“Why did the scandal spread?”

“I didn’t expect too.”

Su Qingcen has arrived at Baizhi In the room, he also looked helpless.

At the beginning, a lot of videos and pictures about Su Qingcen’s visit to the snack street were uploaded on the Internet. Of course, why Su Qingcen appeared in the snack street and everyone cooperated to watch Su Qingcen finish eating. The description of a street is undoubtedly a very interesting thing.

And Meng Fan, the true man of Iron Pagoda, who quieted everyone down loudly, naturally entered everyone’s discussion. This discussion, everything was attributed to his foul name, according to According to netizens, Iron Pagoda is a real man standing there like a turret. Whoever dares to enter his range? Who can withstand an American blast!

After that, just as Meng Fan Su Qingcen left the snack street at the time, some people also raised doubts whether the two were in love or not. It is indeed that the plot is a bit too idol drama.

Slowly it developed into what it is now.

“Then how do you deal with it?”

“Sister Jing is already dealing with it.” Su Qingcen was helpless, but also very relaxed, saying, “There is nothing that there is. , Just say it clearly.”

“That’s true, don’t respond to it yourself, just let the studio explain.”

If you care, it will be chaotic. Bai Zhi listens to Su Qingcen. That said, it was relaxed, but then he stared at Su Qingcen with piercing eyes and asked: “Qingcen, do you honestly like Xiaofan?”

“Like it!”

Su Qingcen said with a smile: “But not the kind of like you said.”

“hehe The kind of like you said is like what I said What’s the difference between this kind of liking.” Bai Zhi didn’t buy it, and said, “I think Xiaofan is very good, tall and strong, and looks absolutely good. He also loves sports now. Following this trend, it will not take long for him to have a better figure. , Looks like handsome, just look at Caiwei’s face value. Personality, not to mention, good temper and man, the key is to respect women, big men but not straight men with cancer. The key is also very talented! It’s not that I praise this younger brother, I really think he is a good match for you.”

“Sister Bai, how I listen to these advantages, they are what you like. Huh?” Su Qingcen turned around immediately, staring at Bai Zhi, “Sister, you don’t like Boss Meng anymore?”

Bai Zhi said frankly, “Xiao Fan is indeed my favorite type. It’s just that I’m much older than him. If I were you, I was five or six years older than him. I chased him early. I, I really think Xiao Fan is good, so I asked you. You want I like it, I think, really! Xiaofan is not bad in all aspects, he is definitely worthy of your national Goddess.”

Su Qingcen smiled and shook his head and said, “Don’t pull the red line, people Meng Boss has a girl he likes. Sister, don’t talk about this anymore. It’s embarrassing and easy to misunderstand.”


“How to exchange it?”

Meng Fan went back to the room and took a shower, and then lay on the bed to study how to exchange it.

After the new feature of redeeming attributes came out, Meng Fan studied it thoroughly and then began to figure out how to add points.

The more you redeem, the more expensive you redeem. I only have 18,500 points on my body. I definitely can’t redeem one of them. It’s more cost-effective to have a comprehensive upgrade.

Meng Fan counted. So far, the total number of attributes rewarded by the system is just 18. Except for the special attributes that cannot be redeemed for luck, if each is redeemed once, it will be 17 thousand. Thousand points, speaking of which is the most cost-effective.

But in terms of practicality, Meng Fan certainly cannot redeem everything. At least, under the premise that there are not many points, some attributes that Meng Fan don’t need to redeem temporarily. There are also some useful but sufficient painting skills, which don’t change much after redeeming +1 points.

Follow the exclusions.

The sense of presence, precision of throwing, and sense of lens are not very useful for Meng Fan. Even if they are used, they are all sufficient for the time being.

The drawing skills, charm, and hand speed are very useful, but they are enough, and adding 1 point has no effect.

The three items of strength, speed, and endurance are all +6 at present. If they are not mentioned, they will be exchanged once and become +7.

Settings and screenwriting are related to comics. Currently, they are all +6. They must be exchanged. They become +7.

Imagination is +9, This thing is very useful, and there is nothing that is enough or not enough, it must be exchanged to +10.

Smile appeal, voice appeal, and ability to stay up late are all exchanged once, becoming +5, +9, and +4.

The dubbing skill is +8, which is enough to tell the truth, but it is still exchanged and becomes +9.

[Night Roaming God] There is also an attribute that is brushed out, that is, observation power, so far only +1, this attribute is still very useful.

Meng Fan took a look and found that there were 8500 points left, so he gave points for both 1,000 and 2,000 points. After spending 5,000 points, +1 point became +4.

With 3,500 left, Meng Fan thought about it. He ordered a 2,000-thousand imagination and got to +11.

The last 1500, there is really nothing to order, just keep it.

After the comprehensive upgrade, Meng Fan feels that he is great, but, in this room, it is really a place to play, and after adding 1 point to stay up late, it is less than two, really sleepy Nothing!

There is no other way but to take out an all-powerful paintbrush and find some paper casually, then draw the characters and scenes of the original comics and increase the database.

Go to bed at 3:30 and wake up two hours later, full of energy, leave the hotel, ran to Yuehu Park and circle around, but didn’t run enough, and ran to the window of the world. Turn back after the half-marathon.

The recording of the program starts at 1 pm, and there is a rehearsal at 10 am.

How about other variety shows, Meng Fan doesn’t understand, but the star guests of this show have paid a lot. At least from Meng Fan’s point of view, at least ten of the eight groups of guests yawned Yes, I guess I didn’t sleep much after practicing last night. Relatively speaking, Bai Zhi is really good.

These celebrity guests went back to catch up immediately after rehearsal, trying to have a good mental state when recording in the afternoon.

Meng Fan and Bai Zhi both had a smooth rehearsal. After the rehearsal, they returned to the hotel.

As for the scandals on the Internet, even if Meng Fan didn’t get it, Bai Zhi said it, and Su Qingcen’s studio has already made a clarification.

At this time, Su Qingcen and his team have already flown to Nanjing to prepare for the concert.

I went back to the hotel and rested for a while. Bai Zhi ordered a meal to the recording scene where he ate together in the room. The makeup and clothes were on the table again, and the official recording soon began.

Bai Zhi and other voice celebrities appeared early, and started various chats, interactions, and stimulating atmosphere and variety effects, and so on. Assistant guests such as Meng Fan waited in the lounge. It was only when the voice celebrity I was helping out was going to dub.

Bai Zhi is divided into the third group. According to the editing of the show, the dubbing will not be broadcast until the second period of the annual show, which is the last period of the season.

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