“Ding! Triggers the achievement task [Shackworm].”

“The task requires 100 dubbing roles, and the accumulated time in the recording studio reaches 10,000 minutes.”

“The task is completed to obtain the title of achievement [Panworm] (dubbing skills +5, voice appeal +3)”

The task is divided into three processes.

Task process 1: Required to have 10 dubbing roles; Reward: Dubbing skills +1. “

Task process two: required dubbing roles up to 50; reward: dubbing skills +1.”

Task process three: required dubbing roles up to 100; reward: dubbing skills + 1. “

Dubbing task!

Meng Fan has been waiting for this task a long time ago, but, no matter what he tried before, he couldn’t trigger it. He almost questioned the phrase in his mind “Go Try, persevere, and achieve a better life”.

How can I try after I have tried so much?

What you want is not available, but not wanting is unfathomable mystery in minutes It’s triggered.

Now it’s probably understood. It’s useless to play with your own dubbing. You have to be formal.

Think about the time you want to trigger, but it’s not dubbing. Did director Charlie agree that it was triggered only when this version was decided, or that system determined that his voice dubbing could become the official dubbing of this character or the original dubbing?

Official, original?

Anyway, Meng Fan thinks that this is probably the reason.

As for the title of “Pentagon”, Meng Fan of course knows that this is a dubbing nickname, because of the long Time to stay in the recording studio to get the name, but it fits.

The reward is still possible, there are a total of 8 dubbing skills, and 3 points of voice appeal.

Three processes , Although the reward has not increased progressively, it is still accepting.

For the 100 characters requested, Meng Fan feels that as long as he opens the situation, he does not require the protagonist and so on, and he can match any of them. It shouldn’t be too difficult.

10,000 minutes?

This requirement scared Meng Fan to be honest.

There is no time requirement for the three processes. , That is, in addition to completing the three processes, you must meet this requirement to get the title.

Why are you scared, because Meng Fan is really bad at math!

I immediately persuaded me when I saw 10,000, and I quickly calculated it with the computer in the invisible state of the live broadcast assistant. Fortunately, 10,000 minutes is a problem for less than 167 hours. I only need to be in the recording studio every day. It takes about 10 hours to burst the liver and half a month.

This task is not difficult.

Of course, the premise is that I can receive that many roles.

“This sentence is fixed, let’s move on to the next sentence. “

When Charlie saw Meng Fan standing in a daze, he pressed the button and said to Meng Fan in the booth.

Because of the extremely high requirements for sound, no noise is allowed. As a result, the recording studio is a very tightly sealed space. Even if the current recording studio has a high-tech temperature adjustment function, it is still very sultry.

How long is Meng Fan? I was sweating.

So, the requirement of 10,000 minutes is really not low.

But Meng Fan has a way to deal with it!

He raised his hand for a sign, and then went out to the toilet. When I came back, I was already wearing sportswear. The temperature adjustment function of the recording studio is very general because it takes into account the noise. It can’t compare to the tone of sportswear. Warm function.

I immediately refreshed!

This game character still has a dozen lines, basically Meng Fan tried it, Charlie adjusted it, and then officially recorded it. I went over it again, and after the next few sentences, I passed it without trying.

The efficiency is surprisingly high, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Charlie is very happy that he really picked it up. When it comes to Bao, Meng Fan is better than he thought.

The bearded man next to him is stunned. Is the recording so good!

There is another game. For the role, Meng Fan looked at the background of the role and listened to Charlie’s introduction. He quickly found the characteristics of the role.

“I think we can upgrade the warmth a little bit, it would be better to be hotter. . “

“Yes, you can try. “

To be honest, dubbing directors don’t really like dubbing actors to have too many ideas of their own, unless your strong abilities really make the director recognize that they are someone who can be discussed.

Is Meng Fan such a person?

Obviously not.

But Charlie still listened to Meng Fan’s advice and was even quite happy.

I really just think that Meng Fan’s ability can still be like this? Obviously not. Perhaps more important is Meng Fan’s voice appeal, which is easier to persuade others, and strength has also proved that it can be convincing.

“Are you looking for me? “

“Fengshan? That’s where my dreams are broken. “

“Hunter, it’s time to stop here. “

“Don’t do this. “

“The blood is crazy. “


This character only has a dozen lines, Meng Fan spent more than 20 minutes before and after the match, the efficiency and effect are very good.

The voices of these two characters are a bit similar. Meng Fan’s interpretation makes it very clear to distinguish the two characters, and both characters have his own characteristics.

Sounds Shaping ability!

This is a very important ability for a voice actor.

Although Meng Fan currently has two roles, Charlie has already seen that Meng Fan has this Ability.

Moreover, what surprised Charlie most was that Meng Fan had never had a formal dubbing experience before, but he showed a very stable ability in the dubbing just now. This is only The word genius can be explained!

“Meng Fan, take a break. “

Charlie beckons with the hand, let Meng Fan out of the shed.

Meng Fan wonders when it’s not good to talk through the glass? I can still Check the time inside.

After coming out, Charlie did not take out the remaining characters suitable for Meng Fan, but prepared to conduct a comprehensive survey of Meng Fan. Obviously, in Charlie’s view, he passed Contributions, live broadcasts, and singing do not know enough about Meng Fan.

He wants to know what Meng Fan has.

The way to find out is very simple. Some well-known classic lines of some characters for Meng Fan to try. This is to test the limits of Meng Fan’s voice shaping ability, and to know the range of characters that Meng Fan is suitable for.

This touch confuses Charlie.

It seems, it seems, most male characters are suitable!

He can see that Meng Fan’s dubbing skills are very ordinary , But the control of the sound is extremely strong.

Of course, the classic clips of these characters do not mean that they can all be imitated, but it is also a kind of criticism to be able to imitate!

Charlie also found out. In fact, Meng Fan not at all is deliberately imitating the original dubbing voice, and more importantly, imitating the emotional expression. This is a bit powerful!

All rely on imitation, that is the most It’s an imitation show, not a real voice actor.

What is a voice actor? Use voice to shape the character and use voice to convey emotion!

Of course Meng Fan knows what Charlie is doing, hurry up While the iron is hot, he said: “Director, I really like dubbing. If you think there is a role suitable for me, just come to me. Regardless of the size of the character, even if it only has one or two lines. I enjoy this process of creating characters with sound. “

While talking, someone knocked on the door, and a staff member brought several people to see Charlie.

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