Chapter 979 Queen abdicates, the ninth day of March! (Large chapter)

“Li senior, why are you looking at me like this?”

Seeing Li Chunshan’s depressed and angry look, Su Zhan hesitated: “Are you trying to beat me up?”

This statement came out.

Just now, he was still full of depression, and Li Chunshan, who wanted to beat Suzhan to vent, immediately calmed down!

Not only is the heart calm, but even the back is cold!

“Su Zhan, you can’t talk nonsense about this!”

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Li Chunshan said, “I think what you said is very reasonable, and I am silently amazed in my heart!

I’m not going to fight with you!


Thinking of the sulking he felt during this period of time, Li Chunshan rolled his eyes and smiled, “If you really want to fight with me, I can satisfy you when you return to the spiritual world!”

Back to the spirit world?

Sword God Li Chunshan’s body?

The man who claims to be the strongest man in the spirit world?

I may not be an opponent right now, but then I can take a moment to make a breakthrough Realm?

Breakthrough supreme, compete with Li Chunshan, if it can win, then directly convene all Martial Dao myths and formulate the rules that belong to him!

This plan is perfect!

Thinking so.

Su Zhan’s eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded and said, “That’s it. When we return to the spirit world, we must beat him for three days and three nights to have a good time!”

“no problem!”

Li Chunshan nodded with a smile.

Although, this clone would definitely not be able to defeat Su Zhan, and would be beaten to death by Su Zhan.

But the spirit world…

It’s not a problem to hit Su Zhan!

By then, you must beat up this kid violently!

During this period of time, he was really mad at him! !

Thinking of this, Li Chunshan also smiled.

“Master Su.”

Just now.

The mermaid queen also came over.

Apart from anything else, he knelt down towards Su Zhan, seriously kowtowed his head and said: “I represent the tens of millions of mermaid tribesmen, thanks to the great kindness of Lord Su!

This blessing, our mermaid clan, will never forget! ”

“It’s okay, get up!”

Su Zhan waved his hand, and Sheng Yuan’s power surged, holding up the mermaid queen, and said: “How is your injury?”

“After decades of resting, it should be fully restored!”


Su Zhan frowned, thinking of something, his left hand sacred yuan surged, emitting rays of thunder, directly blasting into it from the wound of the snake king’s corpse.

I sensed where the Monster core is.

The huge Saint Yuan power ran and took out the Monster core.

The Monster core of the Nine Tribulations Sky Demon contains extremely huge energy.

However, he is not a monster, even if he is swallowed for refining, the conversion rate is not high.

Originally, he planned to take it back and let Xiaobai eat it, but now that the mermaid queen needs it more, he doesn’t need to keep it.

Passing the Monster core in his hand to the mermaid queen, Su said: “Your Cultivation Base has been stuck at the peak of the Eight Tribulations. If you refine this Monster core, in addition to recovering from the injury, you may also have a chance to break into the Nine Tribulations.

Take it! ”

“Master Su, you are already a great favor to our mermaid clan, this Monster core is too precious, I can’t—”

Before the mermaid queen had finished speaking, she felt her palms warm.

Su Zhan directly stuffed the Monster core into her hand and said, “This thing is not very useful to me. Since you need it, just hold it. We are also considered acquaintances, so there is no need to refuse.”

After speaking, he waved his hand and put the corpse of the snake king into the cave.

The reason why he didn’t put it away was just to let the mermaids take a look and dispel the fear in their hearts.

“By the way, this is the soul deed of Elder, the snake-human tribe. After you collect it, the snake-human tribe will be returned to your mermaid tribe. You can leave it to them to do anything like mining or war.”

Su Zhan said, handing over the soul deed document to the mermaid queen, and then said: “Okay, everything is over, I have to go too.”

The mermaid queen took over the soul deed document, but she didn’t even check it carefully. When she heard these words, she shook her body and raised her head, her eyes filled with dismay: “Master Su, where are you going?”

“Spirit world.”

“Spirit world?”

The mermaid queen bit her lip and said, “Then…will we meet again?”

“We met by destiny.”

Su Zhan smiled.

Greeting Li Chunshan to leave.

But it hasn’t waited for him to go far.

Behind him, a reluctant voice suddenly sounded: “Master Su, you lie!

The area around Tai Xuan is wrapped in thunder sea, we can’t get out at all!

Even if the people from the Demon World come in next time, it will be 20,000 years later!

For 20,000 years, you don’t remember me…”

Heard this.

Su Zhan paused, turned his head in surprise, and said to the agitated mermaid queen: “Your Majesty, what’s the matter with you?”


The mermaid queen looked at Su Zhan, and then at the mermaid behind her. She gritted her teeth, flipped her palms, and took out a glazed seal symbolizing the clan king, with the Nine Tribulations Snake Human King Monster core, and the soul deed. The documents were handed over to the leader of Zi Ran behind him.

The commander of Zi Ran looked dumbfounded: “Your Majesty, what are you doing?”

“Zi Ran, in the mermaid clan, besides me, your Cultivation Base is the highest!”

The mermaid queen made up her mind and said: “This snake human king Monster core is enough to make your Cultivation Base climb to the peak of the eight calamities, and it may even break into the nine calamities in the future. This soul deed document allows you to control the snake human race currently. The strongest big Elder!

This mermaid seal represents the supreme kingship of the mermaid clan!

Today, I will pass on the position of Queen to you!

From then on, you will lead the mermaid tribe, stabilize Life, and protect our tribe! ”

Hearing this, the leader of Zi Ran’s expression changed, and he quickly refused: “Your Majesty the Queen, this is absolutely not to be done!”

“Zi Ran, I beg you!”

The mermaid queen approached the leader of Ziran, her eyes full of pleading, just like her own sisters, and whispered: “I have been a clan king for a long time.

If I had never met Young Master Su, maybe I would be the same as the clan kings before, just like this and continue to be like this.

Old and dead.

But now, I suddenly don’t want to be trapped in Qingxi Lake, I have been trapped in the Tai Xuan domain!

I want to go outside, I want to go to the spirit world, I want to go where there is Lord Su…

When I was young, you would help me whatever I wanted, please, help me again~”


The commander Ziran’s eyes were full of dismay. It can be seen that the mermaid queen is very determined, and nodded, holding the seal of the mermaid clan king, and said: “Qingxi Lake mermaid clan, I will keep guarding for you!


Go where you want to go! ”

“Thank you!”

The mermaid queen bowed to the leader of Zi Ran and saluted.

Immediately moved his toes, he came to Su Zhan, his face was slightly flushed, and said, “Master Su, I want to go to the spirit world with you!”

“You also want to go to the spirit world?”

Su Zhan was taken aback, then frowned slightly and said, “You went to the spirit world with me, and it may be difficult to come back in the future.

Did you really think about it? ”


The mermaid queen nodded: “I have been in Qingxi Lake for too long. I want to go out and see and see what other worlds are like!

And Terran…

In fact, I always think that Human Race is very cute!

Although there are very few human races in the Tai Xuan domain, it cannot be compared with places like the spirit world after all.

I want to see what a world dominated by the human race would be like! ”

“Since you have decided, then all right!”

Su Zhan did not refuse either.

In fact, he also likes to see the mermaid queen.

Good-looking and seductive.

“However, Your Majesty, your Cultivation Base is too high. I just took you out to attract the attention of those Devil Emperors. In order to avoid other troubles, you should stay in my cave for a while!”


By the way, I am no longer the mermaid queen, my name is Yuxi, you can call me…”

The mermaid queen paused, then said: “Xiao Yu.”

“Xiao Yu… good.”

Su beheaded nodded, and immediately a huge sacred power poured out, wrapping the mermaid queen’s body.

The latter was also happy, did not make any resistance, and appointed Su Zhan into the Moyu Cave.

Seeing this scene, Li Chunshan was a little envious: “If the ten great demon emperors were too sensitive to the aura of the demon race, even if I was hidden in the cave, I would be very likely to be discovered. Why should I practice the blood illusion secret art?

Just go straight to Su Zhan and drill into the sky!

Ugh! ”

“You have practiced, and what are you saying about these useless things? Let’s go!

For several days, we can return slowly while looking for various elixir and treasures in Tai Xuan domain. ”

Su Zhan said, tapping his toes lightly, and flew away at an unpleasant speed.

Li Chunshan also hurriedly followed.

And below Qingxi Lake.

Those mermaid tribes once again knocked deeply in the direction they were leaving, extremely pious.

Just when Su Zhan and Li Chunshan were slowly searching for special elixir materials in the Tai Xuan domain.

Edge of Tai Xuan domain.

Outside the white mist.

The beach where the Golden Eye Demon Emperor led the landing.

In a magic circle that completely cuts off outside sight, sacred sense exploration, and various secret techniques.

The ten great devil emperors sat in a circle, discussing certain things.

“Emperor Purple Blood Demon, now the eight great demon emperors have already stated that they want to wash the spirit world with blood, why don’t you speak?”

The head of the ten great devil emperors, the golden pupil devil emperor said displeasedly: “Could it be that you are backing down, are you afraid?”

“Probably so!”

Darkclaw Devil Emperor seized the opportunity and laughed: “This fellow Zixue has always been as timid as a mouse, and Li Chunshan in the spirit world frightened him when he stood in front of him!

Where does he dare to invade the spirit world with us and fight to the death with many Martial Dao myths in the spirit world? ”

“Darkclaw Devil Emperor, Golden Eye Devil Emperor is talking to me, not to you, what are you talking about?

Could it be said that if you don’t speak, you will die? ”


Darkclaw Devil Emperor was angry.

“All right.”

Devil Emperor Jin Tong waved his hand and said, “Don’t make noise!

Listen to Emperor Purple Blood Demon! ”

The other demon emperors all cast their eyes on Yun Luo.

Yun Luo’s eyes flickered, and finally he said: “The battle between the demon world and the spirit world. As the master of the Purple Blood Demon domain, how can I be alone?”


The Golden Eye Demon Emperor finally smiled, suddenly got up from the big chair, and said: “Since the final confirmation has been made, then I will directly set the date to go to the spirit world!

It is estimated that the super space channel in the Great Wilderness will be completely completed within 15 days. Then we will set it in a month…

The ninth day of March!

Enter the spirit world and annex the spirit world in one fell swoop!

End this two-world battle that has lasted for millions of years! ”

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