Chapter 907 Asking for sin, destroying the world!


Qiqiu, the lord of the South China Sea, coughed slightly and said, “It’s not as exaggerated as Brother Zheng said.

What about hitting the old man in the face.

Could it be that the old man’s face was supported by a Yan Emperor domain?

I don’t mean anything else.

It’s just that the Yandi Domain is not a small domain. If the owner of a domain suddenly died unexpectedly, it would surely trigger an affair!

This is something we don’t want to see.

The spiritual balance that we have established together should not be broken by one person! ”

“Am I breaking the balance and causing sex?”

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: “Your Majesty, Lord of the South Seas, you may be mistaken.

In fact, I may be the person in the spiritual world who most hopes that there will be no **, and everyone is safe and stable.

And the reason why I killed Yan Tianxu.

The reason is also very simple.

Because he wants to kill me!

Could it be that I am about to be beaten to death, so I can’t fight for that little bit? ”

“A little fight?”

Speaking of this, Qiqiu, the lord of the South China Sea, was so angry that he fought out: “You will fight Yan Tianxu to death with a little resistance!

That’s fine, you also killed Yan Haneda, the first arrogant of the Yan Emperor Domain, and forced them to pay a trillion sacred stones for compensation!

Do you think I don’t even know these things? ! ”

“So you all know?”

Su Zhan looked at the South Sea Territory Master in surprise: “Then you must also know that the Yan Emperor Territory invaded the Eastern Wasteland Territory.

I must know that Yan Tianxu’s son Yan Haneda robbed me, and these two people still don’t know how to repent, even trying to make me die?

Since you all know…

Then why don’t you stop it?

Or do you think it is right to grab someone’s girlfriend and invade another’s hometown?

Since this is all right.

Then I am just going to kill someone casually, what’s wrong with me? ”


The owner of the South China Sea was furious when he was questioned, but for a while, he really didn’t know how to respond.

He did hear about the invasion of the Yandi Domain into the Eastern Wasteland domain, but he didn’t take it seriously.

Because in his opinion, the Eastern Wasteland domain is just a small closed domain in the spirit world, and it is normal to be invaded.

Just as a kind of baptism.

After thousands of years, the Eastern Wasteland domain will naturally rebuild order.

But the Yandi Region is different, it is a prosperous and prosperous region!

Yan Tianxu was the master of the Yan Emperor domain he had chosen at the beginning.

Didn’t Su Zhan openly provoke the order established by his Martial Dao myth?

Angrily in his heart, the Nanhai Territory Master suddenly stood up: “Brother Zheng, Su Zhan has committed heinous sins!


I don’t think we need to discuss it anymore. Let’s go directly to the death penalty! ”

The Emperor Zhongzhou frowned, and said displeased: “Brother Qi, Su Zhan is at fault, but he is not guilty of death.

Moreover, Su Zhan this son, Three Tribulations Cultivation Base can kill Eight Tribulations Supreme…

Have you seen such vigorous combat power? ”


What’s the use then! ”

The South Sea Territory Lord dismissed: “The strongest in the spirit world is the Martial Dao myth. We have reached the top of the spirit world!

No matter how fast his cultivation, no matter how strong he is, he will be on par with us at best in the future!

Because this is the limit of spiritual practitioners!

Not to mention, this son is so stubborn and unrepentant after committing a big mistake!

Brother Zheng, I gave you a face, so I didn’t shoot him directly, but came to discuss this with you!

I also hope you, give me a little face! ”

“Su Zhan”

The Great Emperor Zhongzhou looked at Su Zhan, frowning: “Can you be guilty?”

“I’m not wrong, what’s the crime?”

Su Zhan said unhappy.

Emperor Zhongzhou had a headache.

Originally, according to his wishes, Su Zhan was asked to admit his mistake, apologize or something, and then just punish him casually.

Both he and the master of the South China Sea were able to pass on their faces.

But I never expected that this guy wouldn’t get in with oil and salt, and he had a nerve in his head.

It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge him.

Wouldn’t it be soft first?

What a brainstorm!

“Hear it!”

The South Sea Territory Lord coldly said: “This person has no repentance at all!

Brother Zheng, what’s the use of keeping him? ”

“Brother Qi, he…”

Emperor Zhongzhou said solemnly: “He can’t die!

If Yan Tianxu is dead, refute your Face.

Na Su Zhan, as the number one arrogant of the Zhongzhou Region, would have died like that.

Where do I put my face?

Lord of the South China Sea, tell me! ”

Speaking of the last, the Emperor Zhongzhou had already used the emperor’s title, and an unparalleled overbearing intention burst from his body.

“Can’t die…good!”

The South China Sea Territory Lord also had some scruples about Emperor Zhongzhou, nodded and said: “But the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable!”

With that, the master of the South China Sea flipped his palm, and a scroll appeared.

The scroll was spread out and hung in the air, turning out to be a picture scroll.

However, on the screen, there is only a cloud of chaotic fog, and the flames of wind and thunder are faintly roaring, which is very peculiar.

“Destroying the world?”

Emperor Zhongzhou’s face changed slightly, and he said solemnly: “Lord of the South China Sea, who doesn’t know that the people you punish with the World Destruction Chart are the most wicked people!

No one survived!

Do you use this thing to punish Su Zhan?

What’s the difference between that and killing him! ”

“Brother Zheng, what anxious, all those who entered the World Destruction Map are indeed dead, but I didn’t say that Su must be killed.”

The Nanhai Territory Lord carried his hands on his back and said: “As long as he can stay in the World Destruction Map for ten days, no matter what his state is, even if he is not damaged at all!

Those things he did have all disappeared, and no one will be held accountable afterwards! ”

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