Chapter 926 Perfect infiltration! (Fifth, ask for a bank note)

As soon as the voice fell, Su Zhan cut it out with a single sword!

This sword is just a very ordinary sword.

He didn’t use the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique.

But even so.

That Sword Qi also swept over a hundred thunderwing demons!

Kill them all!

This was just the beginning. Then, Su Zhan flipped his left hand, and the meteor dragon Lei Yanshan flew out of his hand!

Turn into a kilometer high mountain!

Fall into the Thunderwing Demon Race!

A wave of catastrophe erupted, turning that large area into a sea of ​​flames, spreading toward the surroundings!

Heads of thunder-winged demons were burned to fly ash!

Above the sea of ​​fire, thunder and lightning wandered and bombarded everywhere!

“Despicable human race, you damn it!”

One of the Six Tribulations Demon Sovereign saw that Su Zhan only had the Four Tribulations Realm, and rushed over with a roar.

Those thunderwing demons who have not yet gone to the spirit world and don’t know Su Zhan’s terrible see this scene, they all give birth to hope one by one!

“Master Mozun has taken action!”

“Great, Lord Demon Lord is extremely powerful, since Lord Demon Lord takes action, that human race will undoubtedly die!”

“Master Demon Lord Eternal Age——Master Demon Lord…That’s it all????”

Before that Thunderwing Demon Race could finish speaking, he saw that the powerful Six Tribulations Demon Lord in his heart was cut in half by Su Zhan!

Blood is spilled in the sky.

The whole person is immediately stunned!

He is not the only one who is stunned.

All the Thunderwing Demons were shocked by this scene!

After the shock, there is endless fear again!

“The Six Tribulations Demon Venerable can’t stop him with a sword, it’s terrible!”

“Run away! This person is not something we can fight against!”

“Go back and report to the clan king and let the clan king deal with this person!”

A series of horrified voices sounded.

After seeing the power of Su Zhan’s kendo, all the Thunderwing Demon Races fled in panic!

The old demon elder who pierced Su Zhan just now was also trembling.

Flee in panic without thinking about it!

Seeing all the demons fleeing in all directions, Su Zhan threw the Dahi Star sword in his hand: “Little Star, don’t let any demons escape.”

“Yes, master!”

Dahi’s Star Sword Ray flashed, turning into the appearance of Su Star about 1.4 meters.

Su Star flipped the palm of his hand and transformed into a big Sun Star sword again.

Holding the Dahi Star sword, he directly rushed into those demons, Sword Qi surged, and the demons fell one after another!

Although it is only a sword spirit, because the Da Ri Star sword itself is very powerful, and it also incorporates all of Su Zhan’s kendo insights, Su Star’s strength is already stronger than the average supreme!

In the Thunder Wing Demon Race, it is like entering the land of no one!

Seeing this, Su Zhan also flickered, and swept towards the more powerful Thunderwing Demon Races.

Soon, those demons were beheaded one by one by him.

Finally, he came to the old Demon clan who had fled in haste.

The old man was terrified, begging for mercy again and again: “Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness–”


Before he could finish speaking, Su Zhan waved his hand and a Sword Qi flew out!

Passing through the neck of the old demon clan!

The old demon clan covered his bloody neck, his huge body fell down, his eyes full of regret.

I knew that Su Zhan was so perverted.

What is he doing!

Originally nothing happened.

Now it’s okay, not only him, everyone is going to die!

With regret in his heart, the demon elders are cut off from life.

At this time, Su Star also beheaded those fleeing demons, returned to Su Zhan, and said, “Master, what are we doing in the Demon Realm this time?

Is it to overthrow this demon world with one person’s power?

It’s very passionate to think about it! ”

“Turn your head up!”

Su Zhan patted Su Star on the head, speechless.

Didn’t I see your master, I’m the Four Tribulations Realm?

It also overthrew the entire Demon Realm, is it too long, isn’t it?

With slander in his heart, Su Zhan Shengyuan surged, and in the protest of Su Star, he directly forcibly included him in the Purple Mansion.

Then, he swept around and collected all the treasures of Heavenly Demon.

Afterwards, looking at nearly ten thousand demons corpses, he fell into deep thought.

The corpses of these demons actually didn’t have much effect on the human race.

At most, it is used to feed the spirit pets, after all, no human race eats demons.

However, a little effect is better than nothing at all.

Moreover, it doesn’t seem very good that so many demons corpses stay here.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Zhanzi Mansion’s internal wind attribute law was shining in the sky, and with a wave of his hand, it affected the power of the wind attribute law between heaven and earth, forming a storm, bringing all the corpses of the demons into the space channel!

After doing all this, he looked at the desolate land of demons and nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, remembering something, he waved his hand and released Su Zhaoyue.

“Su Zhan, we…”

Su Zhaoyue just came out, her eyes swept around, and he hesitated: “Have we entered the Demon Realm?”


Su beheaded nodded.

“This Demon Realm is different from what I imagined!”

Su Zhaoyue curiously said: “I thought we would encounter a large number of demons besiege when we came in through that passage!

Su Zhan, you are amazing!

He actually sneaked into the demon world silently! ”

“Ahem, this…”

Su Zhan gave a light cough and said, “There are indeed many demons, but I have already killed them all.”

“So, you were discovered?”

“Not really!”

Su Zhan thought for a while, and of course said: “Everyone who finds me is dead, it means no one will find out.

If I say this, my infiltration this time is indeed perfect! ”

Whoever finds you is dead, does it mean that no one finds out?

This… seems to make sense.

But why does it always feel a little weird?

Forget it, you are fierce, you are right!

Feeling slanderous, Su Zhaoyue opened the mouth and said: “Walk, perfect, perfect.

Where are we going next? ”

“Can you perceive the location of Dim Mieyan?”

“can not.”

“Then go to a better demon city.”

Su Zhan flipped the palm of his hand and took out a map he had just seized from the Thunderwing Demon Race, looked at it for a while, and said, “The closest large Demon Race city to this place is Purple Moon City.

Let’s go here! ”


Su Zhaoyue nodded, took out a black robe and put on it, and then, she performed a secret technique to make her breath look like a demon clan.

Su Zhan’s eyes flickered, and after realizing that even he could not see Su Zhaoyue’s disguise, he nodded in relief.

The Demon God Art was operating, he used his devil energy to condense a devil cloud, and took Su Zhaoyue to leave here and head towards Ziyue City.

at this time.

The spiritual world, a desolate place in the extreme west, outside the city of Yinguan.

Look at the demon corpses that fall from the sky and pile up into a mountain!

Guan Yun, the guardian of Yinguan City, and a group of Yinguan City powerhouses all looked at each other with amazement!

Frozen for ten seconds.

Guan Yun rubbed his eyes, and murmured a little shocked in his mouth: “Su Yushi, didn’t Su Yushi say that he wants to sneak into the demon world quietly and perfectly?

What the hell are so many demons corpses?

He, he wouldn’t be the demons on the other side of the space channel…

Are you all killed? ? ? ”

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