Chapter 894 I have always been helpful! (Fourth)

“It’s you who has a problem with your brain.”

Turn on the refining aura and rapidly refining the recovery Medicine Pill that is easier to refining and absorb than ordinary Medicine Pill, Su Zhan shook his head.

“Huh! It’s still hard, I want to see, when you’re going to die, will you still be hard?”

Yan Tianxu let out a cold snort and continued to attack.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Three minutes passed.

Seeing Su Zhan’s momentum rising as he fought, and finally recovered to his peak, Yan Tianxu was a bit stupid.

After a moment of stunned, seeing Su Zhan struck again with a sword, he quickly blocked it.

He gritted his teeth and said: “You must have some strange treasure, but I don’t believe it, your holy essence can’t be used up!

The ultimate winner will be me! ”

After that, Yan Tianxu also deliberately started to control Sheng Yuan, only resisting Su Zhan’s attack, and did not force Su Zanda to suppress it.

But even this reduces consumption.

Two hours later, his sacred yuan was still beginning to dry up.

His gaze fell on Su Zhan, who had been exhausted once again, but quickly returned to the full body, Yan Tianxu finally collapsed completely!

This f*ck!

After finally finishing his holy yuan, he knocked down the Medicine Pill in front of you and it was full!

How to fight this? ? ?

Knowing that if he continues to fight, he will undoubtedly die, Yan Tianxu’s figure suddenly retreats!

“Su Zhan, today’s revenge will definitely come back in the future!

Shenhuo escape! ”

After that, Yan Tianxu suddenly turned into a ball of fire and exploded!

A ray of flame burst out from the fireball, and flew towards the distance at a very fast speed!

“No matter how fast it is, is it faster than the Void Excalibur?”

Su Zhan murmured, and had no intention of chasing after him.

He flipped the palm of his hand, and the Void Sword Box appeared, Sheng Yuan poured the Void Sword Box, and the runes above the sword box shone!


Twenty-four Void Sword Ray burst out, piercing through the flame!

Yan Tianxu vomits blood, showing his figure!

“I am the emperor of the Yan Dynasty. I have luck with my own dynasty, and I will not die!!!”

Yantian Xuhuang’s robe was stained with blood, and the lottery was distributed, blasting out those Void God Swords, roaring!

“The dynasty is lucky, the emperor…

The Big Sun Star Sword in my hand can cut even the sky. What is the emperor of the trivial? ”

Su Zhan put away the Void Sword Box and appeared in front of the seriously injured Yan Tianxu, with the Big Sun Star Sword in his hand as bright as ever!

His left eye turned into a Star, his right eye turned into a bright moon, and a starry sky in his eyes!

All forces are urged to the extreme!

Cut out his strongest sword since he was born in this world!


A bloody glow appeared on Yan Tianxu’s neck!

Behind him, dozens of miles away in the sky, a Sword Qi crack is clearly visible!



Yan Tianxu held his neck with his hands, and the powerful force of the Eight Tribulations Supreme tried his best to maintain his life, but even so, his strength quickly receded.

“I was actually killed by a Three Tribulations, Three Tribulations…”

When he was dying, Yan Tianxu was still full of look of disbelief, and only felt that everything was like a dream.

He Yan Tianxu, the great emperor of the Yan Dynasty, the master of the Yandi domain, the supreme of the Eight Tribulations!

Actually died in Su Zhan’s hands?

Died in the hands of a Deva from the Three Tribulations that he didn’t even consider to be a real opponent?

However, the Three Tribulations Deva…

Can this guy’s power have anything to do with the Three Tribulations Deva? !

At the end of his life, Yan Tianxu finally understood something.

Why do the people of the Huo family call Su Zhan Devil, so many people can’t stop him.

This guy… is not a human at all!

Because people can’t be so perverted! ! !

With an exclamation in his heart, the Yantian Void power disappeared, the head and the corpse separated, and rolled down into the sky!


Yan Tianxu’s corpse fell to the ground.

Yan Yu extremely Yan Haneda both shook their bodies.

Fear far exceeds sorrow, so much so that I dare not go over to collect Yan Tianxu’s body!

The ministers and generals just now looked at the corpse in disbelief.

“Your Majesty, you are back to heaven!”

“How can this be!

Your Majesty is the supreme of the Eight Tribulations!

There is the power of dragon veins again!

Martial Dao myth doesn’t take action, who can kill him? ! ”

“Then, Su Zhan is too, too terrible!”

“The Three Tribulations Deva is already stronger than the Eight Tribulations Supreme!

When he becomes supreme, this spiritual world, no!

Are there any rivals in these heavens and worlds? ”

“Three Tribulations Deva beheaded the Eight Tribulations Supreme!

Perverted, too perverted! ”

Shocking voices sounded.

at this time.

After slaying Yan Tianxu with a sword, Su Zhan swallowed Medicine Pill and looked at the powerful generals and ministers.

Those people immediately noticed.

Kneel down quickly one by one.

“Su, Master Su is invincible in the world!”

“Although, although I don’t know what happened, I never mean to be an enemy of Young Master Su!”

“Me too!”

“Also ask Young Master Su to treat us as a fart and let it go!”

One after another begging for mercy sounded.

After seeing Su Zhan’s terrifying strength, the ministers and generals all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Face is really important.

But being alive is more important!

If Yan Tianxu hadn’t died, they might have the courage to swarm Su Zhan.

but now.

All of them are terrified!

Seeing those people’s posture, Su Zhan also retracted the Da Ri Star Sword, ended his divine body state, came to Yan Tianxu’s corpse, and put away his treasure.

The flame bracelet and the true sun mirror were all top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers, and Su Zhan also discovered that Yan Tianxu’s storage ring was also a very large cave sky ring.

Although the level of Dong Tian may not be as good as the black jade ring of the puppet emperor, the space is huge, almost a hundred miles away!

After thinking about it, he directly put the ring that resembled a Yanlong dragon on his hand, and transferred the contents of the storage ring into it.

After that, he flashed his body and came to the two brothers of Yan Yu Ji Yan Haneda who just wanted to slip away.

“Su, Su fellow daoist spare my life!”

Yan Yuji’s legs softened and he knelt directly!

“Yan fellow daoist, you and I have no grudges, I never kill innocent people indiscriminately.”

Su Zhan shook his head and looked at Yan Haneda.

The latter was also extremely frightened, his legs softened, and he slumped on the ground: “Su, Su, Su…”

It seemed to be asking for mercy, but because he was too scared, he couldn’t tell.

Yan Yu saw this, and quickly said: “Su fellow daoist!

I, Dage, he was ignorant for a while and offended you. Please give him a way to survive!

I am willing to take you to find Huitianyan!

Please, Sue fellow daoist, spare me Dage! ”

Yan Yu kowtowed very heavily.




One by one, they cracked the ground!

Although it is a matter of life and death, Yan Haneda will be left behind to save his own life.

But after he was in no danger, Yan Yu obviously cared very much about brotherhood, and kowtow again and again to help Yan Haneda for mercy.

“Let me spare his life?”

Su Zhan frowned, pondered for a moment, and nodded: “Yes, but he just kept telling me to punish the Nine Clan, so I want to abolish his Cultivation Base to make sure he won’t have any chance of turning over again.

In this life, he can only live as a mortal. ”


As soon as Yan Yuji said this, Yan Yuji hadn’t answered yet. Yan Yutian had already widened his eyes. He didn’t know where the courage came from, and said angrily: “I, Yan Yuji, is the number one arrogant in the spirit world!

My aptitude has never existed!

I am a born cultivation genius!

Abolish my Cultivation Base and make me a mortal?

Then you might as well punch me to death! ! ! ”


As soon as Yan Haneda finished speaking, Su Zhan nodded without thinking, “I’ve always been helpful.

Since you have said so, then I will satisfy you! ”


In Yan Haneda’s stupid eyes, Su Zhan blasted out!

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