Chapter 922 Cultivation is too fast, but also a kind of loneliness


At this time, Su Zhan also noticed Xu Tianyue and the others, holding the Void Sword Box that had been repaired in one hand, lightly stepping, and came to them.

“Su Zhan.”

Xu Tianyue was still a little depressed. Seeing Su Zhan coming over, his gaze fell on the Void Sword Box for the first time, and he asked a little surprised: “This is the handed down artifact you forged?”

“It’s not a casting!”

Su Zhan shook his head: “The Void Sword Box was originally the Divine Armament, but it was damaged later.

Now that the restoration is complete, it has naturally become the handed down Divine Armament again.

By the way, I haven’t tried it yet, is it useful? ”

With that said, Su Zhan directly poured Sheng Yuan into the Void Sword Box.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Void Sword Ray flew out of the sword box!

A total of forty-eight!

This is also the limit that Su Zhan can currently control!

Forty-eight Void Excalibur shot in the air!

The creatures below the holy realm can’t even catch the existence of the Void God Sword with naked eyes!

It’s just a vague feeling, something seems to be flying around in that space!

Even Xu Tianyue and the others could only see the flight path of those Void Excalibur, and could not see the sword body of Chu Xu Void Excalibur at all.

Forty-eight Void Sword Ray shot in the air for about half a minute, and Su Zhan also collected them one by one.

Although the Holy Yuan consumed by the Void Sword Box has been greatly reduced due to the completion of the repair, it is still not a small burden to control the forty-eight Void Divine Sword at the same time.

Seeing those Void Sword Rays return to the sword box, Su Zhan’s face showed satisfaction.

After being promoted to the handed down Divine Armament again, the Void Sword Box not only returned to the normal level of the consumed sacred element, but also the toughness, power, and handling of the sword body. Ascension!

It’s not in vain that he spends so many materials to repair!

After all the Void Sword Ray was recovered, Su Zhan palmed his hand, put away the Void Sword Box, and said with a smile: “The handed down gods are really much easier to use than the best Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers.

Next time when the time is right, I may be able to Ascension the Meteorite Leiyan Mountain to the Divine Armament level.

I don’t know what will happen to the meteoric dragon Thunder Yanshan’s supernatural powers at that time? ”

This statement came out.

Xu Tianyue was shocked and quickly said: “Su Zhan, the forging of the handed down gods needs the best place for refining treasures. Isn’t your relationship with the Supreme Emperor Yangyin Elder good?

I think it’s better for you to go to Taishang Tianzong forging! ”


Hearing this, Su Zhan was a little displeased: “How can I say that I am also a member of the Tianshulou, I just refine the treasures in the Tianshulou, why are you so stingy?”

“It’s not that I’m stingy…”

Xu Tianyue’s mouth twitched, his face was bitter, and he pointed to the ruins and said: “This is the first time you have refined our Tianshulou’s tens of thousands of years of forging the treasure valley. Let’s do it again…

I can’t afford it! ”


Su Zhan only noticed at this time, because he repaired the relationship between the Void Sword Box, the entire Treasure Forge Valley was turned into ruins.

For a while, it was also a bit embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Su Zhan said: “Owner, how many holy stones are needed to rebuild the treasure valley, I will pay for it!”

“It’s not a matter of sacred stones. Places like Casting Treasure Valley are places where fire veins were born. Now that fire veins are abandoned, we need to find a suitable place again.”

Xu Tianyue paused, shook his head and said: “As for compensation, we don’t have to. Our Tianshulou is not down to this point. Besides, if we don’t have you this time, it’s hard to say whether we can be promoted to the superpower.

Only Su Zhan, the better the forging environment of the handed down gods, the higher the success rate, and our Tianshulou does not have the conditions for casting handed down gods at all.

Although you succeeded this time, I still recommend that you go to other more advanced treasure refining places next time! ”

“Well, I see, next time…Go to Tanggu of the Supreme Heavenly Sect!

That place is much higher than Zhubao Valley! ”

“That’s good…”

Xu Tianyue breathed a sigh of relief.

As for whether Tanggu would be razed to the ground like a treasure valley, that wasn’t his concern.

Anyway, the great ancestors of the heavenly family are so great, it is better to let Su beheaded to harm them than to harm the Tianshulou!

Thinking of this, Xu Tianyue also showed a slight smile.

After a few more chats, Su Zhan left the place and returned to the three-story Immortal Cave.

Another day passed.

It was almost the same time since the opening of the Yinguan Mountain Demon Realm passage, and he took Su Zhaoyue to prepare to go to the Yinguan Mountain Range.

“His Royal Highness, you have to come back soon!”

On the huge square on the top of the second-story building, Tang Liuxue was full of reluctance.

Xu Tianyue also came over: “Su Zhan, your strength is far beyond ours, we can no longer provide you with any shelter.

But you must be careful!

The overall strength of the Demon Realm is much stronger than that of the Spirit Realm!

Ten Demon Realms, each Demon Realm has more than one Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

If you really encounter the Nine Tribulations Devil Emperor, just run away!

Su Zhan, you are different from everyone else. Your potential is unlimited. As long as you keep your life and meditate for a period of time, you will naturally be invincible! ”

“I know.”

Su Zhan nodded and smiled towards Tang Liuxue and said, “I’m not here to take care of Xiaobai, Xiaobubai, and my Snowy Wolf King mount. Of course, you have to cultivate yourself.

Break into the Holy King as soon as possible. ”

“I certainly will!”

Tang Liuxue nodded seriously.

Next, he said a few words with Xi Yunze, Qin Xiaoshu and others, and Su Zhan casually tossed it.

The Wild Ancient Sword flew out of his hand and turned into a hundred-meter-long giant sword across the sky, and he also pulled Su Zhaoyue, fell on the sword body together, and headed away.

This time he went out, he didn’t bring Seventeen, Xiao Bai.

The reason is also very simple.

In front of his current combat power, Seventeen and Xiaobai could no longer help.

Speaking of.

As Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base gets higher and higher, the former spirit pets and puppets… are slowly being thrown away, unable to follow him in the battle and provide assistance.

He was the only one who finally walked on this cultivation path.

He can only rely on his own power.

Cultivation too fast is also a kind of loneliness.

With a sigh in his heart, Su Zhan looked back at the vast mountains of the Tianshu Tower, increasing the intensity of the infusion of the Holy Yuan under his feet.

The speed of Huanggu Sword rose suddenly, tearing the sky away!

Three days later.

Zhongzhou Territory, a desolate land in the extreme west.

Su Zhan was standing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, his eyes flickered, penetrating the clouds.

Along the silent Yinguan mountain range, soon, he saw a huge black city!

Huang Gu Jian retracted the ring, and he and Su Zhaoyue stepped down into the air together, flying in white clothes like a fairy.

“Who is standing?!”

Just approaching the city gate, still a few miles away, the guard leader was already extremely alert and shouted.

At the same time, on the wall, huge crossbow arrows containing terrifying energy were aimed at Su Zhan.

As long as Su Zhan has any changes, he will be shot and killed by countless super giant crossbows powerful enough to kill Deva!

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