Wu Ji chased out the Martial Dao Pavilion. Without changing his clothes, wearing a pair of slippers, he followed Wu Tong into a taxi.

As long as Wu Tong returns to the Academy of Fine Arts, cautiously asks: “Don’t eat anymore?”

“I’m full of gas.”

Wu Tong He squinted at him and he was really angry: “Brother, how many times have you done this? No matter how I say it, it’s useless, right?”

“Useful, useful!”

Wu Ji hurriedly said: “No, I didn’t have it since you said it last time? That’s, this smelly brat is too much! He said that he likes you to chase you, making the entire Academy of Fine Arts think of you The two are a couple. In the end, hey, there is a scandal with a female celebrity. This is not what reserves a beating is! Is the female celebrity beautiful with you? No! What does this mean, blind and scumbag!”

Wu Tong helplessly: “You all said it was a scandal.”

Wu Ji refused as soon as he heard this: “It’s a scandal, I’ll start it lightly. If it’s true, hehe , Do you think you can stand and go back!”

Wu Tong sneered: “Oh, when I went in, what I saw was you being held by him.”

Wu Ji’s face blushed: “Then I will let him! I will only fight him with wrestling skills. Otherwise, he would have gone to the hospital early!”

“Yes, yes, I know You are amazing.” Wu Tong said sternly, “Brother, it is precisely because of you that you are so amazing, so I tell you to leave me alone again and again. I don’t worry about others, I’m worried that you will be banned by force.”

“I know, I know the importance.”

Wu Ji’s most fear is that Wu Tong started to reason with him, stopped quickly, and said, “Tong Tong, I can see it too. You are really interesting to the kid, right? You have someone you like. Brother raised his hands and feet to agree, absolutely support, and must support. But, this kid is not good, too treacherous. Also bother, don’t say gossip is not scandal, then Why doesn’t the female star spread the gossip with others? It happens to be the gossip with him! It must be that this kid has a crooked mind!”

“In addition, this kid is not one or two times beating people, don’t say why Fighting is not right or wrong, but you have to admit that this kid is violent. If you really want to be with such a person, brother don’t worry! Tongtong, you are smart, but you are too innocent to know will of the people is vicious!”

Wu Tong didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Brother, if you want to say that, then you will definitely fight the future sister-in-law in the future. “

“I am not the same, I am professional!”

Wu Ji shook his head again and again, his old face is red again, this is really a risk for Wu Tong. If you can’t stop it, you can only use persuasion .

Apparently, his skill in persuading people is very poor.

“Okay, I see, brother, I can handle it by myself, so don’t worry about it. Besides…” Wu Tong expression slowed down, but said with a smile, “No matter how good he is , Can he be better than you? After this one time, he must be suppressed by you, and he will definitely not dare to treat me badly in the future. If you are not good to me, you can beat him again, is this alright? Brother, you Don’t worry about beating him?”

“How could it happen! He’s like this, I’ll have no problem hitting ten of them. Don’t worry, he will take care of him obediently and honestly after this time, absolutely I dare not treat you badly…wait!” Wu Ji reacted, “What did you just say, what did you mean, is there really a future?”

Wu Tong smiled and just went straight The question was shifted: “Brother, how did he recognize you?”

“Didn’t you say it? I don’t know. At first, he said that he saw me familiarly and asked me if I knew , Later, when he hit and hit, he recognized me. No, you answer my previous question first!”

After three times, Wu Ji did not persuade Wu Tong, but was instead Wu Tong has done all the words.

After sending Wu Tong to the Academy of Fine Arts, Wu Ji returned to the Martial Dao Hall with a stomach full of depression, called Yang Feng to his office, motioned him to sit down, and said, “You Tell me the details of the kid here to learn.”

“Meng Fan?”

At this time, Yang Feng, of course, probably knew what happened, and he was also surprised. , Meng Fan and Wu Ji can be inextricably linked. As for the affairs between Meng Fan and Wu Ji, they are not very interested.

Seeing Wu Ji’s question, I explained the characteristics of Meng Fan, such as high strength and fast hand speed, and also mentioned some details when I taught him wrestling and grappling skills. For example, the learning ability is very fast, the observation ability is very good, and so on.

“Brother Ji, this Meng Fan, the conditions are really good, nothing to say. Even if there is no foundation before, if you carefully train, the future is definitely limitless.” Yang Feng asked curiously, “Brother Ji, You don’t want to train this Meng Fan well as I thought, do you? Although he only wanted to learn quick practical combat experience at the beginning, I think he would definitely learn it carefully after he came into contact with the charm of fighting. Plus what you teach, then…”

“Learn what to learn!”

Wu Ji was completely anxious when he heard: “Yang Feng, I can tell you Okay, from now on, no matter what he wants to learn, he is not allowed to teach! Training is still on, I can’t wait to let him go right away, and not even give him the opportunity to practice!”


I haven’t learned much, so I can beat myself like this. If I learn more and so on, how can I cure this kid!

Never let him learn again!

“Ah? Oh, good.”

Yang Feng didn’t understand what was going on. This is not like Wu Ji’s style.

Wu Ji scratched his head after watching Yang Feng go out. Yang Feng was indeed right. This kid is indeed a good material for learning fighting. Although he had no foundation before, he learned it only from yesterday. To this day, he can draw a tie with himself by relying on his wrestling skills, which shows how terrifying the innate talent is, and his physical fitness is good!


Wu Ji grabbed a long hair like a chicken coop, tied it neatly, and walked out of the office to the private room with a calm face. The teaching room walked and pushed the door in. Old Hei was caught by Meng Fan’s grappling skills and shot again.


Wu Ji sullen his face and said, “I’m here, there are two things. One is to apologize, but listen carefully, I just fell you The first apology, and later, you deserve it!”

Apologizing is so hard, Meng Fan can only be convinced, and has to shake his head: “No, Brother Seven, you are right, all are I’m not good!”

“Don’t call me Seventh Brother!”

Wu Ji really wants to go up with a naked twist!

Meng Fan laughed and nodded: “Well, Brother Seven, don’t you say there are two things, what is the other one?”

Wu Ji really didn’t want to look at this kid at a glance. , Turned his head and left, after a short while, Yang Feng came in.

Yang Feng is very curious about what happened to Wu Ji. He just bitten to death and must not teach Meng Fan any new techniques. Why does this suddenly change his attitude? And, isn’t he already in? He came out and let himself in.

Yang Feng asked Meng Fan: “Mr. Meng, Brother Ji asked me to ask you if you are interested in becoming a professional mixed martial arts athlete?”

Meng Fan shook his head decisively: “No. “

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