Deva, to beat me!

Of course, I didn’t expect that you could hold it for half an hour!

This is already very good. With such a large consumption, even my holy yuan has already been consumed a lot, you–huh? ”

While talking, suddenly seeing Su Zhan take out a Medicine Pill and swallow it, Yan Tianxu was stunned: “What are you doing?

The Medicine Pill that restores Saint Yuan is used for quick recovery after the battle.

Do you eat while playing?

The time you spend refining Medicine Pill alone is enough for me to kill you a hundred times!

Are you okay with your mind? ? ”

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