Chapter 899 Lao Zhang, You Are Really Reliable! (Big chapter)

“Who am I…?”

Lin Feiyu was silent for a moment, and shook his head: “I can’t tell you who I am now, and it’s not just you, but Zhaoyue doesn’t even know it.

When you see my miserable look, you should understand that the more you know about my affairs, the more you will bear and the more dangerous it will be.

I can only tell you that once, I was also a cultivator in the spirit world.

As for the others, if you and I meet in the God Realm in the future, maybe I will choose to tell you. ”

“Spirit world cultivator…”

Su saw that Lin Feiyu was so decisive, and did not continue to ask about it. Thinking of the mystery of Qiantianyang Shen’s True Art, he was very curious and said, “Lin senior, then can you tell me, Gantianyang Shen’s true tactic? What level of Cultivation Technique is it?”

“Qiantianyang God Real Art…Because of its incompleteness, I can’t tell you the specific level of this Cultivation Technique, but if you have a chance to get the full version of the Qiantianyang God Real Art in the future.

This Cultivation Technique should belong to a very superior Cultivation Technique even in the God Realm. ”

“full version……”

Su Zhan’s heart moved slightly.

Although he does not have the full version.

But he has a halo!

No matter what rank you are, as long as he cultivates to the seventh level of the Qiantianyang God True Art Dzogchen, he will naturally be able to use the deduction halo to perform the follow-up part.

He didn’t take Lin Feiyu’s words seriously in his heart, Su Zhan remembered something, he hesitated, flipped his palm, and took out the avenue jade from the battlefield of gods and demons.

“Lin senior, can you see the mystery of this thing?”

“This is……”

Lin Feiyu’s eyes condensed, and after watching for a few seconds, she said in a little surprise: “This is something from the gods, why would you have it?”

“Really something from the gods?”

Su Zhan became even more curious: “This is what I got from the battlefield of gods and demons. How can the things of the gods appear in the spirit world?”

Lin Feiyu looked at it for a while, shook his head and said, “I don’t know this, but this thing is not complete, it is incomplete.

It should be a special treasure with a certain law attribute. Since you have a chance to obtain this treasure, you will probably still have the opportunity to obtain its incomplete part in the future. ”

“It turned out to be an incomplete treasure, so I would say why I always feel that the effect of this avenue jade is too single, it can only assist cultivation…”

Su Zhan murmured, and put away the avenue jade: “Okay, I don’t have anything else to ask, let’s go, Yan fellow daoist and they are still waiting for us.”

After speaking, Su Zhan turned and left.

Watching Su Zhan leave, Su Zhaoyue whispered towards Lin Feiyu: “Lin senior, Su Zhan has no intention of flying to the God Realm, but you said I must go to the God Realm. What should I do?

Am I destined to be separated from him? ”

“Unintentionally ascending to the God Realm?”

Looking at Su Zhan’s leaving back, Lin Feiyu whispered: “Sometimes, it’s not that he doesn’t want to fly up, so he can’t go.

When the wheel of fortune starts to turn, no one can stop.

Su Zhan, this son, has unprecedented talent. His path will not end in nine calamities, so you can rest assured.

Moreover, I always feel a bit weird about the big avenue jade in his hand.

Perhaps in the dark, he and God Realm had already established some kind of Karma without realizing it.

Well, you don’t need to worry about Su Zhan’s affairs.

Now he is the Three Tribulations Deva, you are still a middle-most saint king, Zhaoyue, you have to work hard! ”

“Well, I will definitely try to catch up—”

Su Zhaoyue just wanted to say to catch up with Su Zhan, but suddenly remembered that Su Zhan was already the Three Tribulations Deva, she paused, and said with a bit of resentment: “I will definitely try my best not to be thrown too far away…”


Lin Feiyu was taken aback, and immediately thought of Su Zhan’s various abnormalities, and finally sighed.


No way, people are more angry than people.

However, Su Zhan seemed to be no longer in the scope of “human”.

Because human beings are really not so perverted!

Lin Feiyu was a little depressed, thinking of the heirs he had painstakingly cultivated, and nothing compared to Su Zhan. Lin Feiyu got into the bracelet.

Su Zhaoyue also chased in the direction Su Zhan had left.

It didn’t take long.

The two came to the Great Hall of the imperial palace.

“By the way, fellow daoist”

Before leaving, suddenly remembered something, Su Zhan said towards Yan Yu Ji: “The Fire Cloud Sect still owes me 100 billion sacred stones, you send someone to collect it for me, and then wait for you to gather it together with yours. Send the trillion sacred stones to the Xuantian Sacred Land of the Eastern Wasteland!”

“Huo Yunzong…Okay, we must do it!”

Yan Yu nodded quickly and agreed.

Afterwards, after chatting for a few more words, Su Zhan, Su Zhaoyue, and Zhang Tianfeng went to the teleportation formation leading to the Yun Tian Domain at the edge of the Yan Emperor Domain.

As for the disciple of Zhang Tianfeng, he let him go back on his own.

Two days later.

Yandi domain, Huoyunzong.

In the Great Hall of the main peak, the deputy Sect Leader of the Fire Cloud Sect and a group of Elders shook after hearing the words of the imperial envoy from the imperial city and representing the imperial family.

Huoyunzong’s deputy Sect Leader asked with a trembling voice: “Your Majesty, your majesty, is your majesty really gone?

Yes, did that Su Zhan do? ”

The imperial envoy hesitated, thinking that it was impossible to conceal this matter, and he was about to announce it to the world soon, and immediately nodded: “Your Majesty has indeed returned to heaven, and His Royal Highness Yan Yu Ji is about to ascend to the throne.

As for whether Su Zhan did it…you should have a bottom line about the matter of sending me from His Highness Yan Yuji to help Young Master Su Zhan collect the 100 billion sacred stones.

There is no need to say so clearly. ”

“Many, thank you Lord Yushi!”

Huoyunzong deputy Sect Leader took a deep breath and said to the Elders: “Quick! Go and fetch the sacred stones we have collected in the Sect treasure house in the past few days, and hand them to your Royal Envoy!”

“But Deputy Sect Leader, those don’t seem to be enough for 100 billion sacred stones?”

“Not enough? Then use Sect’s materials and Sect’s treasures to convert!”

Huo Yunzong’s deputy Sect Leader said in a condensed voice: “In short, we must never let Young Master Su be dissatisfied!”

“Yes, yes, I’m going now!”

The Elder who was in charge of these trivial matters hurriedly left.

When other Elder saw this scene, he wiped his forehead with cold sweat.

It turned out that Su Zhan was so terrifying!

Even the Great Emperor of the Yan Dynasty can be killed! !

Fortunately, they still count on the Burning Sword Formation of the Huo Family to slay Su Zhan, and then they don’t have to pay this hundred billion sacred stones…

Think about it now, it’s ridiculous!

Speaking of it, thanks to the Deputy Sect Leader who didn’t choose to inform the Huo Family, otherwise, they would have met in the Yin Cao Jifu now!

With these in mind, all the Elders of the Fire Cloud Sect trembled with fear.

Secretly swear that anyone who encounters Eastern Wasteland in the future must not be bullied!

Maybe it hits the fellow Su Gongzi!

If they get in trouble, wouldn’t they be able to report to the Yin Cao Jifu!

Huoyunzong’s deputy Sect Leader was also terrified. His clothes on his back were wet with cold sweat, and he was very thankful that he had left a way out.

Just after the Elders of the Fire Cloud Sect were scared, when they gathered the 100 billion sacred stones, Su Zhan also arrived in the Yun Tian domain, the Yun Tian Sacred Land.

It is not the same as Yun Tian Sacred Land in his imagination.

Yun Tian Sacred Land is not in the mountains, but directly built a city!

The city gate is the mountain gate of Yun Tian Sacred Land.

And the main peak of Yun Tian Sacred Land is a super mountain with a height of 10,000 meters in the center of this giant city and directly into the sky.

Walking into Yun Tian Sacred Land, Su Zhan also discovered that Yun Tian Sacred Land did not have much Deva.

This is also normal.

According to those introductions about Yun Tian domain that Zhang Tianfeng said on the road.

Although Yun Tian domain has a Deva of Eight Tribulations, the overall strength is actually weaker than Lintian domain and Yan Emperor domain is much weaker.

Even the last time the gods and demons battlefield, they were not qualified to send geniuses to participate.

Yun Tian domain is only a small and medium domain in the spirit world.

Under the leadership of Zhang Tianfeng, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Dao Sect, Su Zhan and the others went unimpeded all the way and soon came to the Great Hall, the main peak of Yun Tian Sacred Land.

Just walked into the Great Hall.

The Elders who were discussing in the Great Hall cast their gazes one after another.

After sensing the powerful Realm of Zhang Tianfeng’s Eight Tribulations Deva, they all took a step back in awe to show courtesy.

Above the Great Hall, Yun Tian Sacred Land Holy Lord Yun Canghai suddenly got up, walked down directly, and said with a smile: “Lao Zhang, why are you here?

We haven’t seen each other in a hundred years! ”

“Brother Yun, I’m here for the Eastern Wasteland domain.”

Zhang Tianfeng smiled slightly.

“Eastern Wasteland domain?”

Upon hearing these three words, a trace of anger appeared on Yun Canghai’s face: “Humph!

A few Elders and I were still discussing this matter just now!

In this Eastern Wasteland domain, a man named Su Zhan is back, and we have eliminated all the people we used to control the Sacred Land!

Actually, I don’t care about those people, but even if we want to quit the Eastern Wasteland domain from Yun Tian, ​​should he come and tell me in person?

What do people who directly touch us in the Yun Tian domain mean?

He clearly didn’t put me in To put in one’s eyes!

When I see him, I must—”


Zhang Tianfeng was afraid that Yun Canghai would say something to irritate Su Zhan, so he immediately interrupted: “Brother Yun!

Let me introduce to you, the one next to me is Su Zhan!

We came here this time thinking about—”

“What! He is Su Zhan?!”

Yun Canghai was taken aback, and then he didn’t wait for Zhang Tianfeng to explain at all. He laughed and said, “Lao Zhang, you are really reliable!

Actually captured this kid directly in front of me!

Okay, next!

I’m going to do a good job with this kid to settle the account of the Eastern Wasteland domain!

snort! ”

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