Chapter 990

Too golden sword master.


Cultivation Base has reached the middle stage of the Nine Tribulations, and can also be ranked among the top three Supreme Gold Sword Masters in the entire Six Heavenly Demon Nine Tribulations of the Supreme Gold Demon.

Just die like this? !

Killed by a Five Tribulations Human Race?

How is this possible! ! !

Am I really dreaming? ? ?

The Golden Eye Devil Emperor sat in the big seat blankly, somewhat unacceptable.

“You, you say it again, how did the Supreme Golden Sword Master die?”

“Return to Your Majesty the Devil Emperor!”

The guard hurriedly said, “According to the information of the Great Wild Mountain Range, the Supreme Golden Sword Master and the Five Tribulations Human Race have been fighting for half a day, no distinction between top and bottom!

In the end, it seemed that it was because the demon was exhausted, and the person was killed with a space sword box that was suspected to be handed down to the world on the way to escape! ”

“The Supreme Golden Sword Master is the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon, who is fighting a Five Tribulations Human Race. It stands to reason that he should be killed with a single sword!

Well, even if the human race is talented and has an unprecedented strength, it can hardly shake the Nine Tribulations with the Five Tribulations Realm.

But the problem is.

Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon’s magic element number exceeds five Tribulations Deva ten times more!

How could the Supreme Golden Sword Master consume all the magic elements first?

How is this possible? ! ”

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor shook his head again and again, really unable to accept such a result.

Below, the guard also raised his hands above his head, presented the magic sound bead, and said: “His Majesty Hui Demon Emperor, these things are unknown to the subordinates!

But this is the message from the Wild Mountain Range.

His Majesty the Devil can read it in person! ”

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor stretched out his hand and took the magic sound bead.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to perceive the message.

It didn’t take long.

He opened his eyes.

But his face is even more ugly!

Although, it is still difficult for him to believe that a top powerhouse in the demon world like the Supreme Golden Sword Master will be killed by a Five Tribulations Deva, but in the Demon Sound Orb, the cavalry commander of the Great Desolate Mountain Range is very sure, saying that he has seen it with his own eyes!

Faced with such a determined message, the Golden Eye Devil Emperor could no longer accept it, and could only choose to believe it.

Too golden sword master, really dead!

Died in the hands of a Five Tribulations Deva!

And this time.

The group of powerful demons below heard the words of the guards, and saw the expressions of the Golden Eye Demon Emperor, and each one became more certain.

Suddenly, they raised their sleeves and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads!

Oh shit!

Fortunately, they restrained it just now!

There is no impulse to trouble that human race!

This f*ck!

That guy can even kill the Golden Sword Master!

Didn’t they go for free? !

I was scared in my heart.

A group of powerful demons all looked at the Golden Eye Demon Emperor together and waited for the instructions of the Golden Eye Demon Emperor.

“Everyone, according to the message of the magic sound beads, the human race did not leave after killing the Supreme Golden Sword Master.”

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor slowly said, “It broke the formation of the spatial channel, and stopped at that spatial channel!

However, the good news is.

All the space nodes of the super space channel have been basically constructed.

That person has no way to destroy the space channel.

In other words, although the Supreme Golden Sword Master is dead, our demon world’s plan to conquer the spirit world will not be affected by this! ”

“His Majesty the Devil Emperor”

The Cultivation Base has reached Eight Tribulations, the Demon Sword Camp Master asked: “That human race can’t destroy the space channel, so it still stays there?”


The Golden Eye Demon Emperor nodded.


The Lord of the Demon Sword Camp rolled his eyes and said: “Then we can now completely prepare the army, besie him from all directions in the wild plain, and kill him!”

“This plan is good”

Golden Eye Demon Emperor glanced at the Demon Sword Camp owner, and said: “You will be the commander of the army this time!”

This statement came out.

The owner of the Demon Sword Camp turned pale with fright, and quickly said: “Your Majesty the Devil, it’s not that the minister is unwilling to charge for your Majesty!

It’s really incompetent!

The minister was weak since Xiao Lei, and he could fight against some Xiao Xiaoshang.

But this guy…”

With that, the Demon Sword Camp owner was about to cry: “He can even kill the Golden Sword Master!

Even if I lead the army, I am afraid that he will cut it with a sword before even the formation of the army is formed! ”

“Humph! Waste!”

Golden Eye Demon Emperor coldly said: “Then you say, who is suitable?”


The demon sword camp lord turned his eyes and said: “Throughout the entire demon world, your majesty, demon emperor, is the strongest!

Even the Golden Sword Master was defeated by you in the first place!

If your Majesty, you command the army, you will surely kill that human race in one fell swoop and raise my magic power! ”

“Presumptuous! This emperor is the master of a domain, how can he surrender himself to deal with a human kid?!”

Devil Emperor Jin Tong’s face changed slightly and scolded.


He is indeed better than the Golden Sword Master.

But it is also very limited!

That Five Tribulations Deva can kill the Supreme Golden Sword Master, and there may not be no chance to kill his Golden Eye Demon Emperor!

Although, this chance is very small.

But as the longest and most cautious Golden Eye Demon Emperor among the ten demon emperors in the Devil Realm, he didn’t want to take any risk!

Moreover, it was judged from the fact that the guy could kill the Supreme Golden Sword Master.

Even if he could really kill the human race, he might be hit hard!

And once it was hit hard.

Among the top ten demon emperors who attacked the spirit world this time, it would be difficult for him to maintain his position as leader!

Even after entering the spirit world, when confronting the peak myths of the spirit world, they may fall because of their injuries!

Kill this Five Tribulations Deva…

The risk is too great!

With these in mind, the Devil Emperor Golden Eye had no idea about Su Zhan’s action.

“His Majesty the Demon Emperor…”

The Demon Sword Camp owner cautiously said: “The Five Tribulations Human Race is stopped there. This is always a trouble!”

“No hurries.”

Golden Eye Demon Emperor sneered and said: “That guy has been waiting there and not leaving, most of them want to stop our demon army by then.

With the power of one person, blocking our entire demon world…

Luckily he thought it out!

Wait until the appointment.

Our top ten devil emperors go hand in hand, just trample that person straight down!


The guy’s idea is ridiculous.

But think about it, since he dared to do this, can he have no special cards in his hand?

If the emperor makes a move, of course he can kill that person.

It’s just that the trump card in that guy’s hand hasn’t been revealed yet, who knows if he will give the emperor a desperate blow by that time, and seriously injure the emperor?

This thunder.

Someone will step on it for this emperor, why rush it for a while? ”

“Your Majesty the Devil Emperor is wise!”

The demon sword camp owner quickly complimented.

The other powerful demons also praised again and again.

His Majesty the Devil Emperor is His Majesty the Devil Emperor!

We are counseled, it is really counseling that can be seen at a glance!

But his Majesty the Devil Emperor was persuaded.

But it is also said to be extremely generous, good-looking, and it makes people feel very reasonable!

Maybe, this is the gap!

A group of powerful demons thought of it secretly.

“Okay, send the order to the garrison in the Great Desolate Mountain Range so that they can pay close attention to the actions of the human race and convey the information. Besides, don’t disturb that person!”

Golden Eye Demon Emperor ordered.


Below, the guard retreated.

Next, the demons in the Great Hall began to talk about how to deploy their power after entering the spiritual world, and which big domain to attack first as a cornerstone stronghold to stabilize the best.


Although they were frightened by Su Zhan.

But in fact, he had never considered the possibility that Su Zhan alone could really prevent them from entering the spirit world.

In front of the Ten Great Devil Emperors, everything will be crushed into powder!

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