Chapter 927 Purple Moon City, Auction House

With Guan Yun’s words sounded.

The other devastated Deva also opened their mouths one by one.

“It’s mostly like this… Su Yu made him so fierce!”

“Thunderwing Demon Race suffers today’s losses, hundreds of years in the future, and even thousands of years!

I’m afraid I dare not invade the spirit world again! ”

“This battle is enough to make the Yinguan Mountain Range peaceful for thousands of years!”

“Su Yu envoy Immortal!”

A Deva who had been cut off by the Thunderwing Demon cried excitedly.

Immediately after that, on this piece of land, all the human races spoke just like him!

“Su Yu envoy Immortal!”

Voices sounded one after another, converging into waves, resounding through the world!

After the shock.

Under Guan Yun’s orders, the soldiers in Yinguan City rushed towards the demon corpses excitedly and began to search.

Among those demons, Su Zhan only took the relatively powerful Heavenly Demon storage bag. As for the others, he simply couldn’t appreciate it.

Although he didn’t like it, it was a rare treasure in the eyes of the soldiers in Yinguan City.

Naturally, one by one was extremely excited, to search for treasures.

One day later.

Demon Realm, Purple Blood Demon domain, outside Purple Moon City.

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the huge city in front of him, lowered his head and glanced at the map in his hand, and said to Su Zhaoyue: “This should be Ziyue City.

This city is the largest city in this area of ​​nearly hundreds of thousands of miles, and there should be a high probability that you can get the Dark Destruction Flame.

If it doesn’t work, let’s go to other big cities in the devil world. ”


Su Zhaoyue nodded.

Afterwards, the two walked directly towards Ziyue City.

When he arrived at the city gate, Su Zhan used the Demon God Technique to release the Heavenly Demon level terrifying demon power.

The faces of those city gate guards changed slightly, and they all let go respectfully, welcoming him into Purple Moon City.

Although Ziyue City is a big city, no matter where it is, a Heavenly Demon-level existence feels that it can be called a strong one.

Walk into Purple Moon City.

Su Zhan found that this city was very big.

Whether it is a street or a variety of shops, they are almost ten times higher than the Terran City!

This is also normal, because most of the demons are larger than the humans.

Although the high-rank demons can generally control their physical changes and shrink, they are not as comfortable as their original form.

“Two of you stay!”

Just walked into Purple Moon City, a short demon with a height of about 1.5 meters, a dark robe and a dark red complexion approached.

After sensing the unconcealed Heavenly Demon breath of Su Zhan, the little Demon’s pupils shrank, and he quickly took a step back, and respectfully bent over and gave a big gift: “It turned out to be Heavenly Demon senior!

I don’t know how to call senior? ”

“My last name is Su.”

“Su senior, this…”

The little demons looked at Su Zhaoyue and found that Su Zhaoyue didn’t mean to speak, and said quickly: “This senior doesn’t want to be named, so I just asked casually.

By the way, senior can call me Xiaoshan! ”


Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the dwarf demon, and he saw at a glance that it was a sixth-order demon, equivalent to the Practitioner of the Terran Ichthyosaur Realm, and said, “What’s the matter with you?”

“Su senior, if you read it right, this should be your first visit to Purple Moon City, right?”

“So what?”

“Senior, Ziyue City is very vast, and the city is divided into five!”

The little Mozu said, “Senior, you must have something to do when you come to Purple Moon City.

But if you are not familiar with Purple Moon City, you will greatly waste your precious time!

And I, growing up in Purple Moon City since I was a child, I can say that I am very familiar with Purple Moon City!

The senior can tell the younger where he wants to go and what he wants to do!

The small one can lead the way for seniors!

Of course, a little bit of compensation is needed…not much, just give me five hundred magic crystals! ”

“Five hundred magic crystals?”

Before Su Zhan had time to speak, Su Zhaoyue was already surprised: “That’s half a million magic stones. Just lead the way. Is it so expensive?”

The magic crystal is equal to the sacred stone of the spirit world, and the magic stone is also equivalent to the Spirit Stones of the spirit world. It leads to 500,000 Spirit Stones, which is indeed very expensive.

However, considering that the dwarf demon is also a Practitioner equivalent to the human ichthyosaur realm.

And the Five Hundred Sacred Stones are nothing at all.

Su Zhan didn’t say much, and threw out five hundred sacred stones: “Do you know the whereabouts of Dim Mieyan?”

“Dark Miyan?”

The little demon took the sacred stone and quickly put it away. Hearing Su Zhan’s words, he thought for a while, his eyes lightened: “Return to Su senior.

If my memory is correct, there will be Dark Miingyan for sale in Ziyue City’s auction today!

The Ziyue Auction House had already hyped up a few days ago, attracting many people to compete for it.

However, senior, the dark mieyan is very precious, I am afraid it needs more than 200 billion magic crystals! ”

“Well, you take me over!”

Su Zhan didn’t pay attention to the words behind the little demon at all, and said.

“It seems that senior is really rich…”

A strange color appeared in the eyes of the little demon, and smiled: “Senior, please come with me.”

Next, under the leadership of the Dwarf Demon Race, Su Zhan walked towards the Ziyue Auction.

Along the way, the dwarf demons also introduced him to the history of Purple Moon City, as well as various events that have occurred.

Of course, he would also ask where Su Zhan came from and what kind of demons he was from.

Regarding this, Su Zhan directly dealt with it with a sentence of’coming from other demon realms’.

The little demon naturally didn’t dare to ask more.

Before long, a few people came to the central area of ​​Purple Moon City, and a huge hexagonal building appeared in their vision.

It is about fifty meters high and covers an area of ​​at least twenty miles!

It’s huge!

That is the auction house in Ziyue City.

At this time, people were constantly entering the six entrances of the auction house.

Su Zhan also walked towards an entrance under the leadership of the Dwarf Demon Race.

There are many demons in front of him, lining up one by one, showing a certain proof of wealth before they can enter.

“Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon?”

At this moment, several people were about three meters tall and looked similar to humans, except that the demons with dark purple skin came over.

Among them, the youngest Demon Race glanced at Su Zhan, full of surprise: “He is already Four Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, and are you still queuing behind these ants?

Was it coming out of that night?

Haven’t seen the world? ”

With the sound of the young Mozu talk.

The demons who were queuing to enter the Ziyue Auction House turned their heads. After seeing the young demons, their pupils shrank slightly, their eyes were full of fear, and they stepped aside.

And the auction house deacon, who is responsible for checking the qualifications of the demons, also hurriedly greeted him, cupped hands, and respectfully said: “It turns out that it is the son of Zili who is here!

Please from Master Zili and the strong people of the Zi family! ”

After finishing speaking, the deacon gave a salute to Su Zhan again: “This senior, according to the rules of Ziyue Auction House, Heavenly Demon and above can enter the venue first, and there is no need to verify qualifications.

You don’t need to line up. ”

“Heavenly Demon has priority admission…”

Su Zhan frowned slightly, looking at the young Demon who had just passed by him and was about to enter the auction house, and said, “In this case, both are Heavenly Demon, come first, come first, should I go first?”

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