Chapter 989 Shocked the Emperor Palace!

Tried all the methods, but still did not destroy the space vortex.

Su Zhan frowned and said: “How long will this space channel pass through?

Where does the spiritual world lead? ”

“Back to senior!”

Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations thought for a while and said: “This space channel will slowly expand on its own. When it is completely expanded, it is enough to ensure the safety and stability of the creatures entering the space channel…

It will take about twenty days!

As for where to go…

If we are not wrong, it should be the Eastern Wasteland domain of the spiritual world! ”

“Eastern Wasteland domain!”

Su Zhan’s heart was slightly shocked, and his face was even more ugly.

The Eastern Wasteland domain is a small domain.

If it is true that those demon emperors descend into the Eastern Wasteland domain, the Eastern Wasteland domain will be destroyed in an instant!

Moreover, even if Li Chunshan and others noticed it, they were waiting outside the space channel.

But the Eastern Wasteland domain still cannot avoid becoming a battlefield between the two clans of the spirit world and the devil world!

And the power of fighting against the myth of the Devil Emperor and Martial Dao…

The entire Eastern Wasteland domain will probably be torn apart!

The fragmentation of the Eastern Wasteland domain doesn’t really matter.

He didn’t care at all.

But the important thing is.

In the Eastern Wasteland domain, there are his father Su Tianhai, Master Tang Wujian, Chen Changfeng, Qin Jincheng, Don’t Wentian… There are too many people who cannot easily be abandoned!

But now there are only the last twenty days.

Go to the spirit world through the space channel to transfer Su Tianhai and they may already be too late…

Once the demons entered the spirit world.

Regardless of the ending, the Eastern Wasteland domain will be reduced to ruins!

Su Zhan’s hand holding the sword tightened again.

Standing still thinking for a long time.

He finally took a deep breath.

Since, as long as the demons invade the spirit world, the Eastern Wasteland domain, those people they care about will inevitably be affected.


Just leave the battlefield in the devil world!

“You abolish Cultivation Base, and then go!”

Su Zhan said to the demons.

These demons can be killed or not.

It doesn’t matter to the overall situation.

And now, he doesn’t have much mood to do such a small thing as killing low-level demons.

“Yes, yes, thank you senior!”

Those demons saw the fate of the Taijin Sword Master and those Taijin Sword Sect disciples with their own eyes. At this moment, they were delighted to learn that they were able to leave alive.

Do not hesitate to abolish Cultivation Base, and then run away!

Watching those demons leave.

Su Zhan also began to plan.

In twenty days, the Ten Great Devil Emperors will definitely come.

If there is a great road of jade, 20 days should be enough to make him Ascension to the Six Tribulations Deva!

But now, the Dao Jade is melted into the Heavenly Dao jade plate, which is temporarily unavailable.

It is difficult to break into the Supreme in twenty days.

In that case, I can only go to Ascension.

Heaven-slashing swordsmanship, Taikoo thoughts of Lei Di Guan, Yan Shen Jue, Star God Body Tempering Fist, Demon God Jue’s second layer…

If these Cultivation Techniques are all cultivated to the extreme.

His strength will definitely be great Ascension!

This is also the most promising approach at present.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Zhan began to cultivate hard.

This time, he didn’t plan to waste any minute of rest.

Because of this battle, facing the top ten demon emperors of the demon world, there are still many powerful demon races who don’t know–

He is the only one!

One day later.

Demon Realm, Taijin Demon Realm, within the imperial palace.

The Golden Eye Devil Emperor is sitting on the big seat.

Below, a demon is reporting something.

After listening to the report of the Demon Race, before the Golden Eye Demon Emperor could speak, the Demon Race generals on both sides were already angry.

“What! Someone dared to break into my too golden demon realm?”

“Just break into the Golden Demon Realm, and dare to pass over our soldiers. It’s clear that we didn’t put us in To put in one’s eyes!”

“Damn it! Damn it too!”

“Your Majesty the Devil, please let me take my Demon Sword Camp immediately, and I will surely be able to kill that human race!”

“Magic Sword Camp owner, you don’t need to trouble you with this kind of thing.

I can bring back the head of the human race by myself! ”

“Commander Yun Kui, what do you mean by this?

Are you looking down on me? ”

All the demons spoke up one after another, all volunteering to bring Su Zhanren’s head back!

“All right!”

The Devil Emperor Jin Tong’s face sank, and he reprimanded: “Noisy, so decent!

Even if the human race can break through the golden cavalry, but there is a cloud demon garrisoned in the wild mountain range, he can’t make it! ”


At this moment, another demons rushed in and said: “Expedited report!

That human race killed the leader of the cloud demon and has already crossed the wild mountain range! ”


This statement came out.

Those demon generals who had just been so stubbornly fought with each other were all shocked.

Immediately, they closed their mouths one by one, lowered their heads, for fear that the words would attract the attention of the Golden Eye Demon Emperor.

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor was also a little surprised. Then he looked at the demon generals and saw that those demon generals were all dumb.

Don’t you fight to wipe out this human race?

Demon Sword Campmaster, are you going? ”

“No, no, no!”

The master of the Demon Sword Camp paled, and said quickly: “Your Majesty the Devil, it’s not that I dare not.

It’s just that my old wounds have not been healed, and I am afraid that I will be ashamed of your Majesty the Devil! ”


Demon Emperor Jin Tong cursed, then looked at another Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable, and said, “Commander Yun Kui, are you going?”


The commander Yun Kui’s expression changed, and he said, “It’s true that you don’t want to hide it, your Majesty the Devil Emperor.

My wife is about to give birth recently.

It’s not very convenient for me! ”

“You have thirty sons, are you still alive?

Is your wife a sow? ”

“Cough cough, give birth to more, and contribute to the growth of the blood of our Golden Eye Demon Race!”

“Contribute your uncle!”

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor cursed in an angry way, and immediately looked at the other powerful Demon Race, and said: “Doesn’t anyone want to bring back the head of that Human Race?”

Hearing this, all the powerful demons in the Great Hall bowed their heads and said nothing.

They are not fools.

That Human Race could even kill the leader of the Cloud Demon at the peak of the Eight Tribulations. They went, and they were not given away for nothing!

Who is going to be stupid!

Have been waiting for several minutes.

No one answered.

The Golden Eye Devil Emperor finally couldn’t bear it. He slapped the big chair, suddenly got up from the big seat, and yelled: “A bunch of trash!

That human race is nothing but the Five Tribulations Realm, and can kill the cloud demon, which is just a coincidence!

And it is definitely his limit!

Are you people actually afraid of a Five Tribulations Deva?

What a waste!

Since you dare not, this emperor will go there in person!

If you want to go anyway, just take it a little earlier!

It just so happened that the emperor also wanted to find Taijin Sword Master to talk about the past! ”


Just now.

Another demons ran in and said out of breath: “It’s a message sent by the garrison in the Great Desolate Mountain Range using the magic sound beads for one hundred thousand!

The Golden Sword Master of the Great Desolate Plain was already beheaded by that human race!

Now the space channel has fallen into the hands of that human race! ”


The Golden Eye Demon Emperor, who just got up from the big chair, heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the body that had just gotten up again collapsed and sat down.

The whole person is dumbfounded!

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