Chapter 978 Depressed Li Chunshan!

This statement came out.

The uneasy snake-men were taken aback for a moment, and immediately, their faces were extremely difficult to look at.

“The mermaid tribe and our snake-human tribe are old enemies. If we are enslaved by them, we will definitely be tortured in every possible way!”

“Yes! Besides, the mermaid tribe are people with little ambitions. They just want to eat and die in Qingxi Lake. Our snake tribe wants to unify the Tai Xuan domain!

Following them, isn’t our lofty ambition just empty talk! ”

“Regardless of our territory, our overall strength is stronger than that of the mermaid tribe, so why should we be enslaved by them!”

“Su Gongzi! Su Gongzi is extremely powerful, we should follow Su Gongzi!”

“Yes, I am willing to serve Master Su as the master!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Those snake people are very repulsive of recognizing the mermaid tribe as the master, but instead take the initiative to say that they want to be the master of Su Zhan.

This is also normal.

In their view, Su Zhan was a true master of the clan who killed their clan king!

Only such a strong person is qualified to make them surrender!

“I don’t need you to recognize me as Lord.”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, and said: “Since you have opinions, then forget it.

I am a good person and never do things that force others.

However, in this case, there is no need for you to live. ”

After finishing speaking, Su Zhan handed the Wild Gu Sword in that direction and slashed at will.


Space tremor!

A dazzling Sword Qi training rolled up a sandstorm and swept away in that direction!


This Sword Qi training fell on the strong snake man.

Directly kill more than a dozen strong snake-human tribes!

The remaining snake people suddenly became terrified.

“No, no opinion! I am willing to surrender to the mermaid!”

“Master Su, spare your life! I am willing too!”

“I’m the Six Jade Heaven Demon, Lord Su don’t kill me, I am willing to surrender, I am very useful!”

A series of horrified voices sounded.

Seeing those snake-human tribes all lying on the ground, trembling, Su Zhan also put away the ancient sword.

In fact, he doesn’t have much hatred for the snake people.

However, now that he is on the side of the Mermaid tribe, if the Snakeman tribe does not surrender, it will naturally be the enemy.

It is impossible for him to stay in the Tai Xuan domain forever, and it is impossible for him to protect the mermaid tribe all the time.

If the Snake Race is unwilling to surrender, it might as well be killed.

Anyway, he has no good feelings for these snake people.

Moreover, these guys came to invade the mermaid tribe, and they should have made the consciousness of defeat and death.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan ignored the shivering snake-men. After scouring Jin Wanli’s treasures, he walked directly towards Qingxi Lake.

Until then.

Those mermaids hiding everywhere in Qingxi Lake came out of their heads, looking at the trembling snake men on the ground, and Su Zan dragging the corpse of the snake king.

All of them opened their eyes wide, and then showed a pleasant surprise.

“The Snake King is dead! The Snake King is dead!”

“It’s Su Gongzi, Su Gongzi beheaded the snake king!”

“That day I saw Master Su for the first time at the bottom of Qingxi Lake, and I thought Master Su was a great hero!

Now it seems that I am not mistaken! ”

“Long live Master Su!”

“Bah! Young Master Su has reached the Five Tribulations Deva, and his birthday has already surpassed Long Live!

It’s 100,000 live! ”

“Master Su is one hundred thousand years old!”

The voices filled with excitement sounded one after another.

In the beginning, only the mermaid who had seen Su Zhan shouted.

Later, those mermaid who were far away from the mermaid clan king, who had not seen Su Zhan heard these voices, and also shouted.

On Qingxi Lake, the sound is loud!

“Master Su… really won!”

On a small island, the mermaid queen just felt like a dream.

Recalling that when I first met Su Zhan, Su Zhan still only had the Four Tribulations Cultivation Base.

She also regarded Su Zhan as a very talented person, but the strength was still relatively weak, and she even forced the snake-human big Elder back to protect Su Zhan.

But today.

She finally knew.

It turned out that Su Gongzi who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

What a powerful force is contained in the body!

That is a terrifying existence that even the Snake Human King can kill!

Even though she had only four calamities when she first came to the mermaid clan, her strength is definitely much stronger than her, the mermaid queen!

But even with such a powerful strength, within two days of the mermaid clan, he was still very easy-going, and there was no such thing as a strong person. With such a demeanor, Su Gongzi… maybe he really came to the world!

Thinking of this in her heart, the mermaid queen looked at Su Zhan with some enthusiasm in her eyes.

It’s not just her.

Commanded by Ziran, the mermaid Elder… a group of female merfolk all admired Su Zhan and shouted, “Sus Master One Hundred Thousand Lives!”

Even among the mermaid tribe, a very small number of male merfolk who felt that the mermaid queen was too good to Su Zhan, and even the extremely water spirit orbs were given to Su Zhan, so a little jealous male mermaid, at this moment, are extremely ashamed.

Today, if Su Zhan hadn’t appeared, their entire mermaid clan would have been destroyed!

Compared with this, what does an Extreme Water Spirit Orb count?

at this moment.

Su Zhan is no different from the patron saint in the eyes of everyone!


Seeing Su Zhan come to the island, Li Chunshan also exhaled, “Su Zhan, just now you were fighting with the snake king in the sky, I am really worried!”

Su Zhan smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I won’t die so easily!”

“Don’t, I’m not worried about you!”

Li Chunshan laughed and said, “I’m worried about my extreme water spirit pearl!

If your kid dies, how can my clone live?

The Extreme Water Spirit Orb can’t reach the hands of my main body. Isn’t the plan of these thousands of years that the bamboo basket is empty!

Fortunately, your kid is heaven-defying, and he killed the Snake King unscathed!

Hahaha! ”

“Li senior, I am not unscathed, on the contrary, I have suffered heavy losses!”

Su Zhan shook his head and said seriously: “In this battle with the Snake King, at least more than ten hairs of me were broken in the fierce battle!

Moreover, he also suffered a very serious internal injury, and it is estimated that every two or three days will not get better!

Also, look at these hideous bloody mouths on my arm—”

Just rolled up his sleeves, wanting to show Li Chunshan his own wound.

As a result, the place where I saw my eyes was fair, and there was no trace of it.

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then coughed lightly: “It should be cured, but this is not important. In short, it is a heavy loss!”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Li Chunshan, who was still smiling just now, froze and froze for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

Snake King, that is a Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon King!

Regardless of the demon world or the spirit world, they are all powerhouses at the pinnacle level!

You, a Five Tribulations Deva, killed a Nine Tribulations Sky Demon King, only to break a bit of hair, and the internal injuries can heal within two or three days, and even the wounds have healed!

Are you telling me that the loss was heavy?

What is so special that people can say? ? ?

I remembered that I was at war with others, and I was always injured for several years or even ten years, and my body was dripping with blood!

And Su Zhan, this guy, killed a Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon King. He clearly didn’t have any ass, and he appeared as though he was fighting hard and was seriously injured.

I don’t know why, Li Chunshan suddenly felt a little congested in his chest.

There is even an urge to beat Su Zhan severely!

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