After a meal, Chen Daqiang and Xing Tage, who had been regarded as Su Qingcen fans by Meng Fan Amway countless times, became completely fanboys!

“The big brother Yamajin himself looks better than in the lens!”

“You said how can a person have such good skin!”

“Pay attention to your wording, is that a human? That is Goddess!”

“Yes, yes! How could a mortal have such a good skin, such a good temperament, and a smile!”

“You said, Shanjin’s big brother is such a big name, how come you are so approachable!”

Meng Fan listened to these two people as if they were a little girl after Su Qingcen left. The discussion is endless, and I am really speechless. Why are you so approachable? Do you really have no b-number in your heart?

“Qiangzi and I are going to Wenchuang Park, how about you?”

“Wait, I will drive you over.”

Xing Tage’s car stopped near the Huanglong Stadium last night. He drove over and drove Meng Fan to the Cultural and Creative Park and hurried away.

Damei Studio, Meng Fan is a partner, Zhang Zhouwei is tied here to help because of Wang Yanan, Chen Daqiang is basically here recently because of Meng Fan’s comics, Xing Tage feels that he is left in the bedroom One, don’t be annihilated here.

“Boss Meng, why are you free today?”

Qin Jiao is naturally impossible everyday all in the studio. At present, the daily operation of the studio is basically performed by a senior who has graduated Sister and Wang Yanan will manage it.

This Senior Sister is Yan Xixi. It has been three years since graduation. She is a little different from other studio members. She was invited by Qin Jiao because she is already a small reputation illustrator in the industry. , Even if you don’t join Damei Studio, you can live well.

Because of the good relationship with Qin Jiao, and I also have the idea of ​​creating a studio, I have the idea of ​​accumulating some management experience here.

“I made an appointment with someone, and I happened to be in this cultural and creative park, and I came to inspect my work by the way.”

Meng Fan laughed asked about the studio’s recent developments, mainly fictional illustrations How many things I took with my own comics later, because the studio currently has these two “big projects”.

After chatting for a while, the milk tea and coffee ordered by Meng Fan arrived. After chatting for a while, I left Damei Studio after checking the time.

The person Meng Fan made an appointment this afternoon is naturally Director Charlie, and Director Charlie’s dubbing studio happens to be in this cultural and creative park.

Following the house number, I arrived soon. Seeing the name of the studio hanging, Meng Fan was taken aback.

Chocolate Factory!

Is this because of the movie “Charlie and His Chocolate Factory”?

Or “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like”?

The same goes for dubbing, you never know what kind of surprise the next character will bring you!

Meng Fan froze for a moment. Is his ability to associate so strong? Is it related to increased imagination?

“Hello, may I find someone?”

“Hello, I have an appointment with Director Charlie.”

“Here, please. “

A young guy with a big beard took Meng Fan inside. He looked back and looked at Meng Fan curiously from time to time. He couldn’t help but asked: “You are… the manga artist who can sing well. “

Meng Fan said with a smile: “It should be.”

The bearded young guy is very happy: “I am your fan!”

Meng Fan was taken aback for a moment, did he speak so jumpy?

“Little Brother.”

Soon, Meng Fan met Director Charlie.

The director’s hair volume seems to be a lot more, and it’s not messy. I guess he is wearing a wig. As for the scratches of Lian, you can still see it carefully.

“Coffee or tea?”

Charlie’s office is still very large, but it is not decorated like a dubbing director’s office, but like a business man.

After making the tea, Charlie quickly got into the topic, saying: “That’s it, your voice is still very attractive, but your voice is too male, so Although I have saved your audio, I have not been able to find a suitable role for you. To be honest, you don’t have much experience in dubbing, so it is difficult to receive a suitable role by this submission.”

“However, because of the diamond ring, I also searched for you. I have watched your live broadcast and heard your singing. Your voice is still very plastic. I am looking for you this time. The main thing is to ask, besides the male protagonist, are other characters interested?”

The reason for asking Charlie is also simple. I did search for Meng Fan and knew that Meng Fan was on live broadcast and shooting machines. The field is very strong, so, how many people think, eh, is it right for the male lead, some eyes high above the top. But I have met face-to-face, and the time is very short, but I can be sure that Meng Fan should be a better person to get along with, so I met and asked.

If you really want to be obsessed with the character of the male lead, or if you are obsessed with becoming famous overnight, then it is considered to be a friend, and the dubbing is definitely not the case. At least there is no show for now, unless Meng Fan’s reputation is really big in the future, even if there is no dubbing experience, some people are willing to let him be the hero.

Meng Fan was taken aback at hearing, and asked Director Charlie: “Well, you mean that because the submissions are mostly male protagonists, that’s why there is no response?”

Seeing Director Charlie nodded, Meng Fan patted his head. He understood why his contribution was still throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea under the blessing of existence. Here is the reason for co-authoring.

I also got lucky because I met Director Charlie with the effect of Lucky +1. Otherwise, I don’t know how I really died.

“I’m indeed inexperienced! I just send you the dubbing that I think I’m good at. Didn’t expect there is such a reason. I have no requirements for the role, I am I really love it, regardless of the protagonist or the supporting role, even if it is soy sauce.” Meng Fan told the truth.

Director Charlie saw that it was similar to what he had guessed, and didn’t say much about it. After a few conversations, he said: “That’s it. Our studio currently undertakes The dubbing work mainly focuses on cartoons and games. There are also a few characters on hand that are more suitable for your voice. Are you interested in trying it?”

Director Charlie’s impression of Meng Fan besides the diamond ring In addition to being very good, the most important thing is that Meng Fan’s voice is indeed attractive. Although he has no dubbing experience, Charlie is confident that his vision cannot be wrong. Meng Fan’s voice is a treasure that can be unearthed.

“Then let’s go over to the recording studio.”

Charlie took Meng Fan to an unmanned recording studio, and called the bearded youngster to come over and fight.

“I have heard your song “The rest of the future”, which is very affectionate and warm. The two roles that I have arranged for you now require a warmer voice. Let’s take a look. Let’s start in five minutes, shouldn’t it be a problem?”

Because it is a game, there is not much plot connection, so you can probably understand the personality.

“Dream is guiding.”

The lines of the first character are very simple, only five characters.


When Charlie heard this, all of the goose bumps all over his body suddenly appeared.

In fact, Meng Fan was also taken aback. After adding 2 points of sound power, he really released this power to the greatest extent.

“Meng Fan, make your breath a little softer.”

“The sound of the drawing is a little bit more.”

“Come on, officially record a version. “

“Perfect! That’s it!”

Although Charlie was shocked by Meng Fan’s voice quality, he still proposed an improvement plan, which can be said to be better.

And just after he decided on this version, a reminder sounded in Meng Fan’s mind.

“Ding! Trigger the achievement task [Shackworm].”

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