Chapter 912

A trace of destruction flew out.

Exploded a few miles away!

Destroy that area!

Although the power is much worse than that of the Emperor Zhongzhou, it is indeed the exact same means of using power!

Watching those spaces collapse and then slowly return to normal, Su Zhan retracted his fingers.

Thinking of something, he said to the emperor Zhongzhou who was already stunned at this time: “By the way, the emperor, how long did you just say you used it?”


The Emperor Zhongzhou was a little stupid, staring at the collapsed space in a daze.

Although, the understatement he verbally said is just a small means of using the law of destruction.

But in fact, this is a kind of magical power called “disintegration finger”.

The more Insight on the Way of Destruction, the stronger the power.

When his master taught him this magical power, it took him a full year to get started!

But now, Su Zhan just watched him demonstrate it once, and he actually learned it in ten seconds!

This f*ck!

Isn’t it too ridiculous? ? ?

Reminiscent of his hard work, Insight’s way of destruction, and then look at Su Zhan’s relaxed look.

The Emperor Zhongzhou was extremely depressed, and said, “One, one month.”

“One month?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “How can it be so long?”

“I… dull aptitude.”

The corners of Emperor Zhongzhou’s mouth twitched, full of helplessness.

This is so special!

One month is too long!

If I said one year, wouldn’t it be considered a fool?

There was a moment of speechlessness in his mind, and the Great Emperor Zhongzhou coughed slightly: “Su Zhan, in fact, this is a small magical power called Beng Miezhi, which is quite complicated. It is normal for me to spend a month.”

“Supernatural power, collapse finger?”

Su Zhan flicked it again and tried it. Seeing that trace of destruction fly out, he was surprised: “Isn’t this a method of using the Movement Technique as a guide to arouse the laws of heaven and earth?

Is it so difficult? ”


Emperor Zhongzhou wanted to refute, but seeing Su Zhan’s relaxed look, he really couldn’t think of any words to refute Su Zhan.

After all, this guy has Insight in ten seconds, how do you refute it?

Just when the Emperor Zhongzhou was speechless for a while, Su Zhan also spoke again: “I almost forgot, I am a young man and learn things fast.

Your Majesty, you are all too old, your mind is slow, it is normal to spend more time! ”


“But don’t worry, Your Majesty the Great.”

Su Zhan comforted: “Anyway, you are a Martial Dao myth, and your life span is much longer than that of a thousand-year old bachelor. Some are time!”

Hearing this, Emperor Zhongzhou rolled his eyes.

Life expectancy is longer than that of a thousand-year-old bachelor… Is there such a comfort to you?

In my heart, Emperor Zhongzhou didn’t want to talk about these things with Su Zhan anymore.

He was afraid that if he went on, he couldn’t help himself, and he really slapped Su Zan to death!

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhongzhou said: “Su Zhan, let’s not talk about this matter.

Since you are so talented that you don’t need me to guide you, just let it go.

I want to say another thing. ”

After a pause, the Emperor Zhongzhou said: “The Tianshulou has always been a leader among the first-class forces. Not long ago, the owner of the Tianshulou, Xu Tianyue, applied to me to become the eighth superpower in the Zhongzhou region.

Xi Yunze broke through the eight calamities, Qin Xiaoshu became the supreme, and the three supreme existence… indeed have the qualifications to become a super power.

However, if you want to become a superpower, you still need to be recognized by the other seven superpowers.

Keep it simple.

Just to challenge one by one, let them feel that the peak strength of Tianshulou has really reached the level of superpower.

Of course, now that you have the power to kill the Eight Tribulations Supreme, then this cumbersome procedure can be skipped.

In a few days, there will be imperial decree coming to the Tianshu Tower.

Acknowledge the status of the Tianshulou superpower, you can tell Xu Tianyue and others after you go back, prepare to release the invitation letter, and host the new superpower ceremony! ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Immediately, he remembered something, and asked: “By the way, your Majesty, do you know where the dark mieyan is?”

“Dark Miyan?”

The Great Emperor Zhongzhou pondered for a while, and said: “The dark world of the spirit world has very few appearances, but the devil world is quite a lot.

However, Die Mieyan is useless to our human race, it is a kind of strange fire used by the demons to temper their own demon hearts.

Why are you asking this? ”

“I need some darkening inflammation.”

“Do you need to darken the flame?”

Emperor Zhongzhou frowned: “Then I am afraid you can only go to the Demon Realm.

In some large-scale auctions in the Demon Realm, the Dark Destruction Flame will appear.

However, Die Mieyan can be regarded as a kind of strange treasure, the price is very high. ”

“The price is high?”

Su Zhan also frowned slightly: “I can only take out about 1,500 billion sacred stones, don’t know if it’s enough?”

“…I almost forgot, you guy just earned a trillion in Yandi Domain.

In addition to the ones you got in the battlefield of the gods and demons, you are afraid that you are one of the richest Deva in the spiritual realm of Martial Dao! ”

The Emperor Zhongzhou was a little speechless: “One hundred and five hundred billion, you can buy whatever you want, how to say it from Su Zhan, it’s as if you only have fifteen thousand yuan.

You’re so rich now, you know? ”

“Enough is enough.”

Su Zhan smiled slightly, and immediately said: “By the way, Your Majesty, then do you know where the Deva realm channel to the Demon Realm has been opened in the near future?”

“More than a month later!

In the Yinguan Mountains, if you want to go, take this token. ”

With that said, Emperor Zhongzhou threw out a golden token with no words on it, but with some peculiar patterns.

“Speaking of it, no matter if you go, I will send someone to reinforce it if it happens to be saved. After you help the garrison there to resist the incursion of the demons, you can enter the demon world along the passage.

However, Su Zhan, the Demon Realm area that the Deva channel leads to, often has strong Demon Realm masters sitting around, so be careful. ”

“Well, I know, thank your Majesty the Great.”

Su Zhan took the golden token, took a look, and put it in the bag, cupped hands said: “Then let me go.”

“Su Zhan.”

Seeing that Su Zhan was about to leave, the Great Emperor Zhongzhou remembered something and said with emotion: “The universe is vast and boundless, and the spiritual world is just a drop in the ocean.

I always believe that the nine calamities are not the end of cultivation.

Unfortunately, my aptitude is dull.

It became the Nine Tribulations Deva more than four thousand years ago, but to this day, she still hasn’t touched the existence of the Realm above the Nine Tribulations.

You should be less than a thousand years old, so there is Cultivation Base, your talent is unprecedented, and it can be called the first person since the birth of the spiritual world!

I hope that in a hundred years or even a thousand years, I can also see that you took the step above the nine calamities, and let me see with my own eyes what kind of scenery it is like above the nine calamities! ”

“Above the Nine Tribulations…”

Su Zhan nodded: “If I have a chance, I will try.”

After speaking, he turned and left.

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