Chapter 900 Settling accounts (third more)

“You want to settle accounts with me?”

Su Zhan raised his brows: “It just so happens, I want to settle accounts with you too, come, you tell me first, what do you plan to do?”

Yun Tian Sacred Land Holy Lord Yun Canghai was taken aback, and then angrily said: “Ignorant child, dare to be captured alive–”

“Yun Canghai!”

Seeing Yun Canghai talk more and more outrageous, Zhang Tianfeng was frightened and quickly scolded: “What nonsense are you talking about!

I didn’t capture Su alive, fellow daoist!

On the contrary, this trip, I just came to help Su fellow daoist, to ask you Yun Tian domain for justice for Su fellow daoist! ”

“Old Zhang”

Yun Canghai was a little confused: “What did you say?

Come to ask for justice for Su Zhan?

Is your brain okay?

Besides, if you invade the Eastern Wasteland domain, you also have a share in the Lintian domain! ”

“Because I did something wrong, I have to make up for it!”

Zhang Tianfeng righteously said: “Brother Yun, we are human, and fellow daoists in the Eastern Wasteland domain are also human!

Compatriots, how can we bully others?

Our cultivation should be to make people thrive and make them better!

Instead of looting other people’s things!

It’s a pity, this truth, Yan Tian was empty to death and didn’t want to understand it! ”

Hearing the words in front of Zhang Tianfeng, Yun Canghai just wanted to mock Zhang Tianfeng’s appearance, but when he heard his last words, he suddenly woke up!

“You, what are you talking about?

The Lord of Yan Emperor Domain, Yan Tian Xu died?

How can this be!

In the Yandi Region, who can kill him? ! ”

“It’s Sue fellow daoist!”

Zhang Tianfeng raised a few voices, his eyes full of warnings: “Yan Tianxu doesn’t know how to repent, and it’s okay to try to murder fellow daoist Su!

In the end, Su fellow daoist had no choice but to behead him in the Yan Dynasty imperial palace! ”

This statement came out.

Yun Canghai was stupid, his eyes widened to look at Su Zhan, his eyes were full of disbelief!

The Lord of the Yandi Domain, the Great Emperor of the Yan Dynasty, Yan Tianxu!

The existence of the Eight Tribulations Supreme was actually beheaded by a Three Tribulations Deva?

Moreover, it is still in the Yan Dynasty imperial palace!

Yan Tianxu can use the power of the dragon veins, and its combat power is enough to match the peak of the Eight Tribulations!

But was such a powerful and powerful man just beaten to death by this kid surnamed Su in front of him?

How can this be! ! !

Yun Canghai was shocked, unbelievable.

But even if he didn’t want to believe it in his heart, he could only choose to believe it when he heard Zhang Tianfeng say it so solemnly.

Since Su Zhan can kill Yan Tianxu, he can also kill Yun Canghai!

In other words, he was threatening a terrifying existence that could determine his life and death!

Thinking of this, Yun Canghai began to ooze cold sweat on his forehead, and he stuttered: “Su, Su fellow daoist, misunderstanding, I, there may be some misunderstanding between us!”


Su Zhan raised his brows: “Just now, didn’t you say that I didn’t put you at all to put in one’s eyes?”

“I mean, I’m a little pawn, Su fellow daoist doesn’t need to put me in one’s eyes!”

“Oh? Then you still want me to settle the account?”


Yun Canghai quickly said: “Look at Su fellow daoist, our Yun Tian domain has caused so much loss to the Eastern Wasteland domain!

Of course, you have to do a good job of accounting, and then pay compensation! ”

“Do you really mean that?”


Yun Canghai said sincerely: “The sky is a lesson, I Yun Canghai is sincere!”

“Okay, just settle the accounts!”

Su Zhan nodded: “You Yun Tian domain plundered so many treasures from Eastern Wasteland domain, the value is hard to estimate!

However, I’m a good person, so I just follow the lowest price.

You only need to compensate a mere one trillion sacred stones! ”

“One, a trillion sacred stones?”

Yun Canghai was stupid, and immediately said with a wry smile: “Su, Su fellow daoist, it’s not I said, the resources of the Eastern Wasteland domain add up, I am afraid that there is not even a hundred billion sacred stones…”

“Is it just a resource?”

Su Zhan said displeased: “You have done evil in the Eastern Wasteland domain, and how many people have brought an indelible shadow to their hearts?

Moreover, just because of these things you did, I spent my precious time coming to your Yun Tian domain deliberately.

What do you say?

Time is priceless.

I only have one trillion sacred stones, but that’s it, you still think there are too many?

Could it be that you are trying to bully me, a kind and honest person? ! ”


The corners of Yun Canghai’s mouth twitched, and he wanted to cry without tears.

The resources we looted in the Eastern Wasteland are estimated to be worth tens of billions of sacred stones in the sky!

Every time you speak is one trillion!

This is an honest man with a hammer!

If you are an honest person, there is still dishonesty in this world? ? ?

Depressed in his heart, Yun Canghai didn’t dare to refute directly, and looked at Zhang Tianfeng helplessly, meaning that he wanted Zhang Tianfeng to help him say something nice.

Zhang Tianfeng coughed slightly, and said: “Brother Yun, Yan Tianxu’s death is terrible!

Not only him, but even his son, Yan Haneda, the first arrogant of the Yan Emperor Domain, died on the spot!

Of course, they were unreasonable and committed heinous crimes, and they deserved it if they died. Brother Yun, right? ”

Yun Canghai trembled, realizing that Own’s answer was likely to determine whether he could keep his head, and he didn’t care about that much anymore, and he nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes!

Su fellow daoist, one trillion sacred stone, one trillion sacred stone!

Even if our Yun Tian Sacred Land sells iron, we must have it together! ”

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan nodded: “Right, Cloud Holy Lord, I heard that your Yun Tian Sacred Land has a Yun Tian holy pond, can it strengthen the divine body?

It just so happens that I want to borrow it.

Wouldn’t you refuse such a small request? ”

“Borrow Yun Tian holy pool?”

Before Yun Canghai had time to speak, an Elder of the Seven Tribulations of Deva had already spoken: “But our Yun Tian Sacred Land’s ancestral motto, Yun Tian Sacred Land has never borrowed from outsiders. This is contrary to the ancestral motto of the ancestor. no–”

“Big Elder, what are you talking about!”

Seeing Su Zhan’s displeased look, Yun Canghai quickly reprimanded: “The ancestral training of our ancestors is not to borrow from outsiders. Fellow Daoist Su is our best friend of Yun Tian Sacred Land. How can we count as outsiders?

Besides, Yun Tian holy pond will give birth to new pond liquid every hundred years, which can be said to be inexhaustible!

It’s not a one-time consumable. What can’t be used by fellow daoist Sue? ”


Yun Tian Sacred Land Elder still wanted to say something, and suddenly found that the surrounding Elders were silently taking a few steps away, pulling away from him, and Su Zhan’s gaze fell on him.

He trembled in his heart, and the words of persuasion he just wanted to say couldn’t be said at a time, and he lowered his head silently.

Ancestral precepts are ancestral precepts, fate is fate!

He still knows which is important!

“Okay Sue fellow daoist”

Seeing that Elder closed his mouth, Yun Canghai was also relieved, squeezing out a smile and said: “Let’s go to the Yun Tian holy pool now!”


Su Zhan nodded, took Su Zhaoyue, and followed Yun Canghai away.

Those Elder glanced at each other and followed.

Although they were a little afraid of Su Zhan, they were all very curious, and wanted to see what Su Zhan’s divine body was.

Under the leadership of Yun Canghai, Soon, Su Zhan came to the place where Yun Tian holy pond is located.

It is the top of a mountain peak of several hundred meters.

It is also the center of this underground spiritual vein.

Su Zhan stood on the white stone ground and looked at the Yun Tian holy pond in front.

The holy pond is very small.

The diameter is only about five meters.

Inside was a blue liquid, and a faint trace of thunder and lightning wandered through it.

“Su fellow daoist, this is Yun Tian holy pool!”

Yun Canghai introduced: “The Yun Tian Sacred Pool was discovered at the beginning of our Yun Tian Sacred Land 110,000 years ago.

This place is the core of countless spiritual veins in the Yun Tian domain, and the first mineral vein of a kind of wind and thunder attribute mineral material, plus the special formation power of our Yun Tian Sacred Land.

The holy pond will breed holy liquid containing the power of wind and thunder every hundred years!

If a person who possesses the Eucharist enters it, it is possible to condense the hurricane divine body, or the thunder-attributed divine body!

If you have a divine body to enter it, it will affect those wind thunder god liquid tempering the divine body!

Make the divine body stronger!

For example, if you point a star god body, you have a chance to become a star god body!

Yangyan Divine Body has a chance to become a Great Sun Divine Body! ”

“Oh? Is there such an effect?”

Su Zhan moved in his heart and curiously said, “If so, have all the divine bodies reached the highest level of their corresponding attributes?

What can be tempered? ”

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