Chapter 944: Changing the Emperor! (Big chapter)

His heart collapsed, and Emperor Purple Blood Demon glanced at Hunyuan Wuji Formation.

In the past few hours, the three Eight Tribulations Demon Venerables he brought outside, as well as Purple Fang, and the three hundred elites of the Purple Blood Demon clan have never stopped bombarding the formation.

At this time, the barriers of Hunyuan Wuji Array became more and more unstable.

According to his estimation, it will be able to support it for about half a day at most!

Just a long time…

After half a day, he was already gone!

There is still fart!

Thinking of this, Emperor Purple Blood Demon felt uncontrollable fear.

Regaining consciousness from the bombardment of the Thunder Emperor’s Great Seal once again, he turned towards Su Zhan and said in shock, “Su Zhan, what benefit does Yunluo give you!

I give it twice!

Do not!

ten times!

A hundred times! ”

Hearing this, Su Zhan was not in a hurry to continue to use the Sage Emperor’s manifestation method, but flipped his palm, took out a Medicine Pill and swallowed it, and while recovering the exhausted Mental Energy, he said: “He said it can be let I go to Tai Xuan domain, can you still let me go a hundred times without success?”

“Go to Tai Xuan domain?”

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Emperor Purple Blood Demon hurriedly said: “If you let me go, I can also let you go to Tai Xuan domain!

Not only that, there are also many special elixir and special materials in the Treasury of the Purple Blood Demon from the Tai Xuan domain!

what do you want?

Maybe it is in our country’s library, so you don’t need to risk it at all! ”


Su Zhan moved in his heart, flipped his palm, and took out the jade plate from the Zi family: “Is there this in your treasury?”

“Isn’t this a vision totem of Tai Xuan domain?”

Seeing this jade plate, Emperor Purple Blood Demon was stunned for a while, and immediately, his eyes flashed, and he quickly said: “Yes!

Yes yes!

As long as you let me go, I will take you back to the treasury and take it to you! ”

“Su Zhan!”

Devil Emperor Yunluo was a little anxious at this time: “You don’t really believe such a simple deception, do you?

If you really believe him, let him go, and wait for his strength to recover, you will be the first to kill!

Don’t forget!

He is the emperor of Purple Blood Demon!

The strongest demon in the Purple Blood Demon domain!


The vision totem of the Tai Xuan domain has existed for thousands of years. Even if this vision totem is really caused by what kind of treasure, but you really believe that this kind of treasure will be obtained by him?

Take ten thousand steps back!

Even if he got it.

Such a treasure, doesn’t he hold it himself and put it in the treasury?

Do you believe it? ! ”

Su Zhan said slowly: “What if, is it true?”


Demon Emperor Yunluo was about to be killed by Su Zhanqi. Seeing that Emperor Purple Blood Demon’s demon soul was constantly recovering, he couldn’t care about other things, and gritted his teeth: “This way!

You help me slay the demon soul of Emperor Purple Blood Demon, and I will let you into the treasury of the kingdom of Purple Blood Demon!

Whatever you want to take, if you really have the treasure in your mouth, it belongs to you too. Isn’t it always okay? ! ”

“Well, so be it!”

Su Zhan nodded, and the old Emperor Lei who had already dissipated appeared again.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Purple Blood Demon’s pupils shrank and quickly said, “Wait!

I can swear in the name of my ancestors, as long as you let me go, I will never hurt you!

Also, you can search the treasury, even if you take it all, it doesn’t matter!


Purple Blood Pool!

If you let me go, I can let you temper your physical blood in the purple blood pool once!

You already have the blood of the Demon God, if you are tempered by the Purple Blood Pond, you will definitely have the purest blood of the Demon God in the entire Demon Realm, and at the same time your body will become indestructible! ”

“Oh? Is there such a good thing?”

Su Zhan looked at the Devil Emperor Yunluo.

Devil Emperor Yunluo couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and said, “I will give you what he said!”

“do not want!”

Seeing this, Emperor Purple Blood Demon couldn’t care about anything, and said in horror: “You let me go, I am willing to abdicate and let you be the master of the Purple Blood Demon domain!

The entire Purple Blood Demon domain is given to you!

This can always change my life, right? ! ”

Su Zhan looked at Devil Emperor Yunluo again.

The corners of Devil Emperor Yunluo’s mouth twitched, and he said with a tired look: “Su Zhan, I can’t agree to this.

But you need to know.

What I told you can be honored!

And this person…

You believe him, or believe me, do it yourself! ”

“Relax, compared to you, of course this guy is more Damn it.”

Thinking of the Feng Ling ruins, Su Zhan said to the Purple Blood Demon: “I have never known you, but in the Feng Ling ruins, you actually sent a demon to kill me.

So cruel and vicious, how can I believe what you say?

However, I didn’t expect it either.

So soon, you can get revenge! ”

“Remains of Fengling? Wait!”

The emperor Purple Blood Demon was taken aback, and then he was full of grievances and said: “I can swear by the fate of my demon clan, I have never been there, and I haven’t sent anyone to go to the Phoenix Spirit Relics!

If I have half a lie, let my demons die tragically, whether they are young or old! ! ! ”

“Huh? Haven’t been?”

Su Zhan looked at Devil Emperor Yunluo in surprise.

Yun Luo was also a little embarrassed at this time, coughing lightly, and still truthfully said: “Su Zhan, now you and I are in the same camp, so I won’t lie to you.

The three demons in the Fengling ruins are mine.

However, I didn’t intend to kill you either, I just wanted to subdue you.

After you refused, they claimed to be sent by the Purple Blood Demon Emperor, and they just wanted to make you hate the Purple Blood Demon Emperor, and they might help me in the future.

I took advantage of you, but at this moment, I don’t plan to lie to you anymore. Everything is truthfully told.

I did the things about the Fengling Ruins, but you didn’t have any damage!

Moreover, as compensation, after the matter is over, I will give you all the secret techniques I have collected for human cultivation! ”

“Oh it’s you.”

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed, and the big seal in Taigu Lei Di’s hand threw it directly on Yunluo Demon Soul!

Yunluo’s demon soul twisted for a while, almost unable to maintain its form, and a painful sound came from his mouth.

“Yun Luo, this can be regarded as a punishment that you sent someone to obstruct me in the first place. After that, there will be no such simple things.”

With a word in his mouth, Su Zhan was another Thunder Emperor’s Great Seal smashed out and smashed on the head of Emperor Purple Blood Demon!

The emperor Purple Blood Demon, who was already on the verge of his limit, finally could no longer withstand the blow, holding his head in both hands, screaming terribly.

Su Zhan turned a blind eye, and the Lei Di Seal continued to smash down!

After hitting it more than a dozen times, Emperor Purple Blood Demon’s painful roar suddenly stopped.

The light in his eyes narrowed, and the hands holding his head were also weakly hung down.

He staggered and retreated a few steps, and then fell to the ground with a “plop”!

Emperor Purple Blood Demon, died!

The long-awaited Yunluo Demon was overjoyed, but he did not rush into the Purple Blood Demon emperor’s body for the first time.

Even though the Purple Blood Demon emperor soul has dissipated, it is still not so simple to seize the body of the demon emperor.

If he directly broke into it, it would be impossible to fuse the body of the Purple Blood Demon Emperor, but would be forced out by the huge repulsive power of the body.

However, Yun Luo has been planning this for a long time, and of course there is a way to solve it.

Next, Yunluo Devil Emperor’s devil spirit surged, and black runes emerged from his devil soul.

Those runes are getting more and more, revolving around his demon soul constantly.

About ten seconds have passed.

Those runes shrank suddenly!

With his demon soul, it turned into a light the size of a soybean!

That little light had just formed, and it was fleeting, rushing into the purple palace of the purple Blood Demon emperor’s eyebrows!


The emperor Purple Blood Demon, whose original power was constantly fading, showed a trace of demonic energy all over his body.

After a few minutes of magic lingering.

The purple Blood Demon emperor demon body lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with joy that could not be concealed!

“It’s done! It’s finally done!”

The purple Blood Demon emperor demon body controlled by Yunluo stood up from the ground, slightly clenched his fist, feeling the long-lost demon emperor level terrifying power, Yunluo Demon murmured: “The power of the Nine Tribulations Demon Emperor…

Unexpectedly, so quickly, I have the power of the Nine Tribulations Devil Emperor again!

Hahaha! ”

Laugh a few times.

Devil Emperor Yunluo thought of something, and the magic light flashed on his body.

It turned into a ten-meter-high, three-headed six-armed demon!

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan also stared.

That is the third layer of the Demon God Art, the ultimate Demon God form!

“Since you want to break the formation so much, then I will help you!”

Looking at the attacks that fell on the Hunyuan Wuji Formation, the Devil Emperor Yunluo sneered, and the six demon hands moved towards the front and back, and the upper part blasted out at the same time!


A loud noise!

Several Eight Tribulations Demon Sovereigns attacked the Hun Yuan Wu Ji Annihilation that had not been destroyed for several hours!

Yun Luo’s figure appeared, and he glanced at those Eight Tribulations Demon Venerables, and said, “The matter here is over, follow me back to the imperial palace!”

Hearing this, the three Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable glanced at each other, all hesitating.

Although Hunyuan has no huge array of fog, it has a weak effect of blocking the line of sight.

But they are the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable, and they are so close to each other that they can naturally see the situation in the Nightmare Mountain area.

I also know that the current Purple Blood Demon emperor is no longer the one before!

But they were shocked by Yunluo’s three-headed and six-armed demon image, fearing in their hearts and daring not to offend them directly.

For a time, it was so stalemate in place.

And the elites of the Purple Blood Emperor’s Palace also looked nervous at this time, staying in place waiting for the orders of several Eight Tribulations Commanders.

Seeing this scene, Zifang, who was loyal to Emperor Purple Blood Demon, roared: “You are not the Emperor Purple Blood Demon at all!

You are Yunluo!

You colluded with the human race and robbed the body of Emperor Purple Blood Demon. I can see it clearly! ”

Yun Luo smiled: “Of course I am not that stupid trash, how about it, don’t you want to surrender to me?”

“My Zifang only loyal to Emperor Zi Blood Demon! Others want me to be loyal?

Don’t think about—”


The words are not over yet.

Yun Luo flicked a magic hand towards Zifang.

Suddenly, the space around Ziya’s body suddenly shrank towards him!

Squeezed by that incomparably terrifying power, a Six-Tribulation Demon Venerable directly exploded and turned into a rain of blood and minced meat!

Killing Ziya casually, Yunluo Devil Emperor raised his six arms towards the sky at the same time!


There is boundless magic in the sky above!

Envelop the entire capital city of Luo Moguo!

Under the endless black sky, the three heads of the Devil Emperor Yunluo looked in three different directions, and the voice sounded like an ancient god and demon: “This seat Yunluo, I will return to the throne today, and you still don’t bow down to worship the devil emperor. I want the nine tribes. Extinct?!”

This statement came out.

The Eight Tribulations Demon Venerables trembled in their hearts, and they knelt down quickly, their voices filled with panic: “Farewell to your Majesty the Demon Emperor!

His Majesty the Devil is eternal! ”

The three hundred elites from the Purple Blood Emperor’s Palace also knelt down together: “Farewell to your Majesty the Devil!

His Majesty the Devil is eternal! ”

Not only them.

The Lord of the Luo Mo Kingdom, the leader of Heavenly Demon, who has been waiting not far away waiting for the result, and the demons of the Luo Mo Kingdom who do not understand what happened, but are also shocked by Yun Luo.

In the streets and alleys, wherever they heard Yunluo’s words, the demons looked at the sky covered by endless demonic energy in horror, and knelt down!

“Meet your Majesty the Devil! Your Majesty the Devil will go on forever!”

The voices converged, forming a big wave, sweeping the entire magic city!

At this time, the three heads of the Devil Emperor Yunluo were also turning, and his six eyes looked at this magic city at the same time. Apart from him, the only person still standing!

Su Zhan!

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