Chapter 898 Lin Feiyu wakes up, secrets of the gods! (First more)

In Huitiangu, Su Zhaoyue absorbed Huitianyan while fusing together.

And Su Zhan waited quietly outside.

More than two hours have passed.

Suddenly, sensing the restlessness of the surrounding heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, Su Zhan raised his head and looked towards the sky.

I saw that in the sky, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi began to gather together.

Those converging Spiritual Qi streams rushed from all directions towards Huitian Valley!

“This is… to break the border!”

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, looking at those heaven and earth Spiritual Qi pouring into Su Zhaoyue’s body, but also a little expectant.

Su Zhaoyue is about to break through, which means that she has merged back to Tianyan, and will suddenly soar so much Cultivation Base.

And after the Huitianyan was integrated, Lin Feiyu was about to wake up.

Compared to those strange fires, Su Zhan paid more attention to Lin Feiyu’s awakening.

Because as the Cultivation Base gets higher and higher, he also feels Lin Feiyu’s Bufan more and more.

Perhaps, all doubts can be answered after Lin Feiyu wakes up!

Taking a deep breath, Su Zhan continued to wait.

About another half hour passed.

Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi dissipated, Su Zhaoyue broke the boundary and completed!

“I have broken through to the extreme position among the holy kings!”

Su Zhaoyue was full of surprises and stood up from the ground.

“Congratulations Su Miss successfully broke the border!”

Yan Yuji cupped hands congratulations.

Su Zhan walked into Huitian Valley and said, “Since you have successfully integrated back into Tianyan, what about Lin senior?”

“It should be possible! But Su Zhan, Lin senior shouldn’t let too many people know its existence…”

Su Zhaoyue whispered.

Su Zhan nodded and turned to Yan Yu Ji: “Yan fellow daoist, please go to the Great Hall of the imperial palace, and wait a while with Zhang Tianfeng. We have some private things to do.”

Private matter?

Yan Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded again and again: “Understand!

I’ll give an order that no other people are allowed to approach this area for fifty miles!

Sue fellow daoist, don’t hesitate to do it boldly! ”

With that, Yan Yuji hurriedly left.

Seeing Yan Yuji’s appearance, Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized something, and became a little speechless.

Does this guy have a brain problem?

I just asked Lin senior to ask a question, how I was going to do something bad…

Su Zhan was too lazy to explain with slander in his heart.

Seeing Yan Yuji leaving, he looked at Su Zhaoyue with some expectation.

Su Zhaoyue raised her left hand, and the pure white Huitianyan poured out from her wrist and melted into the bracelet.

In this way, it lasted more than ten minutes.

The bracelet that had been dimmed suddenly shined brightly!

A phantom of a woman with a cold face appeared.

“Lin senior!”

Su Zhaoyue was pleasantly surprised: “You finally wake up!”

“Although I am awake, it still takes a while to recover. I must find some strange fires as soon as possible. The faster your Cultivation Base Ascension, the faster I will recover.”

Lin Feiyu’s voice was still a bit weak, and immediately looked at Su Zhan: “If you didn’t guess wrong, this time Zhaoyue can get Huitianyan smoothly, probably because of your help, right?

Although the relationship between you and Zhaoyue is extraordinary, she is my descendant of Lin Feiyu, and I have never owed anything to others.

Su Zhan, what do you want?

Is it a secret technique that allows you to travel thousands of miles, or a body-refining technique that can greatly enhance your physical body?

Or all kinds of things you want, you can say. ”

“I want to ask some questions.”

Su Zhan said directly: “Lin senior, I want to know, is the Nine Tribulations the end of cultivation?

If not, what is it above the Nine Tribulations? ”

“Nine Tribulations… can be regarded as the end of mortal cultivation, and it can be regarded as another starting point.”

Lin Feiyu hesitated for a moment, and still said, “The Nine Tribulations are called the Martial Dao myth in the spirit world. In fact, strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a demigod.

Since the Nine Tribulations are only a demigod, above the Nine Tribulations, they are naturally true Gods! ”

“True God…”

Su Zhan murmured, and then he was full of doubts: “Kelin senior, since the nine calamities are above, there is still a true god.

Then why hasn’t there been a true god in the spirit world since the resurrection of Spiritual Qi for two million years?

Could it be said that in the ancient times, the innate talents of the Wusheng Sword Emperor and Liangyi Sword Emperor were not enough to become true gods? ”

“Actually, talent is second to whether you can become a true god, and the interface is the most important.”

Lin Feiyu shook his head and said: “Because you want to become a true god, you don’t have to immerse yourself in hard cultivation.

For people in the lower realm to become true gods, they must ascend to the god realm!

And if you want to ascend to the God Realm, you have to pass through the ascension channel between the God Realm and the lower realm, but not every lower realm has an ascension channel.

No, it can be said that most of the lower realms do not have this kind of ascending channel.

Because every ascending channel needs to spend a lot of resources in the God Realm to build an ascending platform in order to smoothly lead to the lower realm ascenders.

Therefore, the God Realm will only open up a path for ascension to a relatively large-scale interface.

Like the spirit world, Spiritual Qi has recovered from a world that has only been two million years old.

For the God Realm that has existed for a long time, it is actually just a new world.

It has not been able to attract the attention of the God Realm, so as to build and open up a path for ascension.

Of course, it may also be due to other reasons such as the special location of the spiritual world, the ascension channel is difficult to open up.

In short, it is absolutely impossible in the spirit world to become a true god through ascension! ”

Su Zhan frowned slightly: “Doesn’t that mean that in the spirit world, cultivation will end after nine calamities, and it is impossible to enter the god world?”

“That’s not necessarily the case.”

Lin Feiyu shook his head: “In addition to entering the God Realm from the ascension channel, there is actually another way.

That is to find a correct passage from the endless space through the special space node, and enter the god realm.

This method has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that after entering the God Realm in this way, your identity, qualifications, and all information will not be recorded by the God Realm.

The disadvantage is that it loses the various preferential treatments of ordinary ascenders, such as getting the marrow-cleaning pill distributed above, and everything can only rely on itself.

Of course, for you, there is actually no difference between the two methods, because with your luck…

No matter how bad the start is, there is no doubt that he can quickly surpass others casually. ”

Hearing Lin Feiyu’s words, Su Zhan thought of something and wondered: “Lin senior, even though there is no ascension passage in the spirit world, there are always many in the heavens and ten thousand realms, right?

Can’t we ascend to the God Realm through the ascending channel of other interfaces? ”

“There is mutual repulsion between the interfaces.

You are the cultivator of the spiritual world, and what you swallow is the spiritual Qi of the spiritual world.

If you want to ascend through the ascending passages of other worlds, it will only be possible to spend thousands of years in that world to wipe out your own breath and merge into that world, Heavenly Dao. ”

Lin Feiyu’s eyes flashed and said, “Su Zhan, if you really need to ascend to the God Realm, I can guide you through a very stable space channel.

That space channel is in the spiritual world, but some space nodes have changed, and I need to use some special methods to find it again. ”

“Ascension to the God Realm…”

Su Zhan shook his head: “That’s not my goal, I just want to have a stable life.

When the spiritual world is completely safe and there are no more disputes, I will go to the mountains and play.

But Lin senior, there is one thing I am very curious about. ”

Su Zhan looked directly at Lin Feiyu: “I want to know, who exactly are you?”

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