
These dubbing demos are very short, basically the demos of the main characters are slightly longer, the others are one or two After listening to the sentence, Chen Daming looked towards these people who came with him.

These people are nodded, indicating that there is no problem with these demos, just wait for the remaining few character demos.

Although the “Chocolate Factory” is not as famous as the studios led by star voice actors such as Photosynthetic Building Blocks, 729 Sound Workshop, Bianjiang Studio, etc., it is still very famous in the industry and has many works. , The quality is good, there is a group of very good CV, especially in the field of animation and games, especially in the field of preschool animation, very strong.

This is also the main reason why Chen Daming chooses to hand over the dubbing to the chocolate factory. Of course, there is another reason that Chen Daming and Charlie are very familiar with each other. Good quality and making money are on the one hand, and on the other hand, he also hopes that through this cooperation, he can successfully win the company’s late-stage dubbing outsourcing business.

In less than an hour before and after, Charlie came back with six demos recorded by Meng Fan. There were also demos sent by other CVs during this period. There were nine in total, which is basically The main characters of “Forest Adventure” are gathered together, and the remaining small characters can be adjusted at any time.

After listening to these demos, Chen Daming and the others are both eyes shined. Looking at it again, the five characters and the narration are all matched by one person, which is also very surprised. It is not an exaggeration to have five or six characters in a cartoon. What surprised them was that each one was well matched.

After getting the sample, Chen Daming was completely relieved, and he was polite with Charlie for a few minutes and then left. He had to take the sample back to the meeting and finalize the list in advance.

The chocolate factory will officially start construction only after it is finalized.

At this time, Meng Fan was still in the recording studio. The five characters recorded just now plus a narration. The system did not judge the experience. This made Meng Fan murmur in his heart. The filmmakers have not yet decided whether this cartoon will be dubbed in the chocolate factory, or it may be… the chocolate factory can’t get this list.

Forget it, worry about this, it is better to ask if there are any other characters that you can match in the Bearded Studio who is still with me in the recording studio. The cartoon also has up to five or six characters. It’s not as good as ready-made here.

The bearded youngster has a name that does not match his appearance, Lou Lan, at first he thought it was Roulan, but when he heard it carefully, it was Loulan, and after another word, he knew that it was Lou.

Lou Lan is obviously very familiar with the studio business, and he has a good eye and ear power. In less than two hours, he has a certain understanding of the controllable range of Meng Fan. Fan said it didn’t matter whether it was important or not, and suddenly Barala said a lot of them, basically all characters from cartoons and games.

These roles are basically randomly assigned to studio voice actors. For example, after a certain cartoon is officially released, in addition to the important roles need to be carefully selected, these roles are suitable for whom As for who deserves it, there are not many lines and low requirements.

The role of the game is similar.

Now the mobile game market is hot, and there are too many game NPC characters that need to be matched.

After I had a good idea, Meng Fan, when Charlie came back, directly asked for more roles.

When Charlie heard it, naturally there was nothing to object. In less than two hours, Meng Fan really showed the strength to convince and trust him, and of course he was willing to assign more roles to tasks. Give it to him, just…

Charlie asked Meng Fan: “Will Little Brother join our studio?”

If Meng Fan does not join the chocolate factory, Charlie is impossible That many roles were given to him. After all, there are still that many members in the studio waiting for commercial partners to support themselves. Why should these commercial distribution tasks be handed over to a non-studio person?

Meng Fan hearing this, after thinking about it for a long time, he said: “Director, I am still a student, time is not free, I don’t know what kind of requirements will be required to join the studio. If there are some hard requirements With restrictions, I’m afraid I’ll…”

Charlie understood Meng Fan’s meaning as soon as he heard it. He had seen the things that Meng Fan did, and he could capture some of Meng Fan’s personality characteristics. I quickly figured out the point, said with a smile: “The contracted studio will not impose any restrictions on your freedom. Even if you pick up the dubbing list from other studios, even our studio will help you pick up other studios and crews. The dubbing list. It’s just that after you sign, the business will be placed in our studio. The so-called villain and gentleman, there is always a charter for the distribution of remuneration, don’t you think?”

Charlie and I saw Meng Fan in the community. It’s not bad to live in that community. In addition to Meng Fan’s things, it’s not like someone who wants to come to the dubbing industry. Everyone knows about dubbing. It is difficult to make money if you want to, at least temporarily, it is difficult to make a lot of money-from this, he grasped this point.

You are not short of money, so I will make money a priority.

Charlie still has this negotiating skill. There is no saying that you want to fool Meng Fan, just switch the angle to improve efficiency.

Meng Fan took a look at the contract, and there is indeed no that many freedom restrictions, but one thing, no matter what kind of order he takes, no matter if the order is taken by himself or led by the studio , The studio will have a brokerage commission. This may be a limitation for others, but it is nothing to Meng Fan.

In fact, he originally wanted to say that as long as he had a job, he would be willing to dub for free. After all, he was really good at dubbing money, but he stopped thinking about it. It’s better not to talk about this kind of thing. . It is one thing whether you need money or not, and it is another thing whether others give it or not. It is better to follow the rules. Money is one thing, and value is another.

Meng Fan read it carefully again and confirmed that it was just a business link, so he signed it.

It’s not a bad thing to have a studio that can take orders for yourself.

Aren’t there any hidden pits that you can’t see?

Meng Fan is really not afraid.


After signing the contract, Charlie was also very happy and shook hands with Meng Fan.

The first sentence after Meng Fan’s handshake is: “Then can we continue dubbing?”

After hearing haha, Charlie laughed: “Of course.”

In the following dubbing, Charlie was not present, but another studio member was found to assist Meng Fan with the beard Loulan.

One after another, one after another.

Lou Lan looked at each other and said, “I’m a dubbing lunatic again!”


Not long after, the dubbing role determined by the system reached Ten, got the reward of [Penthouse Insect] process one, points +10, dubbing skills +1.

This attribute of dubbing skills includes pronunciation standards, voice change, dialogue, mouth shape, dubbing performance and imitating capabilities, timbre and tone maintenance skills, and other dubbing related abilities, which is quite comprehensive.

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