Chapter 901 What do you want me to temper? (First more)

All divine bodies are already at the highest level?

Yun Tian Sacred Land Holy Lord Yun Canghai was stunned for a moment, did not understand what Su Zhan’s words meant.

Isn’t there only one kind of god body for everyone?

What do all the gods mean?

However, even though he was puzzled in his heart, Yun Canghai still didn’t dare to let Su Zhanjiu wait, and hurriedly said: “If he is already the best divine body, such as the Star divine body, the big sun divine body, etc., it will be strengthened to a certain extent!

In fact, the main thing is to temper the cultivator’s body with the power of wind and thunder, so that the power of the divine body can be more integrated with the body of the cultivator, so that the power of the divine body can be better exerted. ”

“So it’s like this”

Su Zhan glanced at the Yun Tian sacred pool’s pool fluid full of wind and thunder, remembering what, and asked: “How many people can you use the sacred pool’s pool fluid?”

“Su fellow daoist, don’t look at the amount of holy liquid in the holy pond, but even if a hundred people are used for tempering, you will definitely not use up the holy liquid. You can use it with confidence!

Our holy pool, that is not a one-time consumable! ”

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan nodded, and immediately looked at Su Zhaoyue: “The Yun Tian holy pond has the miraculous effect of tempering the divine body, and your divine body is also very Bufan, so go in and temper once!”

“Well, I will go after you finish your tempering!”

Su Zhaoyue didn’t shirk, but she was still a little embarrassed: “After all, this is what Yun Tian Sacred Land used for you…Furthermore, those pond liquids seem to contain strong wind and thunder power.

Let me first look at how you temper, and there will be a bottom line later. ”

“That’s fine too.”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, with a little tiptoe, he came directly to the Taoist platform in the center of the Yun Tian holy pond and sat down cross-legged.

Sweeping his eyes on those holy liquids, Su Zhan tried to run Cultivation Technique.


Suddenly, the sacred pool of liquid surging!

Pieces of mist containing the power of wind and thunder gush out, coming towards him!

That is the holy fog that contains the power of the holy pond liquid.

As Su Zhan drew those holy fogs, the Elders of Yun Tian Sacred Land condensed their eyes.

“here we go!”

“Holy fog has appeared!”

“Generally speaking, a god-body genius can pull about fifty strands of holy mist to infuse and refine the god-body at the same time. I don’t know how much Su Gongzi can pull?”

“As far as talent is concerned, no one in the spirit world can compare to Su Zhan, he is probably… able to pull five hundred sacred fog!”

“What nonsense, it seems that you are very ignorant!”

An Elder touched his goatee, lifted his chin, and believed: “I dare you to say that Young Master Su can definitely pull more than ten thousand strands of the holy fog!

If you don’t believe it, wait and see-damn it! ”

Before he finished speaking, the goatee Elder, who thought he had anticipated everything, saw the scene ahead and suddenly unconsciously burst out a swear word!

The whole person is dumbfounded!

I saw the front.

The holy fog surrounding Su Zhan has all dispersed!

Instead, there are wisps of holy liquid visible to the naked eye!

Yun Tian Holy Lord Yun Canghai pointed at Su Zhan, and stammered towards Zhang Tianfeng next to him: “Lao, Lao Zhang, you, you know, our Yun Tian holy pond has always been quenched by the holy mist emitted by the holy liquid Refining the divine body.

This, what the hell is this directly absorbing the holy liquid? ? ? ”

“You ask me, who am I asking?”

Zhang Tianfeng rolled his eyes and sighed immediately: “Brother Yun, fellow daoist Su, if you can predict it, how can Realm kill Yan Tianxu by the Five Tribulations?

Don’t be so shocked.

Think about it, he, a Three Tribulations Deva, can kill the Eight Tribulations Supreme!

Compared with this, other places are a bit outrageous. Isn’t that normal? ”


Yun Canghai was speechless for a while.

This seems to be true.


That sacred liquid is accumulated in Yun Tian domain not knowing how long it takes!

This guy Su Zhan directly absorbed it like this, his heart aches!

Although he was very reluctant in his heart, of course Yun Canghai did not have the guts to stop Su Zhan, so he had to look at him silently.

Ten minutes have passed.

Under the tempering of the strands of holy liquid, a divine light appeared on Su Zhan’s body surface!

“Divine light is looming, and his divine body is about to enter the final strengthening stage!

He refining so fast! ”

“At this stage, the cultivator’s own divine body will be passively stimulated. I am really curious. What kind of divine body is his divine body if he can draw so much holy liquid infusion?”

“I’m afraid it’s a very strong divine body like Heavenly Dao body first!”

“The problem is, even if it’s the Heavenly Dao body first, it can’t be so exaggerated, right?”

“No need to argue, his divine body vision has appeared, it’s a big sun divine body!”

At this moment, an Elder looked at the golden sun emerging from the sky and said.

Is it just a big sun god body?

Everyone Elder was a little disappointed.

Yun Canghai was also stunned, his eyes full of loss.

I thought that Su Zhan’s divine body might give him some shocks, but I didn’t expect it to be quite ordinary.

Of course, the Great Sun God Body is definitely a first-class God Body.

It’s just that, because Su Zhan had just pulled so many holy liquids, it shocked them greatly, but also raised his expectations.

The result is just a big sun divine body, which will naturally make him feel disappointed.

Yun Canghai shook his head.

It seems that although Su Zhan’s tier-one combat power is outrageous, his divine body talent is unremarkable. Like most geniuses, there is no difference-huh?

That’s…the bright moon divine body!

Just thinking about these things in his mind, he suddenly saw another divine body vision erupting from Su Zhan’s body, and Yun Canghai was immediately bewildered.

“Unexpectedly, Su Zhan actually possesses two divine bodies at the same time-how is this possible!!”

Before I finished speaking, I saw Su Zhan’s explosion of the Star divine body vision.

Yun Canghai suddenly widened his eyes, and everyone looked silly!

This is so special!

Is there anyone who can have three divine bodies at the same time? ? ?

Do not!

Not just three!

There are actually more!

With the eruption of divine body visions on Su Zhan, Yun Canghai, as well as those Elders of Yun Tian Sacred Land, looked straight!

Some Elders even rubbed their eyes desperately, looking unbelievable.

In fact, it’s not just them.

The Lord of Lintian Domain, the Supreme Lord of the Eight Tribulations, Zhang Tianfeng was also dumbfounded at this time.

After a long pause, the corners of his mouth twitched.

This f*ck!

Who would have thought that Su Zhan actually had ten divine bodies! ! !

Sun Moon Star, the five god bodies of the Five Elements power, the chaos god body, the Heavenly Dao body first… so many god bodies are actually gathered in one person!

No wonder, no wonder this guy can kill Yan Tianxu in the Three Tribulations!

It’s not an individual at all! ! !

Zhang Tianfeng slandered in his heart and wiped cold sweat on his forehead at the same time.

Oh shit!

Fortunately, Zhang Tianfeng was witty and didn’t choose to be an enemy of this monster, otherwise he wouldn’t know how he really died!

Seeing that divine body aroused, Su Zhaoyue also gave a wry smile.

Silently said in his heart: Lin senior, are you sure I can really catch up with this perverted guy?


Just when everyone was shocked by Su Zhan’s divine body.

Above the sky, lightning flashed again!

Those electric lights converge like a thunderstorm, all merged into the sea of ​​chaos and fog!

Immediately afterwards, a series of electric lights flashed in the sea of ​​fog!

Thunder god body!

This is not over yet.

The next moment, the wind attribute law of the sky above suddenly rioted!

A gust of wind raged in the sky above, and finally merged into Su Zhan’s divine body vision that already encompassed thousands of miles, turning into a blue tornado, roaring in the chaotic sea of ​​fog!

Hurricane body!

Su Zhan turned out to be, and condensed two more powerful god-tier bodies!

Moreover, because of the integration of Fenglei’s divine body and his own divine body, the increased power of his divine body is not only as simple as the superposition of two divine bodies!

The power of the divine body wandered through Su Zhan’s body, supporting each other and increasing each other!

Under this kind of power, Su Zhan’s physique talent has been improved a lot!

After another ten minutes, Su Zhan felt that his divine body had reached its limit and could no longer gain any more, so he stopped the operation of the Cultivation Technique and ended the divine body state.

The vast vision of heaven and earth dissipated, he opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him who were already motionless.

Looking at those people with some suspicion, Su Zhan didn’t care too much, but said to Su Zhaoyue, who was also a little confused: “Okay, I have finished tempering.

Su Zhaoyue, it’s your turn! ”

“Su Zhan…or else, forget it, right?”

Su Zhaoyue hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly: “I still don’t temper it.”

“How can this work?”

Su Zhan’s brows frowned slightly: “Say it’s OK and wait until I finish your tempering, you’ll be tempered. Are you afraid of Yun Canghai, Holy Lord, don’t you agree?

You can rest assured that the Holy Lord Yun is so generous, of course he will not refuse! ”

“Su Zhan, this is not a question he disagrees with, the question is…”

Su Zhaoyue’s gaze fell on Su Zhan’s footsteps around the platform, which had completely disappeared, and the holy pools with runes at the bottom could be clearly seen.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she said with depression: “You have absorbed the holy liquid, what are you asking me to temper?

Air? ? ? ”

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