Chapter 906 South Sea Territory Lord!

“The Emperor Zhongzhou wants to see me?”

Su Zhan frowned slightly and looked at Wang Xinyi and said, “City Lord Wang, do you know the reason?”

“I don’t know the specific reason, but His Majesty seems very upset, Su Zhan, have you done something wrong recently?”

“What did I do wrong?”

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, thought about it, shook his head and said, “No!

You also know that I am a good person. What I do is basically a good thing like helping others.

What can I do wrong? ”

“Then why did His Majesty the Great let me lead three Eight Tribulations Supreme Experts to bring you back to the imperial city?”

Wang Xinyi walked in front of Su Zhan and whispered worriedly: “Su Zhan, the super powers trained by the three royal families will come with me.

I’m afraid you are in big trouble this time! ”

“big trouble……”

Su Zhan frowned, the huge holy thoughts swept out, sensing the three Eight Tribulations Supreme, who were slowly approaching, on both sides and behind him for about ten miles.

“By the way, you went to the South China Sea this time?”

Thinking of something, Wang Xinyi leaned closer and said: “The domain master of the South China Sea is also a Martial Dao myth.

I suddenly came to the palace a few days ago. I wonder if your matter is related to him? ”

“South China Sea?”

Su Zhan looked puzzled: “I have never heard of this domain, let alone go.”

“Why would His Majesty the Great–”

“Alright, King City Lord!”

Before Wang Xinyi could finish speaking, an Eight Tribulations Supreme spoke: “Your Majesty, because of your acquaintance with Su Zhan, asked you to lead us to arrest this person.

It’s not for you to reminisce with him! ”


The other Eight Tribulations Supreme also nodded: “He cooperates best. If he doesn’t cooperate, I will catch him forcibly!”

The last Eight Tribulations Supreme came to Wang Xinyi’s side, glanced at Su Zhan, and said, “You are Su Zhan, right?

I’m waiting for you to be arrested, and I hope you will be arrested, and obediently follow us back. ”

“Demanded to arrest?”

Su Zhan’s tone was cold: “I haven’t violated any Central State law, and I have always been helping others.

Why should a good person like me be arrested? ”

“Su Zhan, that’s not what I meant”

Wang Xinyi was afraid that Su Zhan and the three Eight Tribulations Supremes would intensify the conflict, and quickly said: “His Majesty just said that he wants to see you, but he didn’t say that you are guilty.

Maybe, maybe it’s not a bad thing.

But Su Zhan.

His Majesty the Great has indeed said that he must bring you back, no matter what methods are used!


Wang Xinyi was helpless, and smiled bitterly: “I hope you don’t be impulsive and don’t make me embarrassed. This will be better for you.”

“Be sure to take me back, no matter what means…”

Su Zhan frowned.

Frankly speaking, he wasn’t really afraid of the three Eight Tribulations Supreme, even if he couldn’t beat him, he was confident that he could run.


He ran away, and people related to him may not have ran away.

Tianshulou, Qin Xiaoshu, Xi Yunze…

In the Zhongzhou region, the Emperor Zhongzhou is the largest. If he angers the Tianshulou, the Tianshulou may fall apart overnight!


With the power of Emperor Zhongzhou, he could reach out to the Eastern Wasteland domain, and even said that he would chase and kill him himself.

Instead of involving more, it is better for him to solve the matter alone.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Zhan nodded: “Okay, I’ll go with you, but they”

Su Zhan pointed to Su Zhaoyue and others: “They must leave first.”

“Yes, His Majesty the Great only said that he wanted to see you, but he didn’t talk about anyone else.”

Wang Xinyi immediately agreed.

“Su Zhan!”

Su Zhaoyue was very worried and said loudly, “I want to face it with you!”

As she said, she leaned close to Su Zhan’s ear and whispered anxiously, “It’s really impossible, let’s run away together!”

Su Zhan shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t have any trouble.”

“His Royal Highness, you—”

“Don’t cry!”

Seeing that Tang Liuxue was about to plunge into his arms again, Su Zhan quickly took a step back: “I just went to meet someone, not to die, don’t look like a parting.”

After speaking, he patted Xiaobai’s head and said, “Xiaobai, take them all back to my Immortal Cave in the Tianshulou, and tell them that I will be fine, so they don’t have to worry.”

“Yes, master!”

Xiaobai nodded.

After that, after saying a few words not to worry, Su Zhan watched Xiaobai take Su Zhaoyue and the others away.

“Let’s go, King City Lord.”

After Xiao Bai disappeared completely, Su Zhan also moved towards Wang Xinyi.

Wang Xinyi waved his hand and released a big golden ship floating in the sky, saying: “Okay, come up!”

Su Zhan plundered aboard the golden ship.

After the other three Eight Tribulations Supreme had also boarded the ship, Wang Xinyi urged the ship and flew quickly towards the imperial city of Zhongzhou Region.

Two days later.

Zhongzhou domain, imperial city.

The imperial palace, in an imperial garden about thirty li in size.

Wang Xinyi and three Eight Tribulations Supreme were led by a royal attendant to the center of the garden, beside a small artificial lake.

Towards the lake center pavilion, the two who were sitting and talking to each other knelt down on one knee: “Your Majesty, Su Zhan has been brought here!”

“Are you Su Zhan?”

Zheng Tian, ​​the emperor of Zhongzhou in a golden dragon robe, raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Zhan: “Not long ago, I heard that you became the number one holy king and you stepped down the Qi Luck Ladder of Shengwang Mountain in ten steps. I plan to see you.

I just didn’t expect that before I took the initiative to summon you, you caused a lot of things and made me have to find you! ”

“I caused a lot of things?”

Su Zhan was full of doubts: “Your Majesty, what happened to me?”


The Emperor Zhongzhou frowned slightly and looked at the gray-haired old man sitting opposite: “Qi fellow daoist, since you came to me, you should also take care of this matter.”


The old man nodded, his gaze fell on Su Zhan, and coldly said, “This is Qiqiu, the lord of the South China Sea!

Su Zhan, I ask you, did you kill the Lord of the Yan Emperor Domain, Yan Tian Xu? ”

Su Zhanman was puzzled: “I killed the Lord of the Yan Emperor Domain…Does it have anything to do with you?”

“Of course it matters!”

The elder Qiqiu said: “In addition to paying tribute to Zhongzhou Territory, Yandi Territory will also hand in our South China Sea Territory to pray for shelter.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The important thing is that you broke the rules of this world! ”

“I broke the rules?”

“Su Zhan.”

Seeing Su Zhan’s unclear appearance, Emperor Zhongzhou also opened his mouth and said: “In the spirit world, there are a total of twenty Martial Dao myths.

Basically, they will not intervene in spiritual affairs.

But it doesn’t mean that we really don’t care about the situation in the spiritual world.

In fact, the spirit world has always been in a balance.

The root of this balance is that other areas of the spirit world will have the strongest power to stabilize the situation of the entire area.

And this force is actually often supported by us secretly.

The Yan Emperor Yu Family you moved this time was also supported by the South China Sea.

Yan Tianxu is even the master of the Yan Emperor Territory set by the South China Sea Territory Lord back then.

Everything else is easy to say.

But if you beat him to death, it is tantamount to destroying the balance we have established with one hand.


You killed Yan Tianxu, but in a sense, you also slapped fellow daoist in the face.

Do you understand now? ”

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