Chapter 913 Brother, when do we start? (Big chapter)

“I will try if I have a chance…you will definitely have a chance!”

With a whisper in his mouth, seeing Su Zhan disappearing, the Emperor Zhongzhou remembered something and said to Wang Xinyi: “Since the affairs of Zhongzhou City have been removed, then you can stay in the Imperial City and do business!

Recently, there have been some abnormalities in the Demon Realm. I will appoint you as the second rank monitor. You should investigate this matter. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Wang Xinyi retired respectfully.

One day later.

Tianshu Tower, a three-story building on the square outside the Great Hall.

The host Xu Tianyue, Mr. Second Xi Yunze, Mr. Eleven Qin Xiaoshu, and the other five or six Mr. Tianshulou are all gathered together.

Everyone frowned.

Listen to Xiaobai’s narration in front.

“Three Eight Tribulations Supreme was actually dispatched, it seems to be an extremely important thing!”

The host Xu Tianyue said towards Xiaobai: “Since you have returned to the Tianshu Tower half a day ago, you should come and inform me!”

“I want it too!”

Xiaobai grieved: “But the host, your old man, Closed Door Training can’t get out. I can only let you get out by letting Mr. 2 ring the big bell on the three-story building!”

“Okay, the original poster, it’s useless to say it now!”

The second Mr. Xi Yunze said: “Su Zhan is easy to act impulsively, maybe he will really make a big mistake!

Three Sovereigns and Eight Tribulations Supreme… The Emperor Zhongzhou wants to see him in person, no, I have to go to the imperial city! ”

“Second brother, it’s useless for you to go, you can’t control Emperor Zhongzhou.”

Qin Xiaoshu frowned: “I’ll go there!”

With that, he turned around and planned to leave.

Emperor Zhongzhou is the myth of Martial Dao.

Martial Dao myth, only another Martial Dao myth can influence.

It seems that I can only ask Master for help.

Just as he was thinking about it, Su Zhan’s figure appeared on the steps down the mountain and walked up directly.


Xiaobai rushed over immediately!

“How come you are the only one?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “Where are the others?”

“Zhang Ling asked Mr. Seven Liu Fei to take him to the entrance of the Tianshulou to go through the entry formalities. He said he had joined the first floor directly, and the others had already been sent to the Immortal Cave of Xiaoling Peak.

Xiao Bubai is also in the spirit beast park! ”

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan patted Xiaobai on the head and walked towards Xu Tianyue.

“Su Zhan, are you okay?”

Xu Tianyue looked at Su Zhan carefully, and hesitated: “I heard that the Emperor of Zhongzhou Region is looking for you, what the hell is it?”

“It’s not a big deal either.”

Su Zhan thought for a while, and said, “I did some good deeds when I returned to the Eastern Wasteland region, which alarmed the South Sea Territory owner.

The lord of the South China Sea is unreasonable and insists on punishing me.

You know, the original poster, I am an honest, kind and good person. Although there is nothing wrong with it, but in desperation, I was still tortured. ”

“Are you tortured?”

Xu Tianyue was surprised: “What punishment did you receive?”

The second senior brother Xi Yunze looked around Su Zhan and said suspiciously: “Little Junior Brother, you don’t look like you’ve been tortured?”

“Second brother, you can’t tell, it’s because I have strong perseverance and I didn’t show it at all.”

Su Zhan said solemnly: “I was tortured for ten days in the picture of destruction of the world.”

“Destroying the world? What is this?”

Xi Yunze was confused, obviously he hadn’t heard of it at all.

On the contrary, Qin Xiaoshu suddenly remembered some secrets he had heard in the South China Sea with Cui Tianshu before, and he was shocked: “The Map of Destroying the World is a treasure of the South China Sea Lord!

It is said that only the wicked who committed serious crimes in the South China Sea will be thrown into the world extinction map and tortured to death with endless punishment!

Su Zhan, have you really entered the world-destroying map?

its not right!

Sentenced for ten days… You haven’t even returned to Eastern Wasteland for ten days, right? ”

“Yes, actually I only stayed in it for a day before coming out.”

“I came out after a day?”

Qin Xiaoshu’s heart moved: “Is it because the Emperor Zhongzhou saw that you couldn’t hold it anymore, so he pardoned you?”

“It’s not that I can’t hold it, it’s that Destroying the World can’t hold it.”

Su Zhanpo had some regrets: “The quality of the South Sea Territory Master’s Destroying Map is too low. I just stayed in it for a day and it will be broken. If the Destroying Map is broken, I can’t be tortured, so I have to come back.”

The quality of the extinction map is too low?

It broke after only one day?

Unable to be tortured… had to come back?

Hearing what you mean, it seems a bit reluctant?

Those three-story Mr. Deva looked at each other when they heard this.

Xu Tianyue was also puzzled and said, “Su Zhan, if the World Destruction Map is broken, you don’t need to be tortured. This is a good thing!

Why are you still looking regretful? ”

“Original master, you don’t know, in fact, that world destruction map is a very useful treasure.”

“Very useful…treasure?”


Su Zhan said earnestly: “The body of the cultivator, the sacred element, the power of the law, the mental energy… and many other powers are integrated. I cultivated in it for a day and felt ascension.

If I can cultivate for a few more days, maybe my magical abilities can be ascension to a level! ”

Hearing this, Xu Tianyue hesitated a little: “This…the South Sea Territory Master will not be so stupid as to let you enter a world that is convenient for your cultivation, right?”

“Owner, you are too overestimating the IQ of the South Sea Territory Lord.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “The Lord of the South China Sea is very old, and it is normal for him to have problems with his brain.

It’s a pity that the quality of the extinction map is really bad, otherwise you will have the opportunity to let the host experience it in the future, and you will know what I said is true! ”


Seeing Su Zhan’s serious look, Xu Tianyue was also a little skeptical, and was quite disappointed: “It’s a pity that I don’t have this opportunity…”


Qin Xiaoshu on the side heard that the two of them talked more and more outrageous, and he was about to say that Mieshitu was the ultimate treasure of supporting the cultivation of the cultivation.

As far as I know, there are already a dozen or twenty Deva who died in the World Destruction Map!

Even the supreme, there are many digits!

I heard that hundreds of years ago, an evil cultivator at the peak of the Eight Tribulations Supreme in the South China Sea was thrown into the World Destruction Map for more than ten days, and he died miserably!

If you really go in, I’m afraid you can only go to heaven inside! ”

“So scary?”

Xu Tianyue was startled: “Na Su cut him–”

“Who is this guy Su Zhan, don’t you know the host?”

Qin Xiaoshu was speechless: “He didn’t have anything to do with the World Extinguishing Map, and he even destroyed the World Extinguishing Map.

But if we change, there will be ghosts if we can survive! ”


Hearing this, Xu Tianyue suddenly remembered the various heaven-defying actions that Su Zhan showed after entering the Heavenly Book Tower, as well as the great sword gate master Cao Zhen who had just cultivated Su Zhan’s Sword Technique and directly exploded.

Fearful in my heart, I wiped my forehead with cold sweat: “It makes sense, how can we stand this guy’s standards!”

The second brother Xi Yunze also patted Su Zhan’s shoulder and said, “Little brother, don’t talk nonsense.

Maybe someday the landlord really believed you in a bewildered way, and went to some dangerous place and hung up directly. Then I will become the landlord, and I shouldn’t be exhausted! ”

Su Zhan was a little displeased: “Second Brother, I didn’t talk nonsense, I have personally experienced this–”

“Fine, you are right.”

Xi Yunze didn’t want to argue with Su Zhan. He smiled and said, “It’s okay if you’re all right. Since you’re back, go back and rest soon!”

“By the way, the second brother, the original poster, there is something else.”

When Su Zhan saw those Tianshulou gentlemen who were relieved and ready to leave, he hurriedly said: “The Emperor Zhongzhou told me that he has agreed to our Tianshulou application to become the eighth superpower in the Zhongzhou region. NS.

In a few days, the order will come down so that you can prepare for the ceremony of the new superpower. ”

“His Majesty the Great agrees?”

Xu Tianyue was taken aback, and immediately said in doubt: “That’s not right!

According to common sense, in order to become a superpower, in addition to having at least three supreme presences, you also need to accept the test of the seven superpowers.

Now that the test has not yet been carried out, how can His Majesty the Great allow us to be promoted directly to the superpower? ”

The second Mr. Xi Yunze was also full of surprise: “Becoming a superpower, we can legally control more mineral veins, and our position in the Central Region will also be greatly ascension.

The Zhongzhou Territory, except for the Supreme Heavenly Sect and the Zhongzhou Heavenly Dynasty, is the strongest super power.

Logically speaking, if we want to become a real superpower, we will definitely have to go through some hardships!

At least after I have discussed with those superpowers of the Eight Tribulations Supreme, they will recognize my strength before we can pass and become the eighth new superpower in the Central State Region!

How can it go so smoothly? ”

Su Zhan said: “It should be thought that this kind of challenge and discussion is not necessary anymore, after all, the Eight Tribulations Supreme is not particularly powerful, and it doesn’t make much sense to fight back and forth.”

The Eight Tribulations Supreme, isn’t it particularly powerful?

“Senior Brother Su joked, the Eight Tribulations Supreme is second only to the existence of the Martial Dao myth, how could it not be powerful!”

“Yes! If the Eight Tribulations Supreme is not powerful yet, what is it?”

“The total of all the Eight Tribulations Supremes of our Zhongzhou Territory Human Race Demon Race will probably not exceed fifty!

This is our Zhongzhou domain, in some small domains, the Eight Tribulations Supreme has already dominated a domain! ”

“Senior Brother Su’s cultivation is too fast, and the concept of Realm is a bit vague…”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Deva of the Tianshulou talked a lot, shaking his head again and again, feeling that Su Zhan’s words were too exaggerated.

Xi Yunze even laughed directly: “Hahaha, Junior Brother, you may not have seen the Eight Tribulations Supreme take a shot.

I don’t know how terrifying the Eight Tribulations Supreme is going all out, that’s why he said such words.

In this way, it happens that your second brother is also a supreme of the Eight Tribulations!

I think my strength is pretty good too!

If you want to see, I can practice swordsmanship with you!

Let you see the true strength of an Eight Tribulations Supreme! ”

“I know! I killed one in Yandi Domain not long ago.”

Su Zhan looked at Xi Yunze: “Of course, the Eight Tribulations Supreme is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The Emperor Yandiyu who I killed should not be as strong as the second brother.

Since brother, you insist on practicing swords with me, of course I have no reason to refuse.

It just happens that I have not been very busy recently, I can accompany you to the second brother for three days and three nights happily!

I’m ready, Brother Second, when do we start? ”

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