Chapter 897 Yun Tian holy pool, strengthen the divine body! (Third more)

It’s not just Zhang Qun who is dumbfounded.

Su Zhan was also a little dazed.


This script is wrong!

Logically speaking, Zhang Tianfeng came violently.

It shouldn’t be extremely overbearing, making a shot at every disagreement.

Then I, a kind and honest person, was forced to helplessly, stimulate his potential and defeat him!

Justice once again defeats evil, is this right? !

This is so special!

What is the operation of kneeling without a word? ? ?

After a moment of stunned, Su Zhan hesitated: “Are you sure, didn’t you come to ask me to blame?”

“No! Absolutely not!”

Zhang Tianfeng hurriedly said: “I am here this time to apologize!

To be honest, this period of time, I have trouble sleeping and eating!

I have been thinking about the Eastern Wasteland domain.

We who are in the realm of heaven are humans, and those of the Eastern Wasteland are also humans!

All compatriots of the same race!

How can we oppress them?

We should take care of each other!

In particular, we learned that the Eastern Wasteland domain cultivation environment is very backward, we should help the Eastern Wasteland domain!

Go to care for the Eastern Wasteland domain!

After thinking about these things, I heard that Su Zhan, you came to the Yan Emperor Domain, and guessed that you were looking for Yan Tianxu, so I hurried over!

I want to stop the evil fellow Yan Tianxu from attacking you!

But I didn’t expect that, Sue fellow daoist, your strength is so powerful!

Even Yan Tianxu is not your opponent!

In short, I am Zhang Tianfeng, I am in the realm of heaven, and I never mean to be an enemy of you, fellow daoist Su!

On the contrary, I always hope to be friends with fellow daoist Sue! ”

Zhang Tianfeng’s expression was extremely humble, if it wasn’t for Su Zhan that he knew he was the lord of Lintianyu, he would have thought it was a small character who ran out of it.

“Unexpectedly, you still have this realization!”

Su Zhan was also a little surprised: “In that case, just do what you said!”

“Yes, yes, Su fellow daoist give me a few days, I will definitely raise 300 billion sacred stones as soon as possible!”

Zhang Tianfeng said in his mouth.


At least there is no need to fight this horrible guy.

As for the three hundred billion sacred stones, as well as those martial arts secrets of the Heavenly Dao Sect… that can’t be concerned about that much!

It’s good to survive now!

Thinking of this inwardly, Zhang Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

“By the way, fellow daoist Zhang, do you know what the Yun Tian domain is like?”

Thinking of this, Su Zhan asked.

Zhang Tianfeng hurriedly said: “I know, the Lord of Yun Tian Domain is also the Holy Lord of Yun Tian Sacred Land, Yun Canghai!

He has some friendship with me, and I am willing to persuade him to stop the attempt to the Eastern Wasteland domain as soon as possible, and make up for the loss of the Eastern Wasteland domain!

By the way, Sue fellow daoist!

There is a Yun Tian holy pond in the Yun Tian domain, which can strengthen the divine body and even increase air luck!

Are you going to try it? ”

“Yun Tian holy pond, strengthen the divine body, increase air luck?”

Su Zhan’s heart moved.

It’s nothing to increase luck, and you can’t see this illusory thing.

Can strengthen the divine body…

His divine body is already very strong, if it is strengthened again, how strong will it be?

Thinking of this, Su Zhan nodded: “Zhang fellow daoist, you just wait here, when I get back to Tianyan, let’s go to Yun Tian domain together!”


Zhang Tianfeng nodded.

Watching Su Zhan, Su Zhaoyue, Yan Yuji and others leave.

It wasn’t until he could no longer see Su Zhan’s back that he finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

“Master, you”

Zhang Qun hesitated, but still mustered the courage, a little disappointed: “Why are you like this…”

“Why do I look like this?”

Zhang Tianfeng’s face was ugly: “You should ask Su Zhan why he is so perverted!

Even Yan Tianxu was killed by him!

If I hadn’t been able to adapt by chance, now I am afraid that I am already dead!

Do you know, what is the most important thing to cultivate? ”

“Dao heart!

Master, you said that if Dao heart is firm, everything will be destroyed! ”

“Then now I tell you, something more important than Dao heart!”

Zhang Tianfeng said earnestly: “Alive!

Don’t tell me anything Dao heart, what face!

Everything is built on the basis of ‘alive’!

Either Cultivation Base or face, you really have nothing when you die!

But as long as there is one life, there are endless possibilities!

Zhang Qun, do you remember? ”


Zhang Qun seemed to have some enlightenment: “I remember it!”

“Well, let’s wait for Su Zhan here!

To be honest, with this potential, we are now sacrificing some friendships with him, and perhaps the rewards will far exceed these things.

My decision may be right! ”

After speaking, Zhang Tianfeng sat down on the spot.

Zhang Qun also followed him.

The Imperial Forest Army also began to clean up this mess, as well as Yan Yutian and Yan Tianxu’s corpses.

At this time, Su Zhan followed Yan Yuji to the entrance of a valley in the depths of the palace.

Looking around, in the valley, wisps of pure white flames are flying.

“Su fellow daoist, that is Huitianyan!”

Yan Yu pointed at those pure white, which looked very gentle, Sacred’s special flame: “This place is called Huitian Valley, and it is the secret cultivation Sacred Land of our royal family.

Cultivation of the fire system Cultivation Technique here is ten times easier than other places!

It should be the effect of those Huitianyan.

However, apart from this, we have not found any other effects of Huitianyan.

As a kind of flame, it is not even lethal…”

“Huitianyan is a special healing flame, of course it won’t have any lethal power.”

Su Zhaoyue said: “Of course, for you, Huitianyan cannot enter the body, and the effect cannot be exerted.

But for me, after absorbing the inflammation, I can heal quickly after being injured, and the most important thing is…”

Halfway through, realizing that Lin Feiyu’s matter should not be let others know casually, Su Zhaoyue also changed her words: “Okay, I will go in and absorb Tianyan. You will wait for me here for a while.”

After speaking, she immediately walked into Huitian Valley and sat down in the central area of ​​Huitian Valley.

With Su Zhaoyue running that special Cultivation Technique, strange fires emerged from her body.

Those pure white Huitianyan were also attracted little by little, and leaned towards Su Zhaoyue.

“The goddess is the goddess!

Actually it can really absorb Tianyan back! ”

Yan Yu exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Su Zhan smiled slightly, without any surprises.

In fact, strictly speaking, Su Zhaoyue should be the original protagonist in this world.

Born in the spirit world for millions of years of fortune, there lives a Lin Fei fish that does not know what it is. It is a strange fire physique, and you will have adventures when you go out…

I don’t know how much higher than other so-called geniuses!

Of course, compared with himself, he still has to lose slightly.

After all, the one hundred billion protagonist halo is no joke.

However, although the protagonist’s aura is powerful, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

For example, does the Realm above the Nine Tribulations exist?

Is there a bigger world above the spiritual world?

What level of Cultivation Technique is the Qiantianyang God Real Art?

Lin Feiyu, who is she?

All kinds of doubts.

I’m afraid it can only be known until Su Zhaoyue has absorbed Huitianyan and Lin Feiyu in the bracelet has recovered.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan also looked forward to it.

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