Chapter 928: Dark Mieyan succeeds! (Big chapter)


As soon as these words came out, the young Demon Race Zi Li in front of him turned his head, looked at Su Zhan, and coldly said, “Are you going to be ahead of me?

Do you know who I am? ”

“do not know.”

Su Zhan said truthfully.

“It’s normal not to know.”

Zili took a look at Su Zhan, then sneered, “It’s the first time I have seen Heavenly Demon as short as you.

It seems that most of it came out of an unknown person. ”


If I transform into a divine ape, your demons don’t even have my knees high, okay?

Very unhappy in his heart, Su Zan glanced at Zi Li and said, “It’s the first time I have seen Heavenly Demon as ugly as you.”

“What did you say?!”

“It turned out to be not only ugly, but also deaf.”

Su Zhan raised his brows: “You are so ugly and deaf, why do you still have the face to scream.

If I were you, I would have dug a hole in there and buried my head in it.

This way at least your ugly face will not affect other people’s appetite for eating. ”


Zi Li was furious, but he only had the Cultivation Base of the Second Tribulation. Of course, he did not dare to shoot directly at Su Zhan, but looked at the demon lord who had already reached the Six Tribulations next to him.

“Auction houses are not allowed to fight, let’s not break the rules.”

The Six Tribulations Demon Venerable shook his head, meaning that he couldn’t make a move here.

“You better not let me meet outside Ziyue City, otherwise, hum!”

Seeing this, Zi Li also gave a cold snort, threatened, and took the powerful demons into the auction house.

“What he meant by…to kill me?”

Su Zhan frowned.

“Senior, that is the young master of the Zi family!”

The little demon hill who followed Su Zhan quickly introduced: “The Zi family is the largest family in a radius of nearly a million!

It is the purple Blood Demon family with higher purity, and the Patriarch is an Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable!

The strength is extremely strong, it is best not to provoke seniors! ”

“The young master of the Zi family…Okay, I see, let’s go in!”

Su Zhan murmured, nodded, and walked into it with Su Zhaoyue and the little demons.

No matter what, let Su Zhaoyue get An Mieyan first.

As for the young master of the Zi Family…Although he was hostile to him.

However, Cultivation Base is so low that it is not a concern.

As long as those people didn’t really shoot at him, he didn’t bother to care about it either.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan walked into the auction house.

Led by the auction house deacon, he came to a VIP room on the second floor.

Soon a demon maid came up to serve.

Su Zhan glanced at the maids of the Demon Race.

Although it was barely personal compared to other demons, it was still dark and not in line with his aesthetics.

So he waved his hand to make all the maids retreat.

Waited for about an hour.

This auction officially begins.

A three or so Mozu auctioneers came to the booth and started auctioning the first item.

It is a unique elixir of the demon world, which can extend the life of the demon clan.

The starting price was 5 million magic crystals, and it was finally sold at a price of 11 million magic crystals.

Next, is the second item.

The third one.

The fourth piece.

Su Zhan sat upstairs and watched the people bidding below, without any intention to participate.

He didn’t like these things.

Naturally will not participate in the auction.

More than an hour has passed.

Su Zhan was about to wait impatiently, wondering if the dwarf demon had lied to him, there was no time for the existence of Die Yanyan here.

A maid of the Demon Race came up with a square metal box in her hands.

The auctioneer opened the lid of the box to reveal the contents.

It was a dark, peculiar flame burning on a special kind of stone.

As the flames appeared, everyone in the auction house condensed their eyes.

The auctioneer also cleared his throat and said solemnly: “Everyone, this item is the last item at this auction!

It is also the finale of this auction!

Die Yanyan!

I believe you have heard of the name of this thing a long time ago, and I will not repeat it uselessly.

The starting price is 100 billion magic crystals, and each increase must not be less than 100 million magic crystals. Now start bidding! ”

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately bid: “110 billion magic crystals!”

“One hundred and five billion magic crystals!”

“Thirteen billion magic crystals!”

The sound of bidding sounded one after another.

Su Zhan didn’t rush to bid, just watched quietly upstairs.

After waiting for a few minutes, the bidding basically came to an end, the price reached 250 billion magic crystals, and no one bid with that demons anymore.

He just said, “Two thousand sixty billion magic crystals.”

Following his opening, the demons at the auction venue looked at him one after another, all curious.

I don’t know who Su Zhan is, he can actually bid such a high price.

The Mozu who bid 250 billion magic crystals darkened his face and raised the price again: “270 billion magic crystals!”

“Two thousand eighty billion.”

Su Zhan spoke again.

“250 billion is already considered a high price, 280 billion…I won’t eat this loss!”

The demon snorted coldly and stopped bidding.

Just when everyone thought it was shot by Su Zhan, a voice rang: “Three hundred billion magic crystals!”

As soon as the voice fell, all the demons looked at the place where the sound was made, which was also a seat on the second floor.

“It’s from the Zi family!”

“The last time An Mieyan was auctioned in Purple Moon City, only 220 billion magic crystals were sold, and the price of 280 billion is already very high!

How could the Zi family produce 300 billion magic crystals? ”

“If I remember correctly, the Zi family doesn’t seem to be short of Dim Mieyan, right?”

“It seems that the members of the Zi family have grievances with the mysterious Heavenly Demon. This is deliberately raising the price so that the Heavenly Demon can’t easily get the Dark Miingyan!”

Voices sounded one after another, and many demons were surprised to see Zi Li, the young master of the Zi family, participate in the bidding for the Dark Mieyan.

Su Zhan looked at Zi Li on the opposite side, frowned slightly, and continued: “Thirty-one billion.”

“Three hundred and twenty billion!”

“Thirty thirty billion.”

“Thirty-four billion!”

Bidding all the way.

Soon, the price was raised by Zili to a full 400 billion magic crystals!

“If you don’t have money, just quit. For you Heavenly Demon in remote areas, 400 billion magic crystals is indeed an astronomical figure.”

Opposite, Zi Li sneered while drinking the spirit wine.

Su Zhan frowned, looked at Su Zhaoyue, and said again: “410 billion magic crystals.”

“Tsk tusk, there is really a fool who bought 400 billion magic crystals to buy the Dark Miingyan!

Hahaha! ”

Zili laughed loudly: “By the way, you don’t expect me to continue bidding, do you do the next for you?

dream! ”

“You must either bid or shut up. Why can’t you afford so much nonsense?”

Su Zhan asked in amazement, “Is there something wrong with your brain that makes you feel uncomfortable if you don’t shut up for a moment?”


Zi Li was annoyed and stood up against the table.

“Young Master, this time is very smooth, don’t get into trouble.”

The Six Tribulations Demon Venerable shook his head and said.

“Huh! The dead duck has a hard mouth!”

Hearing the words of the Six Tribulations Demon Lord, Zi Li also let out a cold snort and sat down.

Next, it was announced at the auction that Dim Mieyan was sold by Su Zhan.

The last auction item was sold and the auction ended.

Many demons began to walk outside the auction house.

Su Zhan quietly waited for the people of Ziyue Auction House to bring the Dark Mieyan to be delivered.

Soon, an old man came forward with a metal box containing Dimieyan, and respectfully said: “This fellow daoist, this is Dimieyan, and the dark flint is enough for Dimieyan to exist for about three months.

In the future, you need fellow daoist to purchase the dark flint to continue the dark flame.

Fellow daoist can conduct inspection and make payment after confirmation. ”

With that said, the old man opened the box and put it on the table.

Looking at the peculiar black flame in the box, Su Zhan turned to look at Su Zhaoyue, who nodded.

Seeing this, he also flipped his palm, took it out and was ready, and threw the storage bag containing 400 billion sacred stones to the demon old man.

The demon elder respectfully retired after checking for a few minutes and confirming that it was correct.

“Su Zhan, isn’t it a loss for more than 400 billion magic crystals to buy this?”

Su Zhaoyue took the Dark Mieyan from Su Zhan’s hand, hesitated for a moment, and said.

“Since you need it, you don’t lose money.”

Su Zhan glanced across the seat of Zi Li who had just left, and said with a cold voice: “Moreover, I always believe that this world is bright.

Either the spirit world or the devil world.

The bad guys who are full of evil will not live long. ”

Hearing this, Su Zhaoyue was startled: “Su cut you!”

“Don’t worry, I have a complete plan.”

Su Zhan said: “Wait for you to refine the Dark Mieyan, let’s go!”

Originally, he was actually too lazy to care about Zili.

But since this guy deliberately raised his price, causing him to pay hundreds of billions of sacred stones, he naturally went to the Zi family to make up for the loss.

However, all of this is not as important as Su Zhaoyue’s fusion of Dim Mieyan.

It’s better to wait for Su Zhaoyue to successfully fuse Dark Mieyan and send her back to the spirit world to ensure safety, and then go to the Zi family to ask for justice.

With these in mind.

Su Zhan walked towards the small demon hill who respectfully respected Hou Li not far away and said, “Well, now Die Mieyan is in hand, I want to leave Ziyue City, and you can also go.”


The dwarf demons rolled their eyes and said, “Senior, you have offended Zili. Just walk out of Ziyue City like this, I’m afraid it’s very unsafe!”

Su Zhan raised his brows: “Oh?

You mean, the Zi family will send someone to follow me, follow me, and intercept me? ”


The dwarf demon hurriedly said: “But senior, I can point you to a safe road. It only needs a million magic crystals. This is a drop in the bucket for you—”

“No need, that’s good.”

With a wave of his hand, Su Zhan interrupted the words of the dwarf demon directly, and took Su Zhaoyue away in the latter’s bewildered gaze.

“You spend more than 400 billion sacred stones at will, but you don’t even want to give me a million magic crystals?”

When Su Zhan walked out of the auction house, the little Demon Hill who had been in various underground trading places in Ziyue City for many years clenched his fist, his eyes were full of irritation: “With only one million magic crystals, you can leave alive. , This is not willing?

it is good!

In that case, I will sell your life to the Zi family!

They will definitely not be stingy with this trivial one million magic crystals, huh! ”

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