Chapter 945

When Yun Luo looked over, Su Zhan also looked at each other.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

A few seconds have passed.

Yun Luo first retracted his gaze and said, “Su Zhan, I re-enter the throne, don’t you congratulate me?”

“Then congratulations.”

Su Zhan’s tone was calm.

In fact, he just felt a trace of killing intent in Yun Luo’s eyes.

However, that trace of killing intent quickly dissipated again.

It seems that Yunluo has made a certain choice.

Even if he felt Yunluo’s killing intent, and Yunluo’s terrifying power today, Su Zhan didn’t mean to flatter him.

He is confident, even if he is still not Yunluo’s opponent, but with all the means he wants to escape, Yunluo has nothing to do.

Moreover, even in the worst case.

There is also a halo of immortality.

He doesn’t need to be too scared.

“Su Zhan, you still have no human touch!”

Yunluo squinted his eyes, said lightly, and then said: “But you can rest assured that although I am not a good person, Yunluo will naturally complete what I promised.”

As he said, Yunluo glanced at the others and said to the Lord of Luo Moguo: “Xiao Luo, you have been good at me during this period of time, so please follow me in the future.

Although your bloodline is low, as long as you do things for me well, you will be able to achieve Demon Venerable in the future, even if it is the Heavenly Demon of Nine Tribulations, it is not impossible! ”

“Thanks! Thank you Majesty the Devil!!”

The Lord Luo Mo, who was loyal to Yunluo, was very excited.

As Yunluo returns to the throne, his status will naturally rise, from a small country lord to a big figure in the entire Purple Blood Demon domain!

Taking a look at the people of the demons who bowed down in the Demon City, Yun Luo thought for a while, and then said: “Besides, Luo Moguo has been exempted from taxes for thousands of years.

Ronaldinho, give you half a day, arrange the members of Luo Moguo, and return to the Purple Blood Palace with me! ”

“Yes! Your Majesty the Devil!”

Lord Luo Mo nodded quickly.

“Well, well, get up all!”

As soon as Yun Luo waved his hand, the kneeling demons got up one after another, but apparently they were still very afraid and did not dare to say a word.

When Su Zhan saw this scene, he thought of something, and curiously said: “Yun Luo, will you be the Emperor Yun Luo or the Emperor Blood Demon in the future?”

“Yun Luo, Purple Blood…”

Demon Emperor Yunluo shook his head: “A major event has happened in the Demon Realm recently. If the powerhouses of the Purple Blood Demon kingdom know that the Purple Blood Demon emperor has fallen, I am afraid it will cause some afflictions.

For the time being, it’s better to be the emperor of Purple Blood Demon.

When the time is right, we will announce it to the world. ”

With that said, Yunluo glanced over the nearby demons and coldly said, “As long as half a sentence is passed on today, none of you will survive!

Understand? ”


Those demons were terrified one by one, and quickly responded.

Next, Yun Luo didn’t continue to say more, sitting on the spot, and began to fuse the memory fragments of the Purple Blood Demon emperor in his mind.

Although the demon soul is annihilated, there are still some incomplete memory fragments remaining, fusing these memories is also very good for him to completely control the purple Blood Demon domain.

And Su Zhan also sat cross-legged to adjust his breath.

After using that extremely expensive mysterious technique for several hours, he was indeed a little tired.

Without rest for an hour or two, it is impossible to completely return to the initial peak state.

Half a day later.

Luo Moguo everything is properly placed.

Su Zhan, Lord Luo, Yun Luo, and the three leaders of the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable who originally accompanied the Purple Blood Demon, and three hundred elite guards, marched toward the Purple Blood Emperor’s palace mightily.

Two days have passed.

Su Zhan and others finally arrived at the Purple Blood Imperial City.

As soon as he arrived in the Purple Blood Imperial City, under the leadership of the three Eight Tribulations leaders, he went to the treasury of the Purple Blood Demon Kingdom.

The national treasury of the Purple Blood Demon country is not so much a “treasury” as it is a small city!

Even if you look from the outside, you can feel the vastness of it!

“Meet your Majesty the Devil Emperor!”

An elder of the Six Tribulations Demon with a height of about three meters and two horns in charge of guarding the treasury saw Yun Luo and hurriedly bowed to his knees.

“You are the treasurer in charge of the treasury?

Okay, now you take this young man in.

He has to choose some treasures, as long as he sees them, he can give them. ”

Yun Luo pointed at Su Zhan and said lightly.

Bullhorn Demon Sovereign froze for a moment, a little unbelievable, and asked for confirmation: “Your Majesty Demon Emperor, yes, is everything okay?”


Yun Luo nodded.

After receiving a confirmed reply, although the bullhorn demon lord was still unbelievable, he had to obediently lead Su Zhan into the treasury.

Walking into the Treasury of Purple Blood Demon, Su Zhan directly said, “Where is the place to store the treasures of the space?”

“Space treasure?”

Bullhorn Demon Lord thought for a moment, and then said: “Please follow me.”

After speaking, he walked in a certain direction.

After walking for a few minutes, I came to a special wooden house.

All kinds of storage bags are hung on the walls of the wooden house.

There are also storage rings, and some strangely shaped space treasures.

Sweeping his gaze over those spatial treasures, Su Zhan began to look at it quickly.

It didn’t take long.

He chose a storage bag with the largest internal space among these spatial treasures!

“This son, although the storage bag in your hand is also a treasure of the cave, the cave is very low-level.

Only some low-level creatures can be stored. Here, there are many space treasures in the cave and sky that are more advanced than the one you take. ”

The bullhorn demon said a word.

“No need, just big enough.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Regarding the level of the cave, none of those spatial treasures can compare to his black jade ring. In that case, it is better to choose the largest one.

Just put more stuff.

Thinking like this, he took that large storage bag and walked outside the wooden house, and his eyes swept across a shelf not far in front.

Following Su Zhan’s gaze, Bullhorn Demon Sovereign introduced: “These are rare materials with soil properties, and they are very precious!

This is earth yuan gold, which can be used for casting—”


Before he finished speaking, Su Zhan’s devilish energy surged and put all the items on that shelf into his storage bag.

Then, toward the somewhat dumbfounded Bullhorn Demon Venerable: “Since it’s precious, then just take it all.

Let’s go! ”


The Bullhorn Demon Lord had no choice but to continue on with Su Zhan.


A floating bone appeared in front.

The Bullhorn Demon Sovereign introduced: “This thing is the eyebrow bone of the Eight Tribulations Demon Sovereign Yun Tian Yanhu. It is very effective for casting fire attribute treasures, and it is also a precious thing!”

“Take it.”

Without saying a word, Su Zhan put it in his storage bag and moved on.

“This is the Ghost King Formation. You can spread out a Ghost King Formation, but it’s an Attack and Kill Formation!”

“Take it.”

“This is Qilin jade, a special material, mainly used to make Mental Energy treasures——”

“Take it.”

“This is Purple Firewood, a fire attribute material, mainly used for—”

“Take it.”

With a large storage bag, Su Zhan walked all the way and basically took everything he could.

Although most of these things he doesn’t use.

But anyway, it is the things of the Demon Race, taking more, it is also a disguised form to weaken the Demon Race’s combat power.

Besides, he may not be able to use it, but maybe the human race in the spirit world can use it?

Don’t take white, don’t take it.

Adhering to this kind of thinking, an hour later, Su Zhan wiped out the small half of the Purple Blood Demon country’s treasury.

The face of the horned demon was getting more and more ugly, and it seemed to be heartbroken.

Finally, come to the central area of ​​the treasury.

A dozen kinds of materials suspended in the air appeared in the front.

Bullhorn Demon Lord looked at the materials, his eyes were full of unbearable, his eyes flashed, he gritted his teeth, and whispered: “Those materials are all garbage in our treasury, even if they are taken out, they can’t be sold.

We are all going to clean up after a while. ”


Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then said: “If this is the case, then I will help you. I have always been helpful.”

After finishing speaking, he waved his big hand in the bewildered gaze of Bullhorn Demon Lord, and put all the materials into his storage bag.


The face of Bullhorn Demon Lord turned black, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This f*ck!

I said you just take away the precious ones!

You want the rubbish too!

It’s a good choice to choose treasures…you’re going to choose it too!

What the hell is taking everything? ? ?

I was very depressed, and now that Bullhorn Demon Venerable finally understood, why Su Zhan had to choose a storage bag with the largest space first.

Because this guy is not a treasure chosen by the Devil Emperor at all!

This is to empty their treasury! ! !

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