Chapter 921 Repairing the sword box, the divine object appears! (Third more)

“Junior Brother Su, you Sword Technique… really amazing!”

Xi Yunze took the toothless spirit blood, his injury healed a lot, and he sat next to Su Zhan and said sincerely.

“of course.”

Su Zhan smiled: “Second Brother, do you want to learn?”


Suddenly remembering Cao Zhen, the master of the giant sword gate who turned into a firework explosion, Xi Yunze shook his body and quickly said, “I don’t learn!

I won’t learn to kill me! ! ”

“Forget it.”

Su Zhan shook his head, as if you didn’t know the goods.

“Su Zhan.”

Xu Tianyue, the poster of Tianshulou, remembered something. Curiously asked: “Just now, you haven’t even aroused the divine body, if you go all out…

Honestly, do you compare to the Martial Dao myth? ”

“The Martial Dao myth and the Eight Tribulations Supreme are not a concept at all. Today, it is still difficult for me to contend with that level of power.”


Xu Tianyue laughed at himself and shook his head: “The myth of Martial Dao is the limit of the spiritual world, representing the strongest!

Although you can kill the Eight Tribulations Supreme, there must be a long way from the Martial Dao myth—”

“It is estimated that it will be another two months!”

Just now.

Su Zhan thought for a while and said: “In two months, I should be able to try to fight the Martial Dao myth.

It just so happened that the South Sea Territory Lord wanted to kill me, so I’ll find him to try it when the time comes. ”

As soon as this remark came out, Xu Tianyue’s voice stopped abruptly, and his face became stiff.

Two months…

Two months later, will you be like the Martial Dao myth?

This f*ck!

Pervert is pervert!

Speaking of it.

This fellow Su Zhan, joined the Tianshulou…It hasn’t been a year yet, right?

In this way, from a little sage king, gradually became the existence that is about to rival the myth of Martial Dao?

It’s really…like a dream!

Thinking of the time when Su Zhan had just joined the Tianshulou, Xu Tianyue felt like a dream.

In one year, less than a year, he has grown into a terrifying existence that can easily crush him as a host!

This talent…Compared with him, he has been cultivated on a dog for thousands of years…

Xu Tianyue was full of depression, and immediately smiled bitterly.

I’m crazy.

And Su Zhan than talent?

Do you think your life is too long and want to depress yourself to death?

Shaking his head and smiling, Xu Tianyue was also full of expectation and said: “It’s really unimaginable. Our Tianshulou will soon have an existence comparable to the Martial Dao myth!

When that day comes, our Tianshulou must be in the whole family, Daqing three days!

Hahaha! ”

Qin Xiaoshu thought of something, his eyes rolled, and he moved to Su Zhan’s side: “Hey Su Zhan.

If you really become a mythical existence, would you still call me brother? ”

“What can’t you call this?”

Su Zhan said in amazement, “Senior Brother Eleven, what are you doing suddenly talking about?”


Qin Xiaoshu smiled: “Just thinking, I will have a Martial Dao mythical brother in the future, that is really majestic, hehehe!”

Hearing this, Su Zhan also smiled slightly.

When that day comes, the own small goal may be accomplished.

After completing the small goal.

Falling in love with Su Zhaoyue, traveling around, eating whatever you want to eat, and making a villain at night… It’s really pleasant.

Of course, if Tang Liuxue wants to follow, that’s okay.

It’s great to be happy together.

With these in mind, Su Zhan’s eyes are full of expectation.

Next, the ceremony banquet continued.

It has been two hours later.

The ceremony is over.

Su Zhan also returned to Immortal Cave.

Two more days passed.

Xu Tianyue sent over the last material needed to repair the Void Sword Box.

Su Zhan also left the three-story building and came to the treasure-casting valley located on the second-story building.

Last time, he was also the meteor dragon Leiyanshan made here.

Several months have passed.

Unexpectedly, the Void Sword Box was going to be repaired here again.

Sweeping his gaze over the vortexes in the treasure-forging valley, Su Zhan directly activated the treasure-forging valley formation.

Flames spurted out of the vortex, and gathered into a big fireball in the center of the treasure valley.

He took out the Void Sword Box, and then placed the other materials and the spatial crystal in front one by one.

Then, put them in the fireball in order and start to temper.

A few hours later.

All the materials have been perfectly integrated into the void sword box, and Su Zhan also added the very precious spatial crystal from Qin Wudao.


The space crystal just merged into the void sword box, it caused a tremor in the surrounding space!

As the progress of the fusion progresses, the space tremor is even more severe!

At the end, the time of complete integration.


A space storm visible to the naked eye is sweeping towards the surrounding with the treasure valley as the center!

Thirty miles in radius, they are all fragmented!

Even Su Zhan’s hair was messed up by that space storm!

This is just the beginning.

Immediately, the sky suddenly darkened!

A huge vortex slowly emerged!

A dazzling golden light rushed out of the vortex!

Shrouded the Void Sword Box!

And the Void Sword Box was constantly Ascension under the perfusion of that golden light.

At this time, every part of the second floor was alarmed by the golden light of the sky.

“what is that!”

“Heavenly Dao beam of light! Someone broke into Deva?”

“It doesn’t seem to be like the Heavenly Dao beam of Deva…”

“Hurry up and tell the chief, let him go to the third floor to report to gentlemen!”

Shocked, panicked voices sounded.

The people on the second floor are all Saint Kings, who have little knowledge and don’t know what it is.

After knowing this, the owner of the second floor who had the permission to enter the third floor also hurried into the third floor.

It didn’t take long.

Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, and several other Deva all came out of the third floor, their eyes fell on the Heavenly Dao beam of light, and looked at the Heavenly Dao rune that was completely different from breaking into the Deva realm.

Xu Tianyue’s eyes condensed, and he said in shock: “This is the Heavenly Dao beam of light inspired by the handed down gods!

It is the direction of Zhubao Valley!

Who is it that actually handed down the gods in the treasure valley? ! ”

“Handed down a fetish! Isn’t this a treasure that only the Martial Dao myth can master!”

“Wait, I remember that Senior Brother Su seems to have cast an excellent Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier called the Meteoron Leiyan Mountain in the Treasure Forge Valley!

Could it be that he condensed again and refined it into a handed down god? ”

“Is it impossible?

Is it so easy to make handed down gods? ”

“For Senior Brother Su, what is impossible?”

“This…it’s true.”

“Well, it’s useless to say more, just take a look at it and you’ll know it!”

With a wave of his hand, Xu Tian took the lead and headed towards the Forge Valley.

It didn’t take long before he arrived in the treasure valley area.

His gaze fell on Su Zhan, who was taking back the treasure that had already received the Heavenly Dao beam of light, Xu Tianyue’s complexion for a while.

I don’t know whether to be happy or not.

It stands to reason that he should be happy that Su Zhan has become a god handed down, but…

Looking at Su Zhan’s gaze, Xu Tianyue’s mouth twitched as he looked at the ruins and mess, wishing to cry without tears.

You can make treasures if you make them!

What the hell is it to refine the treasure-casting valley where our Tianshulou has existed for tens of thousands of years? ? ?

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