Meng Fan’s previous dubbing skills certainly cannot be said to have been absent. After all, they have undergone fairly professional training and long-term training. Otherwise, they rely solely on the timbre, The range, sound quality, and sound controlling ability, coupled with the appeal of the sound, is basically impossible to enter the role of voice actor so quickly.

At least, being able to get the approval of Director Charlie is definitely not just relying on the two items of voice and voice, but his own foundation is also a reason.

As a result, after gaining the dubbing skill +1 this time, he can quickly transform it into his own ability and apply it to the following configuration.

In the eyes of the two bearded men, Meng Fan is completely in the state, the better the match, the better!

These two people can be regarded as professional voice actors from the dubbing hobbyists who took advantage of the rising wind of the animation game industry to become professional voice actors. The years before and after are not considered short. I have seen many voice actors because of the participation of the chocolate factory. There are also many big Divine Grade voice actors who have worked together. If monsters are also geniuses, I have really seen some.

Meng Fan, in their opinion, can be classified as monster or genius.

Good sound quality, wide range, fast voice change, strong imitating ability and voice performance, high contagious energy density… These voice actors can’t even ask for the conditions they need to train. Meng Fan almost has them. Relatively speaking, the weak ones are basic skills that can be practiced day after day, such as dialogue, mouth shape, and pronunciation.

Of course, this weakness is only relative to the previous conditions, it is actually very strong.

Another person learned from the beard that Meng Fan had not been dubbed officially before. He was very surprised and shocked, but he seemed to think it was reasonable. The only shortcoming reflected in Meng Fan, no, it should be said. Weakness seems to be lack of experience.

“If he grows up, he will definitely be a great god again, innate talent too terrifying!”

“You say, how can this person be so different from a person. Genius Is there a difference between an innate talent and an ordinary person? No, it is a lot of innate talent!”

“en? How do you say?”

“Don’t you know This guy also has a super innate talent in other aspects! You know yesterday…”

Bearded gave the person beside him the things that Meng Fan had done, and his face was full of emotion and envy.


“Is there anymore?”

They say that cultivation has no years. Meng Fan feels like he feels this way in the recording studio. Suddenly Hearing that the beard Loulan said it was over, he was also taken aback. As soon as I saw that the time was past 6 o’clock in the evening, I have been in the recording studio for more than four hours, counting the beginning.

“It’s gone.”

The bearded Loulan said: “The roles that the investigator explained to you are already here.”

Meng As soon as Fan listened to it, he left the recording studio. Although it has sportswear thermostat function, it is really uncomfortable to stay in a closed space, especially when it is not dubbing.

Looking at the experience, in addition to the five or six characters in “Forest Adventure”, Meng Fan has prepared about 18 characters before and after, and a total of 16 of them are judged to be successful by the system. What are the other two reasons, Meng Fan doesn’t go into it. The success rate and progress are already okay.

Of course, the reason why it is so fast is that it happens to be based on game characters and cartoon characters, and the amount of lines is not large. Otherwise, how could I be worthy of so many characters in just a few hours.

It’s not an important role. If it’s an important role, just a role, the amount of lines will reach Meng Fan want to cry.

“Then I will go first.”

Meng Fan knew that it would be difficult to match some more characters today, and said to Beard: “If there is a game character that suits me Please try to keep it for me.”


Meng Fan’s strength has convinced the beard, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with Meng Fan’s big-name style.

“Where is Meng Fan?”

Charlie went to deal with his own affairs and came back to find that Meng Fan had already left. He smiled bitterly: “I also told him to get him an induction dinner today.”

Then asked Big Beard, what is the effect of Meng Fan’s dubbing.


Meng Fan went out of the “Chocolate Factory” and then went to Damei Studio. Most of the members of the studio are still there. Meng Fan asked if he had eaten it. Everyone looked towards him with the appearance of being squeezed by capital.

“I’ll order the food, I will treat you.”

Meng Fan waved his hand and asked how to get along with everyone as the boss of the studio. Meng Fan doesn’t know anything else. Will this.

“I will order.”

Immediately, members took the initiative to take the important task of ordering.

“Qianzi, didn’t Yanan come today?”

Meng Fan looked around but couldn’t find Wang Yanan and Zhang Zhouwei, and asked Chen Daqiang curiously.

Chen Daqiang said with a smile: “Maybe, maybe, should, it seems…”

Meng Fan haha ​​laughed, I hope Zhang Zhouwei, the strong mouth king, will be able to Be strong.

Before the takeaway came, Meng Fan also slid around and looked at their work.


Meng Fan still reads more than talks. If you really find any problems, just take the live broadcast assistant and write them down. When you have time next time, let’s give a lecture together, unless it’s just a few words. Solved the problem.

In the management of the studio, Meng Fan has never thought of participating, so he usually tries not to get involved. Basically, he walks around and chats with the members in the posture of cracking a joke. Get more familiar with it.

Especially the members who did the post-production for their comics, Meng Fan still gave some explanations and instructions on the details of the painting work. After all, he is also a Party A.

After finishing the meal and staying for another hour, Meng Fan ran all the way from Damei Studio to the community. When I saw the [Shen Xing Tai Bao] process eight, the remaining 11 kilometers would be finished, Meng Fan I took a look at the ten kilometers that I had run, and I turned around and entered the school. The previous kilometers were okay, and the half-marathon should be able to get 2 hours. Otherwise, even if the remaining 11 kilometers are brushed, Process eight still cannot be completed.

“Iron God, I’m still running at so late!”

“Do you want to work so hard!”

“Look at the Iron God, so I’ve worked so hard when I’m excellent!”

“You have not found out, Meng Fan has really lost a lot of weight during this period!”

“Well, I can’t call Meng Fat anymore, I should It’s called Meng Zhuang!”

“Sure enough, fatty stocks are all potential stocks!”

“Tall, handsome, handsome, rich and talented, but it’s a pity, it’s too Be single-minded!”

“How do you know single-mindedness? As long as the hoe swings well…”

“Come on, the opponent is Wu Tong, there is no hope!”


“What’s wrong with Wu Tong! Isn’t it just good looks, good figure, good clothes, good personality, good study, good exercise, good family background… Hey, to be honest, Wu Tong is still very easy to exist Bent me!”

“Damn it, stop going to the Internet cafe, I also go for a run!”

“You can’t hold on! After all, you don’t have Wu Tong like that Goddess will run with you!”

Meng Fan met a lot of greetings and a lot of private discussions on the way from the school gate to the playground, and entered the playground track.

There are a lot of people on the playground, but after Meng Fan ran a few laps, everyone automatically gave up the innermost lane to Meng Fan.

Nothing else, just because Meng Fan runs like a human-shaped tank, running past you is very stressful, who dares to stand in the way!

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