Meng Fan was not worried that Wu Ji would wear his own shoes during the training process, but really didn’t have the interest to learn something. It was just to cope with the trip to Lion City. Let him be some kind of fighting athlete, isn’t it a trouble, he doesn’t have a hobby of being abused or abused, and he doesn’t have such a strong desire to fight.

Yang Feng asked a few more questions and offered very attractive conditions. Of course, this so-called seductive is for people in the fighting circle, and there is no temptation for Meng Fan. force.

Make sure that Meng Fan is really not interested, and combined with Meng Fan’s previous idea of ​​wanting to learn a crash course, Yang Feng guessed that Meng Fan might really just want to learn some skills, so he had to give up and go out with Wu Extremely said.

“If you don’t learn, you won’t learn!”

Wu Ji’s mouth is hard, but it is a pity to be honest in his heart. Meng Fan, this kid is annoying, but it is indeed the same. material.

Thinking about it again, it’s better not to learn, don’t worry that this kid has learned that he can’t hold him down.

Lao Hei is depressed here, even more depressed than Wu Ji.

Master Meng, you don’t want to be a fighting athlete. What’s wrong with throwing me so hard?

Practicing so diligently, are you purely for me to take pictures for fun?

No, after one morning, Meng Fan basically didn’t rest much. The hard work seems to be like running for a professional athlete.

After eating a meal at noon, it is the same. I practiced all the way to more than five in the afternoon without taking a break.

Old Hei, what a tough guy, even if Meng Fan gave him time to rest in the middle, he still couldn’t stand it. He could only call three coaches who were quite capable to replace him. Three “half hours” by myself.

After this day, I practiced for almost seven hours before and after. During this period, except for the first game played by Wu Ji and the next three replacement coaches, the efficiency was a little lower. They are all very high. One hour can have more than one hundred points of “capture” experience, and at a little more than five o’clock, the achievement title of [Thousand-Hand Capture] is brushed out.

For the next twenty minutes, Meng Fan was completely adapting the old black to this new 10-point capture technique.

The content of these 10 newly added wrestling techniques is still very comprehensive, covering almost all the grappling techniques. All that Meng Fan has learned and not learned are in it. At present, Meng Fan can be regarded as familiar with the part he has learned and the part extended from it, which is to transform it into his own ability.

There are still a lot of things left. Meng Fan has almost gained theoretical knowledge, but he still hasn’t practiced it, that is, he hasn’t really transformed into his own ability.

It’s easy to transform, that is, to practice with the old black according to theoretical knowledge, but if there is not enough time today, Meng Fan will forget it.

As for the newly added hand speed at 3, the conversion is very simple. It can even be said that there is no conversion, just a little familiarity.

[Thousands of Hands Captured] The title of this task has been swiped, much faster than Meng Fan imagined. This is really thanks to the tough old black, otherwise, if you change to someone else, you have to One day or two more.

[Wrestling Bar Bully] This achievement mission, Meng Fan has no experience today. It is really difficult to subdue people with only wrestling skills without other wrestling skills.

If you haven’t met Wu Ji here, Meng Fan will definitely come to Yang Feng or Lao Hei tomorrow to learn the skills of wrestling to subdue people. Now, I am a little hesitant.

Don’t look at Meng Fan’s shameless continuously called Wu Ji Qige. In fact, I was panicked. This is a bit difficult for the future of my uncle.

Furthermore, Meng Fan has a hunch that this Wu Ji is very likely to be Wu Tong’s big brother. If he were his cousin, his eyebrows would not look like this!

He raised his uncle in front of his future wife, whom he had identified. This scene, Meng Fan was shocked even thinking about it.

I don’t know how to explain to Wu Tong when I go back this evening!


“Meng Fan, first of all, I will apologize to you for my brother.”

After meeting at the waterfront restaurant, I just sat down, Meng Fan still doesn’t know how to tell Wu Tong. Wu Tong has already spoken, with a wry smile, and said, “My brother is very direct and reckless. He doesn’t think that many. However, he also said, The main reason is that you happened to meet in the Martial Dao Pavilion and treated you in a way of training, not at all. I really want to…”

Wu Tong was helpless: “He really missed it too much. Protect me. With him, I am a little girl who knows nothing. Anyway, I still have to apologize to you for my brother.”

Meng Fan hearing this, waved his hands again and again “Actually, Brother Seven has already… apologized to me. Speaking of which is also my fault. I just heard that Brother Seven said that I was involved in a scandal. If this is replaced by my sister or my sister’s boyfriend I will definitely not do the scandal with others. I can understand the feelings of Brother Seven.”

Wu Tong squinted at Meng Fan: “Bah, who is your girlfriend.”

This sudden anger made Meng Fan silly.

“Here, scarf.”

Wu Tong took out a bag and lost the opposite Meng Fan.

She lost very lightly, Meng Fan can catch it 100%, but if she is stupid, hehe, smashed her face.

Wu Tong glanced at Meng Fan again: “Stupid not stupid!”


Meng Fan smirked and opened the bag. I took out the scarf inside. The scarf was thick and beautiful. It was embroidered on it. Looking closely, there was a row of white birds flying above a tree.

A line of egrets rise to the sky!

Meng Fan looked at the pattern, once again foolishly, then surrounded him, warmer, and his face became even more foolish.

The waiter who came to serve the dishes was shocked. Meng Fan often came to this restaurant to eat. The waiter naturally knew this Iron Pagoda man and thought, what happened to the Iron Pagoda today? It’s not very cold. The air conditioner is also turned on in the restaurant.

Wu Tong glared at Meng Fan: “Take it off quickly, it’s not hot!”

Meng Fan is like a fool: “It’s not hot, it’s warm, very intimate .”

Wu Tong was speechless: “You think you have a cold from Sanjiu.”

Meng Fan didn’t know whether his brain was broken or the brakes were broken. He grinned: ” No, it’s twice as many as three nines.”

Wu Tong was taken aback, and then threw the tissue box on the table.

Meng Fan was scared after a while. He is really getting fatter and fatter. He can’t do this anymore. Otherwise, he might have to practice traditional craftsmanship with a tissue box for a lifetime.

After a meal, Meng Fan called the waiter to pay the bill, and then the two got up and went out of the waterfront restaurant. By this time, it was already dark and the night breeze started to rise. It was already cold. , But a little cold.

Wu Tong asked: “Walk?”

Of course Meng Fan nodded and hung the scarf around Wu Tong’s neck. Wu Tong smiled and stood still, Meng Fan held his hand. Stagnation, and happily tied for Wu Tong, but the effect of the tie is a bit ugly.

Wu Tong didn’t care, turned around, and walked under the street lamp like an elf, stepping on beautiful shadows.

Meng Fan stood there like a fool for three seconds before catching up, walking side by side, from the restaurant to the school gate to the playground.

The hand close to Wu Tong is like a youth with nowhere to put it. I wanted to grab it countless times, but gave up countless times, pretending to be natural, tossed it and rubbed the back of Wu Tong’s hand, one or two times three or four times…Meng Fan kept counting silently in his heart, raising his head as if counting the stars, hoping that the sky has no end, and the road has no end.

Suddenly, my hands feel cold.

I looked down and saw a hand grabbing my hand.

No, the Milky Way should have fallen into his own hands!

Wu Tong didn’t turn his head. He kept looking forward and said: “Hands are a bit cold.”

Meng Fan’s walking posture has changed, and his tongue is even more stiff. It’s easy to say: “Me too.”

Wu Tong waited for a long time and waited until this sentence, looking towards Meng Fan’s eyes in front could not help but slanted, and then grabbed the back of Meng Fan’s hand and turned it around. Sneaked into Meng Fan’s palm.

This slip also slipped into Meng Fan’s heart. It has been slipping and slipping…

Wu Tong suddenly turned his head and looked at Meng Fan and smiled: “Grab it, Don’t lose it.”

Meng Fan nodded like garlic: “Hmm!”


Wu Tong turned his head back, looked towards the front, there is darkness and light ahead, more tomorrow.

Meng Fan yelled with excitement, and solemnly promised: “I put your hand in my pocket, I won’t lose it, and it’s warm. I don’t want to lose you! Because, I My heart has become you. If you lose it, I will die!”


Wu Tong nodded.

Meng Fan took Wu Tong’s hand and stuffed it into his trouser pocket together, then quickly pulled it out and put it in his clothes pocket.

Wu Tong’s face flushed instantly.

Meng Fan pretended that nothing happened.

Just walking around like this, no one said anything, the world seemed to be quiet, the eyes and comments of people passing by were isolated from the world, this World only left He and her, his breath, heartbeat and her breath, heartbeat.

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